Saturday, December 28, 2019
Lesson 8 - Mind Over Matter - 1117 Words
Lesson 8 – Mind Over Matter If Rappaccini’s garden can be seen as the Garden of Eden, in what role does that place Rappaccini? This brilliant scientist biologically succeeded in creating a beautiful and virtuous daughter, and he succeeded through his experiments in making her deadly to get close to. If one views Rappaccini as a God, creating his own Eden with his own impure purposes, what does this mean? It is clear that Rappaccini is the least innocent of all of the characters in this short story. Was he trying to destroy social and scientific convention, or was he merely trying to see how far he could push himself and the envelope of acceptable scientific practice? â€Å"Rappaccini’s Daughter†is a great story that shows many great uses†¦show more content†¦The uses colorful descriptions are also to describe Beatrice, drawing a parallel between her and the garden. A marble fountain is located in the garden, and given its description, the fountain is a symbol of physical corruption and purity of the soul, very much like Beatrice. The constant mention of Dante at the beginning, the viewpoint of Giovanni from his balcony looking down as into a pit, the poisonous vapors presumably rising from all of it, all suggests the ledge overlooking the deepest Hell where Dante and Vergil discussed the different degrees of sin, beginning with lust and ending with malice and betrayal. At the bottom of this pit, at its center, is not Lucifer, or even Rappaccini, but a fountain. There is no indication that the water flowing from the fountain is polluted. Beatrice’s innocent spirit is very similar to the fountain: many passionate and holy things gush out of her heart, when the pure fountain has been opened from its depths and made seen in its transparency to the mental eye; remembrance that, had Giovanni known how to estimate them, it would have assured that all of the ugly mystery was only an earthly allusion. In Roman mythology, the god of seasons and of ripening plants and fruits wooed and won Pomona, a nymph. Before meeting Vertumnus, she had confined herself to her garden to tend the plants and fruits. The statue of Vertumnus can be perceived as a symbol of
Friday, December 20, 2019
Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn - 1216 Words
William Doolan Mrs. Shaw English 2 Honors/Pd. 8 5 June 2015 Is Mark Twain Racist? Alveda King once stated, â€Å"Racism springs from the lie that certain human beings are less than fully human.†Mark Twain supports this belief when he composed his novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the aftermath of the American Civil War, the institution of slavery and American Southern culture was not well understood internationally. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn conveys Southern culture and the social attitudes toward slavery through the plot of a young white runaway boy named Huckleberry Finn helping a runaway slave named Jim escape to free territory by traveling down the Mississippi River on a raft. Ever since the novel’s publication, debate amongst critics has ensued over whether Mark Twain displays his own racist tendencies in his literary work. Twain’s use of his Huckleberry Finn and Jim in the plot along with use of social satire prove that he is not racist. Twain fashions Jim as an admirable character who readers can relate to, which is a clear indication that Twain did not conform to racist standards of his time. Throughout the novel, Jim displays high moral character and gratitude toward Huckleberry through speech and actions. He sees Huck as â€Å"de on’y white gentleman dat ever kep’ his promise†(Twain 74) to him. He credits Huck for providing him with freedom. Also, Jim gives such a heartfelt, emotional speech to Huck about how he regrets hitting hisShow MoreRelatedMark Twain s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1755 Words  | 8 PagesMark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece and an American classic according to Alex Brink Effgen, a PhD student working on the impact of Twain’s writing (Effgen). Twain expresses the problems that faced America during the 1830s to 1870s through the point of a view of a boy that indirectly expresses his hate for the accepted societal rules that a re placed on ideas such as racism. Twain’s use of dialect, language and symbolism express the Realism era and creates a powerful masterpieceRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn2015 Words  | 9 Pagesthe latter nineteenth century, the famous author Mark Twain, less commonly known as Samuel Clemens, produced The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. A few years prior to the publishing of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain released possibly his most famous book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, which is very much an adventure novel. In the early chapters of Twain’s sequel, it appears that ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ¬ The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is another adventure novel, and that it is just following a differentRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn 1064 Words  | 5 PagesKirubel Sharpe Mr. La Plante Honors English 11 AA Fifth Hour 8 January 2015 Unit IV Essay Mark Twain argues that â€Å"self-moral code†votes society’s â€Å"moral code†in determining what’s right or wrong. He supports his assertion by juxtaposing Huck Finn s believes to society’s morality and making fun of the idea of speeches. In order to manifest his beliefs to the readers, Twain uses Juvenalian satire and irony to demand society to second guess the moral codes set by society and instead for each personRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn752 Words  | 4 Pagesit. In the 1880s classic American novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain urges individuals to release themselves from the current bonds of society to achieve a greater level of happiness. In order to reach the greater level of happiness unreachable in the current circumstances of society, individuals must learn from and mimic nature’s methods which nature utilizes to better itself. Analysis of Literature Critics generally agree Mark Twain intentionally uses nature, more specificallyRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1322 Words  | 6 Pagesneeds to have the feeling that he is surrounded by characters of reliance and assurance. Huck Finn has a highly different perspective of the world opposed to the people who surround him. Most importantly, Huck struggles heavily on determining the difference between right and wrong because of the people around him that influence him. He makes his decisions based upon past experiences dictated by trust. Mark Twain makes the choice of a social satire because having Huck tell the story allows the reader toRead MoreAnalysis Of Mark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Essay1936 Words  | 8 PagesCHAPTER –III HUMANISM IN MARK TWAINS NOVELS A study of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an adventure in understanding changes in America itself. The book, at the center of American geography and consciousness, asks readers to reexamine definitions of â€Å"civilization†and freedom, right and wrong, social responsibility and inhumanity. Published in 1885, the novel recounts those pre-civil war days when the controversy over slavery, with designated slave and Free states, disfigured the faceRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1654 Words  | 7 Pagesliterature, Mark Twain claims the title. He is a paragon of the ideals that are ascribed to what a(n) (American) writer should be; his humor, his fluid and flexible writing, his ability to portray emotion and passion via ink on dead slices of trees is a mirror image of the- alleged- freedom that America purports. Even in death, his penname is renown- his autobiography a jumbled, yet appealing mess th at was released 100 years after his expiration. Out of the numerous writers in America, Mark Twain is theRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer1226 Words  | 5 PagesMark Twain, American humorist and novelist, captured a world audience with stories of boyhood adventure and with commentary on man s shortcomings that is humorous even while it probes, often bitterly, the roots of human behavior. His writing, Shelley Fisher Fishkin who is one of the leading scholars on the work of Mark Twain in American culture and literature observes, involves an entreaty to rethink, reevaluate and reformulate the terms in which one defines both personal and national identityRead MoreMark Twain s The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1752 Words  | 8 Pagesinto New England which were pro-slavery in the 1850s (Ingraham). In Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn the setting is somewhere around 1840 in the areas surrounding the Missis sippi River, and there were different standards back then regarding race. Twain has his characters fit the mold of how someone back then would talk and how they would act, and racism is a part of that. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses realistic elements such as regionalist dialect and the characters’Read MoreMark Twain s Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn1562 Words  | 7 PagesMark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Introduction Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835- April 21, 1910), commonly known as Mark Twain was an American writer whose works act as social commentary on issues including racism, poverty and class distinctions. His most distinguished novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) convey the vanquished way of life in the pre-Civil War Mississippi Valley and life on the river. His unpretentious, colloquial
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Harrods free essay sample
Harrods department store Is one of Londons main tourist attractions? when you look at the size of this wonderfully decorated building, both inside and out, that isnt surprising It actually covers five acres of ground and has seven floors comprising 1 ft2. The Harrods building we see today was built between 1901 and 1905 and was commissioned by the owner, Richard Burbridge. In the former building, Burbridge had the very first moving staircase In London installed in 1898? And what about all those light bulbs that light up Harrods In the dark; how many are there? The answer Is more than 12,000. Harrods, the history]ToddYs magnificent department store Is d far cry from the first shop opened In Stepney, East London by Charles Henry Harrod It was a grocery shop and tea merchants Harrods moved to Brompton Road, Knightsbridge in 1849_Ã'ŸAtter the great exhibition, at Crystal Palace, in 1851 Knightsbridge became very busy and Harrods Stores did a roaring trade. We will write a custom essay sample on Harrods or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Charless on took over and expanded the store, which soon became known for the excellent service received by customers and its quality products. 0Richard Burbridge took over Harrods in 1894 and he had the expanding store rebuilt twice in 1894 and from 1901 to 1905. Odd Harrods fun factsÃ'ËœA silver replica of Harrods is on display on the stores lower ground floor. This was d gift from Gordon Selfridge when he lost d bet with the Harrods managing director, of which store, Harrods or Selfridges, would make more profit In number of animals are associated with Harrods. A cobra as used to guard a pair ot sandals with a price at E62,OOO due to their diamonds and sapphires. Noel Coward, writer and playmright bought an alligator in Harrods Pet Shop one Christmas. A baby elephant was also sold by Harrods as a present to Ronald Reagan. CThe motto of Harrods is Omnia Omnibus Ubique which means All Things for All People, Everywhere. Visitors to Harrods, (and there can be 100,000 per day), certainly have d marvellous experience, whether they are visiting d designer clothes department, or the famous Harrods Food Hall and Christmas departmentÃ'›.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Example For Students
Arthur Conan Doyle Essay Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is an extremely famous writer and IS the first great detective writer; he has become most famous from the Sherlock Holmes Master Detective Stories, these Sherlock Holmes stories were written at the end of the eighteen hundreds and were very popular. Each story consisted of Sherlock getting approached by a person needing his help to solve a crime; Sherlock would solve crimes by analysis the crime scene and also collecting clues and piecing events together from other important locations. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has also written books like the Hound of the Baskervilles. Plot Summary: The Speckled Band Sherlock was approached by a lady called Helen Stoner at his office in Baker Street and she explains her situation: she explains to Sherlock about her sisters suspicious death two weeks before she was to get married and how her sisters last word were speckled band, and also that her mum; who has passed away, left money with her step dad Dr Grimesly Roylett which was to be given to them when they get married. She also explains that now she is in the same situation; she explains how she has been moved into her sisters room after her step dad has made a hole in her wall for no reason, and further more she is getting married soon. To gather a bigger picture Sherlock goes to the decaying mansion and searches Helen, Julia and Royletts rooms, Sherlock gathers clues and comes to the conclusion but will not share with Helen. Sherlock sets up a plan for that night and asks Helen to signal when her step dad is in bed and asleep and to leave the window to her sisters room open so he is able to climb in. Holmes and Watson sit in the room and soon Roylett is awake and is sending a snake through the vent and down the dummy bell rope by Helens bed, but Sherlock strikes a match and hits the snake which retreats back through the vent and bites Roylett. Sherlock rushed into Royletts room and finds him dead with a speckled band around his head. In this essay I will be writing about how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle builds up suspense in the story The Speckled Band. The dictionary explains suspense as a state or feeling of anxious uncertainty while awaiting news or event. In a story there are five different elements which can be used to build up suspense; these elements are: The Creation Of An Environment Of Danger, this is where the writer place characters from his story in dangerous situations, for example the character maybe placed in a dark creepy mansion with only the flashes of lightning from the storm to find there way around.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
The True Sign of Maturity Essay Example For Students
The True Sign of Maturity Essay The True Sign of Maturity Essay To live with fear and not be afraid is the greatest sign of maturity. If this is true, then Mark Twains Huck Finn is the greatest example of maturity. Huck is the narrator of Twains book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the book Huck, a young boy from the American South, travels down the Mississippi River with a runaway slave. The two encounter many adventures and meet many different people. We will write a custom essay on The True Sign of Maturity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Along the way, not only does Huck mature, but he also becomes a kind and loyal person, sometimes going against the values of society. This is shown through his many experiences with the Duke and the King, the Peter Wilks scam, and Jim. Huck displays his kindness when he picks up two strangers and lets them travel with him and Jim. Here comes a couple of men tearing up the path They begged me to save their lives and wanted to jump right inI says: Wade down to me and get in. (19). These two men are complete strangers, and Huck knows that they are being chased, so they are obviously troublemakers. Yet he takes them in, and welcomes them aboard, showing great compassion. Later, the two men lie to Huck and Jim. Huck does not say a thing, though he realizes they are lying. But I never said nothing, never let on; kept it to myself; its the best way; then you dont have no quarrels, and dont get into no troubleI hadnt no objections, long as it would keep peace in the family. (19). It is now clear to Huck that these men are not going to be a blessing to him and Jim. Still, he never says a thing, and just wants to have a friendly atmosphere between all of them. He goes as far as to refer to them as family. Huck even treats liars with kindness and concern. More of Hucks kindness is shown during the Peter Wilks scam. He feels bad for the three daughters, because the Duke and the King are trying to take their late father, Peters, money. While talking to the eldest daughter, Mary Jane, Huck establishes himself as a kind and compassionate person in general. Miss Mary Jane, you cant a-bear to see people in trouble, and I cantmost always. (28). This shows that, no matter who the person, Huck can not stand to see anyone go through pain. Later, in the same situation, Huck becomes close to these girls and can not bear to see the two frauds take advantage of the girls any longer. Huck resolves to expose the two. He says to Mary Jane, I got to tell you the truth, Miss Mary. ..These uncles of yourn aint no uncles at all; theyre a couple of frauds.(28). Although Huck has not known the Wilks girls long, he still has a kind heart toward them. In terms of society, Huck should keet allegiance to the two frauds, because he has known them for a while and they are treating him well. However, Huck is able to foresee the pain that this will cause the girls later. Such kindness is rare in a human. Finally, Huck displays not only kindness, but great loyalty, towards his best friend, a runaway slave named Jim. This man is not even seen as a person in Hucks society. After staging his death and running away to Jacksons Island, Huck runs into Miss Watsons nigger, Jim. Soon after, Huck inquires about how Jim came to be on the island. Jim replies cautiously, and Huck promises not to tell anyone about it. So Jim tells him. 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(8). In this society, the greatest sin is to be an abolitionist. Huck is well aware of this. Nonetheless, he remains loyal to Jim throughout the novel. At one point of the story, after Jim has been sold by the Duke and King, Huck needs to decide whether to go after Jim or not. During a great moral debate, Huck writes a letter to Miss Watson, telling Jims whereabouts. Soon after writing it, he feels bad about his decision. He thinks hard, then makes a decision. I studied .
Sunday, November 24, 2019
261 Cather and The Sculptors Funeral Professor Ramos Blog
261 Cather and The Sculptors Funeral Intro to Unit 2: 1914 – 1945 Quick Write Answer the questions on a piece of paper or email them to me. Five minutes. What did you do well in your essay? What were the weaknesses? What grade do you think your essay deserves? Intro to Unit 2: 1914 – 1945 In small groups, go through your section and figure out the important aspects we need to understand. Write down three or four takeaways or important points we need to know. The Two Wars as Historical Markers Changing Times Science and Technology The 1930s American Versions of Modernism Modernism Abroad and On Native Grounds Modern Literature on Stage and Screen Willa Cather (1873 1947) Willa Cather Long Biography Cather had a long writing career, over which she became nationally acclaimed and internationally respected. She is most remembered for My ntonia, A Lost Lady (1923) and Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927). Cather received the Pulitzer Prize in 1923 for One of Ours. The Sculptors Funeral (1905) Characters Themes Artist and Society Jewell, Andrew. The Willa Cather Archive. U of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2004-2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2012.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Genders at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Genders at work - Essay Example t like the article of tools for resolving conflicts, Ury, offers simple and elegant ways of creating agreement in difficult situations from the conflicts of the family to worldwide wars (Goodwin & Griffith, 2007). The story of Ury guides us on how to resolve conflicts and wars. According to the article, sharing stories is regarded as an effective instrument for social justice and peace. This relates to a William piece of work where he negotiated peace in worldwide conflicts and choosing various stories that will make a difference globally. The article focusses on the negotiation psychology as a principled negotiation that is important in finding acceptable solutions by finding the needs that are fixed and flexible to negotiators. Just like in the Ury’s speech the tools effectively for conflict resolution include separating people from problems, focusing on interest not positions, working together in creating opinions that will satisfy the two parties, and negotiating successfully with those who are more powerful, refusing to play by the rules or resorting to dirty tricks (Goodwin & Griffith,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
John Lewis new product 4p's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
John Lewis new product 4p's - Essay Example John Lewis has come up with one of the interesting range of products in the children department and one of their latest hits seems to be that of Childtablet (Barker and Angelopulo, 2005). In this paper, let us see the marketing strategy that can be used in order to promote the product Childtablet in the market. Any marketing strategy has Four Ps as their crux based on which all of the marketing activities are carried out. According to Baker and Hart (2007), Product strategy is the ground for a product’s competitiveness and also the maintenance of its position in the market. John Lewis is one of the most established names not only in the UK market but has a good standing all over the world. Products from John Lewis have a competitive advantage over the other educational electronic tablets that are out there in the market. All of John Lewis kid products have done good business so far and people give importance to brand factor very much. When it comes to pricing, it is better to provide some discount offers or promotional offers in the beginning so that people will get used to the product. Once the quality of the product gets established then pricing will not be an issue. In order to gain a winning edge over the competitors, it become absolutely necessary to monitor the competitor price and provide a slightly lesser price than that. Demand and supply forms are the basic when it comes to pricing (Onkvisit S and Shaw J J 2008). As per Smith (2003), Place constitutes the most important aspect when it comes to marketing. John Lewis is a world renowned store that has more number of visitors each day thus it becomes easier to sell the Child Tablet through the outlets. Also, John Lewis has a wide spread branch of department store all over Britain and also some parts of the world. Thus the product can be market both indigenously as well as in the international market. Distributing the child tablets to places that has a good record
Monday, November 18, 2019
Management Accounting IP Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Management Accounting IP Week 3 - Essay Example The ski selected is a mass-market ski with a special binding. It will be sold to wholesalers for $80 per pair. Because of availability capacity, no additional fixed charges will be incurred to produce the skis. A $100,000 fixed charge will be absorbed by the skis, however, to allocate a fair share of the company’s present fixed costs to the new product. Ski Pro has approached a subcontractor to discuss the possibility of purchasing the bindings. The purchase price of the bindings from the subcontractor would be $5.25 per binding, or $10.50 per pair. If the Ski Pro Corporation accepts the purchase proposal, it is predicted that direct-labor and variable-overhead costs would be reduced by 10% and direct-material costs would be reduced by 20%. The above calculations show that when Minnetonka Corporation is making the bindings the contribution margin was $10 and when it is from the subcontractor, the contribution margin was $9.5. Thus contribution margin when buying is getting reduced by $0.5 Therefore it is suggested that Minnetonka Corporation should make bindings as contribution margin is higher, rather than buy it from sub-contractor. There is not profit or loss when Minnetonka is making the bindings however if it buys it is incurring a loss of $5000. Hence Minnetonka should make the bindings. The maximum purchase price that should be acceptable to Minnetonka Corporation would be where the contribution margin from buying is at least equal to the contribution margin from making the bindings so that whatever profit or loss incurred when bought is equal when making the bindings. From the calculations in the spreadsheet it was found that if contribution has to be same with both making and buying, that is $10 then Minnetonka Corporation should buy the bindings from the subcontractor at maximum purchase of $10 /pr or $5 per binding. 3. Instead of sales of 10,000 pair of skis, revised estimates show sales volume at 12,500 pair. At this new volume, additional
Friday, November 15, 2019
Hepatitis B infection: An overview
Hepatitis B infection: An overview HEPATITIS B What is hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. Chronic hepatitis B is a long-term infection of the liver that can sometimes develop after a bout of acute or short term, hepatitis B. How does a person get hepatitis B? The virus that causes hepatitis B is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids of people who have hepatitis B. For example, you can get hepatitis B by having unprotected sex with an infected person. People who use intravenous drugs can get hepatitis B when they share needles with someone who has the virus. Health care workers, such as nurses, lab technicians and doctors, can get these infections if they are accidentally stuck with a needle that was used on an infected patient. Pregnant women who are infected with hepatitis B can also pass the virus on to their babies. Hepatitis B cannot be transmitted through casual contact. For example, you cannot get hepatitis B by hugging or shaking hands with someone who is infected. How long does it take chronic hepatitis to develop after acute hepatitis B? The time between the acute illness and signs of chronic hepatitis B varies. It may take a short time, or it may be years after the acute infection before chronic hepatitis B develops. How is hepatitis B diagnosed? Blood tests are used to diagnose hepatitis B. Blood tests can tell your doctor whether your liver is working properly, and they can also be used to follow your condition during treatment. Your doctor may want to look at your liver with an ultrasound exam or x-rays. A liver biopsy may also be needed. With a liver biopsy, a small piece of the liver is removed through a needle and looked at under a microscope. A liver biopsy can help your doctor diagnose your illness and see the condition of your liver directly. What are the symptoms of hepatitis B? The symptoms of hepatitis B are: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, jaundice (the skin turns yellow), weakness, fatigue, or brown urine (may look like tea), Symptoms of hepatitis B can range from mild to severe. If you have a mild case of hepatitis, you may not even realize that you have it. It may not cause symptoms or may only cause symptoms similar to the stomach flu. What are the complications of chronic hepatitis B? People with chronic hepatitis B may not have any symptoms at all. In some people, chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis occurs when the liver cells die and are replaced by scar tissue and fat. The damaged areas of the liver stop working and cant cleanse the body of wastes. The early stages of cirrhosis may not have symptoms, but the following symptoms may arise as cirrhosis gets worse and more of the liver is damaged: weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite, Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure and even liver cancer. If you have hepatitis B, you are also susceptible to hepatitis D (also called Delta agent). Hepatitis D can only develop in people who already have hepatitis B. It can make your symptoms of hepatitis B or liver disease worse. It is spread through contact with infected blood or other body fluids of people who have hepatitis D. How is chronic hepatitis B treated? If you have chronic hepatitis B, your family physician will probably refer you to a gastroenterologist or other subspecialist that treats people with chronic liver problems. There are a number of medical treatments available that are often successful. These include Interferon alfa-2b and other antiviral medicines. Treatment may take a year or more, depending on the severity of the infection and the response to treatment. Can hepatitis B be prevented? The best way to prevent hepatitis B is to have protected sex (use a condom) and to avoid sharing needles. A vaccine is available to prevent hepatitis B. It is now routinely given in the first year of life to all newborn infants. It is safe and requires 3 shots over a 6-month period. This vaccine should be given to people who are at high risk for this illness, such as health care workers, all children, drug users, people who get tattoos or body piercing, and those with multiple sex partners. (Hepatitis B, 2007a) (Hepatitis B, 2007b) (Viral hepatitis B, 2007) References Hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from eMedicine Health website: Hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from World Health Organization website: Viral hepatitis B. (2007). Retrieved December 30, 2007, from CDC website:
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Discrimination :: Essays Papers
Discrimination Janet Smith awoke early morning to prepare for her job interview at Britax Vision Systems. She started the coffeepot in the kitchen and returned to her bedroom to sort through her wardrobe. After careful consideration, she decided on a navy blue pantsuit with white trim and matching dress shoes. After Janet had taken her shower, she dressed and went back to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Deciding on an English muffin, she sat down at the table to enjoy it along with her coffee. Janet finished her breakfast, brushed her teeth, and continued readying herself for the meeting. Once her morning ritual was complete, Janet got into her blue Escort and drove to Britax with the sound of Jimmy Buffet in her ears. Upon arrival, Janet parked her car in the guest parking lot and turned off the ignition. Giving herself another look over in the mirror, along with a few words of encouragement, she headed towards the main building. After she had entered through the double glass doors, she approached a nearby desk. Behind the desk sat a young, light-brown haired woman. The nameplate on her desk read Ashley. Ashley was an attractive girl with bright green eyes with blue speckles at the edges. She wore a cranberry vest along with a matching skirt that, to Janet, seemed much to short for an office job. After a few seconds of waiting, Ashley looked up at Janet questioningly. â€Å"Hi, I’m here for my interview. My name is Janet Smith and I have an eleven o’clock appointment†, she said confidently. The young girl opened a small leather book at the right edge of her desk and began scanning the pages. A moment later she returned her attention to Janet and instructed her to be seated across from the door to her left. There were five seats lined against the wall, each with black backing and gray upholstery. A man with dark hair and eyes sat farthest to the left. He wore gold-rimmed glasses that had slipped down his nose in the course of his reading. A Time magazine lay open on his lap. He scanned the pages slowly, although Janet suspected that he wasn’t really reading at all, but rather trying to pass time. Janet chose the middle seat and placed her purse on the chair beside her. She began thinking about her family. Her husband Mark had just had his 34th birthday, making him two years older than she.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Gantt chart Essay
The phenomena of calendar effects in stock markets seem to be a center of curiosity for many researchers across the world. Following many studies about the significance of calendar anomalies, testing the presence of Monday effect and January effect appears to be an area of interest. The aim of this study is to discuss about calendar anomalies and its significance. It should be noted that the study will focus mainly on Monday effect and January effect on the stock returns of companies listed on SEM-7. The research proposal will consist mainly of the literature review part and the methodology part. 2.LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1DEFINITON OF BASIC CONCEPTS Calendar anomalies are effects which include apparently different behavior of stock markets on different days of the week, month and year. Calendar effect may also be defined as a collection of theories that state that certain days or month are subject to above price changes in stock market and can therefore represent good or bad times to invest. Brooks and Persand (2001) defined calendar effects as the tendency of stock returns â€Å"to display systematic patterns at certain times of the day, week, month or year †. As mentioned above, the study will discuss mainly on Monday effect and January effect. The day of the week effect also called Monday effect indicates that the average daily return of the market is not the same for all days of the week as we would expect on basis of Efficient Market theory. Monday effect is a theory which states that return of the last trading day is the highest and return on the first trading day is the lowest across the days of the week. January effect is a phenomenon whereby stocks claim higher rates of returns during January compared to any other month. Smaller stocks tend to beat bigger stocks during this period. The January effect also known as â€Å"year-end effect†indicates rise in price during the period starting on the last day of December and ending on the fifth trading day of January . The Stock Exchange of Mauritius was incorporated in Mauritius on March 30, 1989 as a private limited company responsible for the operation and promotion of an efficient and regulated securities market in Mauritius. The SEM operates two markets namely the official market and the Development & Enterprise Market (DEM). The study will focus only on the official market. On 31 March 1998, the Stock Exchange of Mauritius launched the index SEM-7, comprising companies listed on its official market. The SEM-7 comprises the seven largest qualified companies of the official market measured in terms of market capitalization, liquidity and investibility criteria. Therefore, the study will be based on the 7 companies in the SEM-7. 2.2Theoretical Explanation on Calendar effects EFFICIENT MARKET THEORY The growing number of studies proving the significance of calendar anomalies has led to doubts on â€Å"Efficient Market Hypothesis†. According to Fama (1970), â€Å"a capital market is efficient if all the information set is fully reflected in securities prices†. Efficient market hypothesis is one of the theories which states that, in whichever form, all the information is completely integrated in the share prices and therefore no one can beat the market. There are three form of market efficiency; weak form, semi-strong form and strong form based on set of information. The weak form efficiency states that no one can outperform the market based on past information while in the semi-strong form, despite using public information, the market cannot be beaten. The strong form efficiency states that no one can beat the market despite using past, public and private information. As a result, according to the efficient market theory, the calendar anomalies have no effect on the share prices and that no one can use this anomaly to gain abnormal returns. MONDAY EFFECT As already mentioned above, Monday effect, also known as weekend effect, is a theory according to which returns on Monday is less than the other trading days. Two hypotheses that have been formulated to explain Monday effect are Calendar Time Hypothesis and Trading Time Hypothesis. According to the Calendar Time Hypothesis, Monday’s average return will be different from the other days’ average returns. A reason for this difference is that Monday’s average return will be three times higher than the average returns of the other working days. According to Trading Time Hypothesis, the returns on stock are generated during a transaction. This indicates that average returns will be the same for all weekdays including Monday. JANUARY EFFECT January effect occurs when there is a general rise in stock prices during the month of January. January effect is also known as small firm in January effect because it is most frequently observed in small cap stocks . The nature of this anomaly suggests that the market is not efficient as market efficiency would suggest that this effect would disappear. The theories which explain January effect are: †¢Tax-Loss Selling Hypothesis This hypothesis was first suggested by Branch (1997) . In order to reduce tax liabilities, investors sell their loser stocks in December and create capital losses which they offset with the capital gain. Due to excessive selling of shares in December, stock prices are decreased and then investors purchase it again in early January which forces stock prices to rise. However, it is noteworthy of the fact that since in Mauritius, capital gains is not liable for tax purposes, this hypothesis cannot be used to explain January effect. †¢Window-dressing Hypothesis Some portfolio managers also do window dressing to their portfolio by creating January effect. Since they have to report their portfolio holding as at 31 December, they just sell riskier stocks before 31 December in order to make their portfolio look less risky on Annual Report. Later on, they just purchase the risky securities again in a view to earn high profits. †¢Information Release Hypothesis According to this hypothesis, also known as differential information effect, the excess January returns are the effect of significant information releases that occur in the first few days of January. This hypothesis relies on how discrepancy in the quantity of information available for different companies may result in different returns. According to Rozeff and Kinney (1976), distribution of year-end information may have a greater effect on the prices of small firms’ securities relative to large firms because the market for small firm stock is less efficient . 2.3Empirical evidences on Calendar effects In order to investigate on the existence of calendar anomalies, there have been several studies conducted obtaining different results. In a recent paper by Haug and Hirshcey (2005) on January effect, evidence is found that the anomaly is significant for small cap stocks and continues to be consistent over time . Moreover, Fountas and Segredakis (2002) investigate about the significance of the monthly seasonality in the Amman Stock Exchange and find very significant January effects in this market.
Friday, November 8, 2019
John Paul Jones and the New American Navy essays
John Paul Jones and the New American Navy essays John Paul Jones became a hero to America during the Revolutionary War. Considered the Father of the American Navy, he was the war's first naval commander, leading a navy that at the time, barely existed. He became a strategic captain and had a reputation as a hot-tempered leader. John Paul Jones, originally named John Paul, was born on July 6th, 1747 on the estate of Arbigland, which is located in the southwest region of Scotland. He attended school in the nearby small village, Kirkbean. He was drawn to the sea at a young age, spending much time at Casethorn, a port on the Solway Firth. This was where he first boarded a vessel at age thirteen. The vessel brought him to Whitehaven where he began a seven year seaman's apprenticeship. The Friendship brought him on his first voyage to Barbados, as well as Fredericksburg, Virginia, where he learned Upon his return to Whitehaven he was released from his apprenticeship early due to the financial issues of his leader. He then became third mate on the ship King George, which was part of the slave trade. He didn't last long in this industry because he strongly disagreed with the poor treatment of the slave. After quitting the slave trade, he returned home on the John of Kirkcubright. He was forced to take command after the ship's captain and first mate became ill with fevers that eventually took their lives. The owners then appointed him master for the next trip to America. It was on this ship that John Paul had been accused of whipping the ships carpenter, which reportedly led to his death. Once John returned to Kirkcubright he was arrested for murder, then later acquitted. John Paul began working in the commercial business in the West Indies for awhile until he killed a man for leading a mutiny against him. He was forced to flee to Virginia, where he changed his name to John Jones, which led to ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Comedy Of Errors
This Shakespearean play is all about separation of family and then being reunited. Egeon and Emilia are the parents of twin boys named Antipholus. Egeon and Emilia purchase two more twin boys named Dromio from a poor woman. Dromios will become the servants to Antipholus’. The family is separated at sea. Emilia end up in Ephesus with Antipholus and Dromio. Egeon ends up in Syracuse with the other Antipholus and Dromio. A fisherman takes the boys away from Emilia so she becomes a nun in the town of Ephesus. Antipholus and Dromio never know who their real mother really is. After eighteen years of separation and growing up Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse go to Ephesus to look from their long lost brothers. After seven years and not returning their father Egeon also goes to Syracuse to look for them. Now everyone is in Ephesus, but they all do not know of this. Ephesus and Syracuse are enemies. Egeon is arrested and sentenced to death when he arrives in Ephesus because h e is Syarcusean. Duke Solinus finally lets Egeon speak and feels sorry for him so he gives him an option of how to get out of punishment. He must return with one thousand marks. Being twins no one can tell them apart and the twins being unaware of the others presence, causes confusion, drama, and comedy through out the rest of the play. Antipholus of Syracuse sends his servant Dromio to deposit gold. Antipholus of Syracuse thinks he is speaking with his own servant Dromio and not the servant of Antipholus of Ephesus. He asks about the bag of gold. But the servant knows nothing of gold. When the servant Dromio returns home, Adriana (wife to Antipholus of Ephesus) yells at him for returning without her husband. After Dromio of Syracuse returns from depositing the gold, he denies having invited his master Antipholus to supper. Already both men think Ephesus is crazy. Then Adriana appears with her sister Luciana. Adriana scolds Antipholus for not returning to supper... Free Essays on Comedy Of Errors Free Essays on Comedy Of Errors This Shakespearean play is all about separation of family and then being reunited. Egeon and Emilia are the parents of twin boys named Antipholus. Egeon and Emilia purchase two more twin boys named Dromio from a poor woman. Dromios will become the servants to Antipholus’. The family is separated at sea. Emilia end up in Ephesus with Antipholus and Dromio. Egeon ends up in Syracuse with the other Antipholus and Dromio. A fisherman takes the boys away from Emilia so she becomes a nun in the town of Ephesus. Antipholus and Dromio never know who their real mother really is. After eighteen years of separation and growing up Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse go to Ephesus to look from their long lost brothers. After seven years and not returning their father Egeon also goes to Syracuse to look for them. Now everyone is in Ephesus, but they all do not know of this. Ephesus and Syracuse are enemies. Egeon is arrested and sentenced to death when he arrives in Ephesus because h e is Syarcusean. Duke Solinus finally lets Egeon speak and feels sorry for him so he gives him an option of how to get out of punishment. He must return with one thousand marks. Being twins no one can tell them apart and the twins being unaware of the others presence, causes confusion, drama, and comedy through out the rest of the play. Antipholus of Syracuse sends his servant Dromio to deposit gold. Antipholus of Syracuse thinks he is speaking with his own servant Dromio and not the servant of Antipholus of Ephesus. He asks about the bag of gold. But the servant knows nothing of gold. When the servant Dromio returns home, Adriana (wife to Antipholus of Ephesus) yells at him for returning without her husband. After Dromio of Syracuse returns from depositing the gold, he denies having invited his master Antipholus to supper. Already both men think Ephesus is crazy. Then Adriana appears with her sister Luciana. Adriana scolds Antipholus for not returning to supper...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Local Lawsuit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Local Lawsuit - Essay Example Company’s prosperity has significantly been contributed by acquisitions between the company and smaller manufacturing companies in the same field. The company has also embarked on cutting all its operational cost by shifting its production off the United States. For instance, in 2004 the company announced a plan to move 350 jobs from Tennessee to Mexico. In 1998, Black & Decker Corporation was involved in a lawsuit with the Internal Revenue Service regarding allegations by the company to be refunded 57 million dollars from its earlier tax payments. The company had purchased 10,000 shares for 561 million dollars and later sold them at the price of 1 million, making a loss of 560 million dollars. The company therefore wanted a refund equivalent to the loss incurred. In addition, the company argued that the money should be refunded since the tax shelter it had implemented was valid. Tax shelter in this case is lawful technique of minimizing taxable income of a company depending o n local and universal tax laws. On the other hand, the Internal Revenue Service argued that the company strategy of tax shelter was abusive. Black & Decker Corporation had created a Black & Decker Healthcare Management Inc. and then transferred to it 561 million dollars in exchange for stock shares of 10,000. ... Although the company had a contingent liability and tax protection, it was difficult to estimate the exact cost on health insurance. This was because of uncertainty on how many employees would be ill at a go. However, there a number of risk management strategies Black & Decker Corporation management could have implemented to avoid the lawsuit. The first one is that the company can opt to reinsure since by doing so the company would have transferred the risk to other entities. This will enable it to handle risks beyond its capability. The second one is using technological facilities that can work in place of a number of employees. Therefore, the company will not have so many employees to insure as well as reducing its operational cost. Finally, the company should execute a cost reduction program that does not involve tax shelter. This will help the company avoid legal conflicts with the federal taxing body as well as the occurrence of lawsuits. In case a business is involved in transa ctions that has no economical value, but help reduce or avoid tax on returns, such practice is regarded to be unethical. In this case, Black & Decker Corporation main aim is to avoid the risk of paying health claims to its current and retired employees. Instead, the company transferred that risk to Black & Decker Healthcare Management Inc. one of its subsidiaries. Black & Decker Corporation also wanted to evade taxation on 303 million dollars gain it had made by selling some of its businesses by faking a loss (Browning, 2004). This therefore shows that Black & Decker Corporation was motivated by the tax benefits, and the loss was just a strategy to evade taxation. Use of such discriminative strategy where a business puts its
Friday, November 1, 2019
Anderson County School District 3 Election Research Paper
Anderson County School District 3 Election - Research Paper Example Many may wonder what kind of job or task exactly the candidate is up for. Members of the Board are expected to consign themselves to regular turnout at Board meetings, which entails 3 half-day meetings and 1 full-day meeting a year at the school. It is expected that members serve on at least one Board committee, working group or occasional task force during their term of office. Board committees normally meet 3-4 times a year at the school. Members are encouraged to attend other events and activities that are held by the school, including Graduation Day in mid-September. Members may also be required to attend occasionally special activities to be held at schools, such as audit visits by outside agencies. The role is expected to require an average of 12 days annually, in addition to reading and travelling time. This is just but a tip of what the post entails. The school board exists to ensure that the mission of the school is attained. To do this, members of the Board need to keep themselves informed of progress in the school, higher education, and most significantly, the performance of the school. Members of the Board are expected to participate fully in the development of the school’s corporate and operating plans and to ensure proper allocation and use of the school’s resources in meeting the objectives of those plans is assured. Curiosity might be on the rise on what exactly Danny Davis and Ray Graham are contending for, or rather why each found it within their means to vie for an assistant governor’s position. Well, it is nothing other than to assist in the Governing Board of Anderson School District Three. It is rather clear to note what this means as the election winner had a straight seat in the Board Governing Anderson School. This would earn him control, which is noted as one of the key aspects that candidates always go for in a given election (Parker 29) In brief highlight of the candidates for these election posts comes the first candidate Danny Davis. Danny Davis is an IT technician, currently working as a transportation manager and a board member of the same school at present. On the other hand, our second man Ray Graham works in the Anderson County Sheriff’s Investigation Department. By this time, it might be true to conclude that Ray Graham commands larger grounds than his mate, and this might end up playing a vital role in the outcome of the elections. Both Danny and Ray are renowned members of the society and either of them can make a good governing assistant in the school board. This election is undoubtedly of great importance. First and foremost, each candidate has outspokenly laid out his points and what he intends to manifest once elected to the position. Just to point out one of each, Ray Graham intends to introduce t he fair treatment of all kids in the district, in an equal manner, as opposed to fair treatment for a few as it may be said to be as of now. He also promised to ensure equal opportunities for all students in matters and issues concerning them. Ray Graham also promises to move Anderson County School District forward in matters pertaining to resources, teachers and the faculty’s need to educate their children at higher levels, allowing them to further their opportunities for success at completion of their education. Danny Davis, on his part, maintains that with the election outcome in his favor, he
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Literature review on ethical issue between employees and their Essay
Literature review on ethical issue between employees and their manegars - Essay Example The daily interaction, collaboration and interpersonal relationships required from managers and employees create tensions and issues that are considered normally pervading the working environment. Apart from operational concerns, managers and employees are faced with contrasting beliefs, values and preferences that occur because of the diversity in personalities, traits, cultural orientations and demographical factors that form each individual in the organization. These beliefs fall under ethical issues in business, defined as â€Å"â€Å"the principles and standards that guide behavior in the world of business†(Ferrell, Fraedrich & Ferrell, 2009, 6). In this regard, the current study aims to proffer a review of related literature on the subject of ethical issues between managers and employees. The theoretical framework and impetus for the review came as a result of an interview with a legal researcher for the Saudi – Central Bank, who identified problems which are et hical in nature and existed in their organization, currently affecting job satisfaction and productivity of employees. Ethical Issues in Business Organizations Ethical behavior have been identified to manifest actions that are â€Å"morally accepted as "good" and "right" as opposed to "bad" or "wrong" in a particular setting†(Sims, 1992, 506). ... According to Martires and Fule (2004), the culture of an organization influences the ethical climate that pervades. Organizational culture is a set of symbols, myths, ceremonies that reflect the underlying values and beliefs of the organization or its work force. This statement is supported by Hunt (1991) and Schneider and Rentsch (1991) who emphasized that there are factors that influence diversity in ethical climates of organizations, to wit: â€Å"personal self-interest, company profit, operating efficiency, individual friendships, team interests, social responsibility, personal morality, rules and standard procedures, and laws and professional codes†(cited in Sims, 1992, 510). As such, more detailed ethical issues facing human resources in organizations, particularly between managers and employees, are revealed by CiteHR (n.d.) to wit: (1) â€Å"discrimination issues include discrimination on the bases of age (ageism), gender, race, religion, disabilities, weight and att ractiveness; (2) issues surrounding the representation of employees and the democratization of the workplace: union busting, strike breaking; (3) issues affecting the privacy of the employee: workplace surveillance, drug testing; (4) issues affecting the privacy of the employer: whistle-blowing; (5) issues relating to the fairness of the employment contract and the balance of power between employer and employee: slavery, indentured servitude, employment law; and (6) occupational safety and health†(CiteHR, n.d., par. 1). In the case of the legal researcher for the Saudi – Central Bank, the ethical issue that existed between managers and employees was manifested in the way the manager discriminated against underperforming employees which further
Monday, October 28, 2019
Coffee Shop Essay Example for Free
Coffee Shop Essay I. Introduction The proposed study revolves around the creation of The Coffee House, a proposed small scale business that will be situated in the fast changing environment which is constantly changing due to constructions of buildings and other facilities in the Global City in Taguig City. The study will tackle from the history of the business up to the technical and financial aspects of the study, the said study will also develop the keen observation skills of the students in terms of the marketable value of a specific brand of their liking and will also hone their analysis skills in the business side of the proposed study whether technical or financial. II. Business History The Coffee House is a new small scale business that targets the coffee industry with an expected opening date of July of 2011 in 38th Dr. N. University Parkway, Bonifacio North Triangle, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The business is a coffee shop, located near prestigious schools and business districts in the area. The business specializes in coffee, tea, and homemade pastries. There are other shops that only serve coffee in the vicinity, the nearest being over one kilometer away which is stationed at Market Market Mall in the vicinity. The target audience of the business is individuals which are both in the workforce and in the academe, students and professionals alike. Currently, there are no places in the surrounding area that cater to the said target audience. III. Vision and Mission Statement The vision of â€Å"The Coffee House†is to become the leading coffee shop in the area of Bonifacio Global City that is under the governance of Taguig city that also practices the â€Å"green†operation of its store and eventually provides a common area for business meetings, hang-out with friends and even a place for studying while enjoying the products of the business. The mission of â€Å"The Coffee House†is to bring back the appreciation of the masses to the local coffee, to break social norms through the business, to create an environment that can cater to different types of people all in the same time, to contribute to the development of one’s self being, to take part in the solution of environmental problems and to be able to encourage others in doing the same thing and lastly to help deflate the rise of unemployment in the country. Objectives The proposed studies primary goals over the next year are as follows: 1. Secure financing for start-up of at least P1, 380,000 for space and equipment. 2. Renovate our space in Global City. 3. Acquire equipment necessary for business, i. e. coffee pots, cappuccino machines, blenders, etc. 4. Make agreement with coffee distributors, and bakery vendors. 5. Create a cozy, clean environment (i. e. choice of colors, choice of music, decor) 6. Open for another branches and become the foremost coffeehouse in the area. Ownership The Coffee House is a corporation that was formed in the early stages of the study. Each individual are equally involved in the operation and management of the said proposed business. Since the ownership type of the business is a corporation type, in terms of profit, responsibility and liability each individual has equal share, therefore each decision that the business will take before it will be implemented into the business the owners will first assess the proposed implementation before implementing it on a first hand basis and if the decision fails, each one of them will also share the consequences of it. Location and Facilities The Coffee House is located at the 38th Dr. N. University Parkway, Bonifacio North Triangle, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. The proponents currently own the building that the proposed business will occupy. Thus, expenses for the renovation of the area will be taken from the funds of the business. Since building a business from the ground up, the proponents took a risk in renovating the proposed location to save the business for monthly increase in cost if the business will rent a commercial location. In terms of facilities, the proponents will avail the basic facilities to jump start the business and will acquire more equipment when the business has received its return of investment, which in the estimation of the proponents would be on the succeeding months from its launch date. Products and Services Description of Products and Services The Coffee House will offer high quality coffee our primary product at a very reasonable price. We will also sell homemade cookies, brownies, and doughnuts, also reasonably priced. Key Features of the Products and Services All drinks will be made with filtered water and the highest quality ingredients we can get. Frozen drinks will have caramel or chocolate syrup drizzled in the glass and over the drink. Cappuccino and hot coca will have whipped cream toppings as well as the option for candy sprinkles. Cookies will have the option of a chocolate or caramel dip and sprinkles. We will offer designer flavored cream and five kinds of sweetener, i. e. sugar, honey, Equal, and Sweet-n-Low. Cream and sweetener is at no extra charge. Production of Products and Services We will use only filtered water and will brew our coffee in commercial coffeepots that will be thoroughly cleaned between uses. We will bake cookies, brownies and pizza pandesal in our own on-site oven from proven recipes, daily. Future Products and Services Within the next three to five years we expect to branch out into catering and offer homemade pies, whole or by the slice. Comparative Advantages in Production Our low overhead and cheaper pricing will be the key to our success. Industry Overview Market Research There are other businesses that serve only coffee in the area. Size of the Industry Nationally, the coffee shop industry is quite large, but in Global City, there are only three. The nearest one is in Market Market which is less than one (1) kilometer away. Industry Outlook The coffee business does not show signs of slowing down. With new innovations such as flavorings and additives, it should continue for some time. Marketing Strategy. Target Markets Our target market is artists and writers who need a nice quite cozy place to think and do their work. Description of Key Competitors Of the three coffee shops in the area, one is a large chain with a very expensive product, one is really a home style restaurant, the last one, and our biggest is a Famous Coffee Shop with an Elegant Style Setting. Analysis of Competitive Position Our pricing strategy, comfortable atmosphere and offering free wifi access will be the key to our success. None of the other shops in the area can offer this. Pricing Strategy The business will offer three sizes of drinks, small, medium and large. Which ranges from 50 pesos to 100 pesos, our cookies and brownies will sell for P50. 00 each/Pizza Pandesal P46 each Promotion Strategy We intend to advertise in the local newspapers and offer a frequent drinkers club discount to our best customers. We will also send out ads via direct mail, which will include cents off coupons. Management and Staffing Organizational Structure Our organizational structure will be a simple pyramid style with the owners putting in as much work as the employees. Management Team Rachelle Ann Heyres and Marilou Deondo will share management and supervisory responsibilities equally. Rachelle for the morning shift. Marilou for the afternoon shift. Staffing We will hire two busboys, two waitresses, cooks, cashier, janitors, and also security guard these will be recruited from the STI. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Busboys- Security guard- A security guards duty is to perform the duties allotted to him either to secure a place from external infiltration of people or danger that may disrupt the functioning assets of the organization. His responsibilities include performance of the duty allotted to him, to report to his superiors and be accountable for any lapse of duty. Janitors or cleaners- Labor Market Issues In this area there are College students looking for work, part time or full time, we want to fill that need. Regulatory Issues Global City and the state of Taguig City both have regulations regarding food service establishments. We have already obtained the appropriate business permits. Risks Market Risks The main risk is monetary. The area may not be ready for a place like ours and we may not do a great business but it can be prevented we will offer( free wi-fi )access to all customers as long as they want as long as they are drinking our coffee. Implementation Plan Implementation Activities and Dates 1. Begin building renovation 7/11 2. Complete renovation 7/5/11 3. Begin preliminary advertising 7/6/11 4. Purchase and setup equipment 7/10/11 5. Open for business 7/15/11 Financial Plan Beginning Balance Sheet This will be a listing of all of your assets and liabilities, before you open for business. You may want to use a spreadsheet program to make this go easier. Balance Sheet Current Assets: Building P6, 900,000 Computer P69, 000 Sound System P92, 000 Furnishings P200, 000 Equipment P138, 000 Cash Rachelle P230, 000 Marilou P207, 000 Accounts Receivable None Inventory Coffee P46, 000 Tea P23, 000 Other Assets Cups P138, 000 Total Current Assets P8, 043,000 Liabilities: Accounts Payable (monthly) Water P9, 200 Phone P6, 900 Electric P23, 000 Donut Vendor P46, 000 Warehouse Club P46, 000 Coffee Distributor P46, 000 Wages P230, 000 Advertising P46, 000 Taxes Payable Property Taxes P23, 000 Employee Taxes P92, 000 Operating Loans Payable Startup Loan P23, 000 Total Liabilities P545100 ongoing per month Projected Income This will be a listing by month of your projected income. List the projected income each month for each product, this way you can compare actual sales to projected sales at the end of the year to determine what products to concentrate on. (Below is a sample month) July 05 Coffee P276, 000 Tea P92, 000 Cookies P69, 000 Donuts P115, 000 Misc. P184, 000 Total Income for March P736, 000 Total Projected Net Profit (Cost/Benefit) P144, 900 for July This would assume 20 pots of coffee sold a day, plus an assortment of other items. This also assumes the market will not increase or decrease due to weather or economics. This would be an average month. This of course would be adjusted monthly once you start business. Then based on the adjustments and actual sales, you can build a new balance sheet at the beginning of next year. Conclusions After you have created the business plan and examined the cash flow estimation you may find that your net profits are not what you would like them to be. In this case you may have to revise your pricing strategy to fit with your expectations or change your expectations. A coffee shop is not a get rich quick idea; it takes lots of hard work and long hours to realize your dream. But, in the long run, careful planning will make it all worth it. S. W. O. T analysis Strength * The Coffeehouse will offer foods compatible to the coffee that customer’s orders. * The environment of the business is always clean and well ventilated for customers to feel relaxed. * The beverages that the business offers are locally and naturally produced that ensures the quality of the products and lowers additional costs. * Ingredients for other products that will be offered by the business like pastries, salads and the likes is organically produce in the businesses green house. * The business is located near establishments for business, academic, rising condominiums and the occasional joggers of the area. Weakness * Unlike other coffee shops the location of our store is not inside the mall. * Lot of expenses. * Slow regaining for profit. * We need to advertise our coffee shop to the public to be known unlike the others. * Low competitiveness when it comes to name or brand. Opportunities * The coffee that we offer is new to the every individuals so the opportunity in it is that the coffee drinkers may want to try our products to compare it to their usual coffee. * Threats * The other coffee brands is popularly known by every individuals that drinks coffee. *
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay --
Before Augustus, there was Julius Caesar. Caesar appointed himself as dictator for life in Rome. Caesar declared himself all powerful and had control over the entire government. However, Brutus and Cassius assassinated Caesar because they believed he was becoming too powerful and had created a monarchy. Caesar was the granduncle of Augustus and because of this, Augustus wanted to avoid a connection with Caesar roots in becoming a dictator. Augustus avoided a tyranny and he could eliminate the risk of being assassinated like Caesar. In turn, Augustus put on a facade of seeming as though he was not becoming all-powerful. In order to deceive the government, Augustus denied any attempts that were given to him to take the throne as an authoritarian and continued to do great things for the will of the people, to be seen in a good light. While putting on a disguise for the Senate and the people, he made it seem as though power was in the hands of the Senate, when in actuality, he was consol idating power into his own hands. Augustus was seen as the savior of the people of Rome during the time of starvation. In the Res Gestae, Augustus explains that he declined the offer of being king by the people and the senate; he further states, â€Å"I did not decline at a time of the greatest scarcity of grain the charge of the grain-supply†¦I freed the entire people, at my own expense.†Augustus refused to take the throne because it would make him seem as though he was a dictator, similar to Julius Caesar. Instead, to gain the people’s respect, he entice the Roman people. According to Tacitus, an action of this gratitude was one form of gaining the people trust and keeping the Senate in the shadows of his true plan. Tacitus, though, sheds some negative... ... as though he was, no one could challenge his authority. Augustus persuaded the Roman people and Senate through briberies that he was not all-powerful, but a good person. He wanted everyone to see him as no less than the average Roman person. Through Res Gestae written by Augustus, he shows his lavish gifts and the ways in which he declined the throne a few times to move away from becoming Julius Caesar regiment. However, many people such as Dio Cassius and Tacitus were not fooled by his ways and knew that he had a plan the entire time to have absolute power, similar to that of Caesar. The Senate and magistracies were weaker under Augustus’ rule because he had maintained the Senate powers in his own hands. Due to this, many people did not oppose him. In the end, Augustus formed a monarch and use discretion to not show the people and the Senate of his true tactics.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay --
Introduction of the topic: 1. Significance of topic a. GM Foods are those derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in such a way that it does not occur naturally in the environment i. b. Also ties into 2. Scientific background a. Commercialized in 1992; Monsanto was one of the first firms to take advantage of biotechnology in commercial farming; Green Revolution, i. APA: Mclure J. BACKGROUND. CQ Researcher [serial online]. August 31, 2012;22(30):726-732. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 13, 2013. ii. MLA: Mclure, Jason. "Background." CQ Researcher 22.30 (2012): 726-732. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. 1. This article also has: issues, background, chronology, current situation, outlook, next step b. Genes are copied via PCR and inserted into target plant tissue to create new plants i. AMA: GM foods: the real story. Australasian Biotechnology [serial online]. March 2012;22(1):41-44. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 13, 2013. ii. MLA: "GM Foods: The Real Story." Australasian Biotechnology 22.1 (2012): 41-44. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. 3. Scientific and societal issues a. Controversial: concerns of negative environmental and health effects, corporatization of agriculture, unethical to manipulate life in the laboratory i. AMA: Bennett A, Chi-Ham C, Barrows G, Sexton S, Zilberman D. Agricultural Biotechnology: Economics, Environment, Ethics, and the Future. Annual Review Of Environment & Resources [serial online]. November 2013;38(1):249-279. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 13, 2013. ii. MLA: Bennett, Ala... ...y modified (GM) foods: the importance of an holistic, integrative approach. Journal Of Biotechnology [serial online]. September 11, 2002;98(1):79. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 13, 2013. ii. MLA: Cockburn, Andrew. "Assuring The Safety Of Genetically Modified (GM) Foods: The Importance Of An Holistic, Integrative Approach." Journal Of Biotechnology 98.1 (2002): 79. Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. Other Interesting Things 1. 2. 3. 4.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The 4th Dimension
The journey into the 4th Dimension 4/19/12 Nature of Math The world we live in today is a world of 3-dimensions filled with objects that are zero, one and two dimensions. We all walk around in our 3-dimensional world thinking there could be no other dimensions. But would you believe me if I were to tell you that there is a 4th dimension that lies past our daily experience? The truth is that there is a 4th dimension and it’s not that far away, the crazy thing is that there could be an infinite number of other dimensions out there as well that we will never see and that our minds cannot even begin to fathom.In order for you to fully understand the possibility of a 4th and possibly other dimensions I first need to explain the three prior and how they work. Let’s start with 0 –dimensions. When we classify an object’s dimensions we classify it according to the number of degrees of freedom it has. Therefore a 0-dimensional object would have zero degrees of freed om and would be represented as a point. With 0-dimensions you do not need any information to locate a point within that dimension. This is true because any 0-dimensional object has no length width or height.Now think about taking that point and simply sweeping it to the left like you are drawing a line with the point. By sweeping the point in a line you have just taken a zero dimensional point and created a 1-dimensional line. All of 1-dimensional space is a line. Within a line there is only one degree of freedom, or one direction in which the line is capable of moving. It may seem like a line should be classified as a 2-dimensional object because it can move left and right but really it is based on how many different directions the line travels, which is one left and right. Now think about a line as your street.Your specific house would only be one point on that street and in order to find it you would only need to tell one number in order for it to be found. Now if we take the 1 d imensional object and try and make it into a 2-dimensional object all we have to do is repeat the same process as before, take the line and find a new direction it can move. In the case of the second dimension we are going to take the line and move it vertically (perpendicular to the original line) in a sweeping motion, thus creating a plane. Along with creating a plane you have also just created the 2-dimension.Inside of this world of 2-dimensions you now have the freedom to go left and right and up and down. 2-dimensional objects are all around us, squares, triangles, circles. A 2 dimensional world would be one where everything is flat, people would not be able to see depth or width we could only see what is in front of us in our flat world. Crazy huh? You may have noticed the trend by now on how we move into new dimensions by simply sweeping the current dimension in a new direction. So when we take our 2-dimensional plane and sweep it up and down it will form a cube. This creates the move from 2nd to 3rd dimension.The 3rd dimension is one in which I am assuming you are fairly familiar with considering we live in a 3-dimensional world. Anything in our world that is tangible would be something 3-dimensional, so for example your cat, your favorite pants, a cube. Three dimensional object now have the ability not only to move left and right or up and down on a plane but can also incorporate depth and width into the picture You may now be asking â€Å"well if we live in the 3rd dimension where is the 4th dimension and what is it? †Great Question! We would make the 4th dimension the same way as we have made all of the others.Simply take the third dimension (for our sake lets say a cube) and slide it into a new direction perpendicular to all three previous directions. This may seem tough because we do not know any other directions aside from the three we are confined to in our world. But supposing we drag our 3-d cube in this new direction, then the 3-d cub e now becomes 4-dimensional. We know this is true because in order to locate a point on this new figure we would need four different directions. This shows that there very well could be a 4th dimension out there somewhere.Some people believe that time could be the 4th dimension, but it is still not determined. Also it could mean that there are hundreds of millions of other possibilities for dimensions as well. And while we can’t see the fourth dimension or wrap our minds around it we can now depict it to others. I chose this topic for my presentation because dimensions were my favorite topic of the class this year. They intrigued me, and made me question a lot about the world I perceive and live in. Also dimensions made me want to further pursue math and see how it relates to me in other ways that I didn’t realize.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Apple’s Share Increases Essay
Free Apple’s Share Increases Essay Apple’s Share Increases 1. Executive Summary: This paper attempts to review the Apple Inc. corporate operational strategies that have influenced it success in the marketplace, making it one of the leading Computer hardware manufacturers. It is focuses on Apples product development strategy, the iPod in particular. It also looks at how Apple can successfully apply Information Technology Metrics to enhance its business operations. It also evaluates whether there grounds exist to raise issues of Ethics should Apple decide to sell customer Information to other business and what would be likely repercussions in the event customer information ends up on an anonymous website. Moreover, the benefits iTunes- the on-line music business added to Apples balance sheet are scrutinized and how Apple can use environmental scanning to gather business intelligence. This paper further uses the porters five forces model to analyze Apples buyer power and supplier power, identifying which of the five forces Apple addressed in introducing the iPhone. 2. Introduction/Thesis: Apple Inc is an American multinational Corporation which designs and manufactures Consumer electronics and software products. The products include Macintosh computers, iPods and the iPhone, Pro line laptops (Mac Book Pro) and desktops (Mac Pro), consumer line laptops (Mac Book) and desktops (iMac), servers (Xserve), Apple TV, software, Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server operating systems. The Corporation was started by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronaly Wayne. This was in the year 1976.The Corporation was initially called Apple Computer Inc but the word Computer was dropped reflecting the dynamic expansionism mood at the company at the time. Apple has about 35000 employees spread across the world. It had sales revenues amounting to US$ 32.48 billion in its fiscal year ending September 2009. One of the milestones of the Corporation was the selling of 6.9 million iPhones in the first quarter of 2008 (Marr, 2006). Apple s Corporate Mission is to provide exposure to emerging companies in order to achieve success in the Financial Markets and to help its clients, brokers, investors, and employees realize their true potential through mutual growth. The Corporations Vision combines the expertise of its Management Team with the industry knowledge and expertise of the managers of each individual company. The primary focus is to strengthen the operating structure of the entity and to lay the foundation for increased growth and profitability. Apple Corporation partners with a number of other companies including Intel. This partnership resulted in the production of Intel based Mac computers in the year 2006. Apple Corporation exhibits a strong corporate culture that influence performance of duties within the organization, this culture drives the corporate affairs of the company, its consumers, suppliers and stakeholders. Apple has also cultivated a culture of acceptance of the Corporations products all over the world. The culture cultivated by the Apple Corporation tends to facilitate the control of the Corporation as it establishes the standards and conduct of employees within the Corporation (Philip, 2009). Apple Company has a variety of business lines, the most successful being SBU with direct consumer products in the market. Apple also provides SBUs in line with its objectives and goals to the consumer. Its SBU has become an important commodity in the market. The Apple Advantage SBU as it is commonly known is dedicated to offering sales, technical and product management resources. Apple line SBU supports a complete line of Apple products and also provides access to hardware, software and service offerings. The SBU ensures professional audio/video installations, multimedia development, desktop publishing and key aspects of the healthcare system. The Apple base SBU recruits additional vendor business partners to ensure resellers have access to the products they need to deliver the latest most profitable Apple based solutions (Jerry, 2008). The Apple SBU makes it possible for the distribution of a full range of Apple products including desktops, notebooks, storage, iPods, accessories and software. The company ensures the efficiency of this strategy through training of the people and institutions that need to use the facility. The current products of the Apple Company in more detailed analysis include the Mac and its accessories which are the Macmini, iMac ,Mac Pro, workstation, Macbook, MacBook Pro and Mac Book Air. The iPod include the iPod Classic iPod Nano, iPod Shuffle and iPod Touch. The Apple TV is a good innovation from the Apple Company. It is a set top video device intended to bridge the sale of content from iTunes. The device syncs either a wifi or a wired network, with ones computers iTunes library (Earnshawon, 2009). These are the products that Apple churns out to stay ahead of its competitors. It also rigorously advertises in line with constant consumer education and enlightment. This clearly shows the effo rt that has been made by the Corporation in improving its performance. 3. The Questions: Q. 1 Apple Inc. as is known today would have long been resigned to history. iPods came around when Apple badly needed a product that would boost its image in a big way. That is exactly what iPod did. Apple was on a shaky financial ground, it had not released a major product for sometime (Earnshawon, 2009). Q. 2 Efficiency IT metric gauges the performance of the IT system itself including throughput, speed, and availability. Notwithstanding what is appraised, how it is appraised, and whether it is for the purposes of efficiency or effectiveness, there should be benchmarks. Benchmarks are pedestal outputs, comparing those outcomes to optimal system performance (standard values), and identifying steps and procedures that would improve system performance. Efficiency IT metrics focus on technology and include; throughput, transaction speed, system availability, Information Accuracy, web traffic and response time. The best mix of throughput transaction speed, system availability, information accuracy, web traffic and response time will definitely improve Apples business operation (Philip, 2009). Q. 3 Effectiveness IT metrics are trained on the organizations goals, strategies, and objectives and incorporate: Utilization, Consumer contentment, Conversion rates and Financial. Quality training of Employees will enable Apple to guarantee higher customer satisfaction (Philip, 2009). Q. 4 Information given to Apple by customers is privileged information protected by the laws regulating the handling and management of private and confidential information. For Apple to provide this information to a third party it would need at least a written letter of authorization from the owner of the information. If it fails to secure permission from the customer, it may face a civil suit from the client suing for breach of confidentiality (Jerry, 2008). Q. 5 Apple business would automatically suffer a decline. Customers will get worried about their information getting into the wrong hands. This will lead to many of them looking for alternative technology service providers, who appear to have more stringent mechanisms for safeguarding and protecting customer information (Asce, Library 2003). Q. 6 A competitive advantage is a tangible or intangible benefit a firm enjoys, which at the same time is complex or impractical for other competing firms in the same industry to acquire or enjoy. These advantages invariably include the company brand, quality care of customers, structural costs, and the brands patent. Whatever the advantage, for it to be regarded as sustainable it must both be proprietary and unique (Marr, 2006). iTunes provided Apple with a very unique and inimitable product. This definitely gave it a competitive edge in the market. No other company had come up with the product. It was a first. Apple consequently reaped maximum benefit and although other companys like Microsoft tried to release their own versions, Apples iTunes dominate the Market. Q. 7 Environmental monitoring is the attainment and scrutiny of happenings and developments in the settings outside of an organization. Organizations monitor their competitors through situational monitoring (Philip, 2009). Apple Inc. operates in competition with other companies. Thus it can only thrive when its in a competitive setting. For Apple to recognize its strengths and weaknesses, it invariably has to study its competitors. In the analysis of its competitors, the Corporation will most likely discover opportunities for and threats to its existence from its technological background (Marr, 2006). A SWOT analysis methodically analyses each of these dynamics and the approach that mirrors the most appropriate match between them. Q. 8 Buyer power is heightened when buyers have a number of choices of whom (suppliers) to procure from and deflated when their options are restricted (Earnshawon, 2009). Apple has lower buyer power for its products, especially the iPod. There arent many substitutes in the market. The ones that exist cannot match the quality and design superiority of the Apple products. Supplier power is heightened when buyers hardly have any alternatives of whom to procure from and diminished when their options are innumerable (Earnshawon, 2009). Apple is in a position of strength as far as the Supplier power is concerned. Apple products are differentiated. Consumers identify with these products and every one want to have the Apples iPod. Q. 9 Organizations in general adopt one of Porters three standard approaches when moving into a new market. These standard approaches incorporate; broad cost leadership, broad differentiation and focused strategy (Asce, Library 2003). Apple adopted two strategies; the broad cost leadership and broad differentiation. These strategies enabled it to create a competitive advantage over other plays in the market. Q. 10 Apple addressed the Buyer power and Supplier power. The buyer power for its products, especially the iPod is low. This guarantees that it can sell as many as the consumers wish to buy. There arent many substitutes in the market. The ones that exist cannot match the quality and design superiority of the Apple products. On the hand Apples Supplier power is very much heightened. It is the company that sells the original product from the original idea. The other competing companies are only copying from Apple. This ascertains market for the products. Conclusion: Apple Company has achieved a rare fit in the technology arena; it has been flexible in its management procedure, thus allowing creativity and innovation (Philip, 2009). As it continues to grow it is continually consolidating its strengths and opportunities while endeavoring to reduce both its internal and external weaknesses and threats, respectively (Marr, 2006).
Monday, October 21, 2019
Psychology in the Modern World Essays
Psychology in the Modern World Essays Psychology in the Modern World Essay Psychology in the Modern World Essay Critical Thinking using Psychological Science The Learning Alliance for Higher Education, an educational consulting firm based at the University of Pennsylvania, was hired by City College in 2011 to investigate and make recommendations for improving undergraduate retention and graduation at the College. Even though most City College students receive financial assistance, have decent high school grades, and live at home with their parents – factors that should contribute to good graduation rates – in fact, currently only 7% of students admitted to the College graduate from it in four years. Only 36% graduate in six years. Indeed, roughly half of the students admitted drop out completely within two years. Students who transfer to City College from another school, either inside or outside the CUNY system (e. g. , a CUNY community college), disappear even faster: Half leave the College, and half of those leave by their first year at the College. The goal of Fun Paper #1 is to use your critical thinking skills to evaluate the consultant’s report and consider hypotheses for explaining and improving the low City College graduation rate. We want you to write a paper that considers the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and arguments, provides interpretations, and reaches your own conclusions using psychological science. Begin by reading the report, which is included at the bottom of this assignment. First, title your paper â€Å"A Critical Examination of Retention and Dropout at City College†. Next: FOLLOW EACH OF THE FOLLOWING FIVE INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY (The following is a detailed outline on how you should write this paper): Your paper should consist of five paragraphs corresponding to the 5 questions below. DO NOT write an outlined paper: It needs to be in essay format. Within each paragraph, please be clear on which letter you are answering by placing a bold letter in front of the sentences. If you are answering â€Å"1a†place a letter â€Å"a†before the sentence/s. (Here’s an example: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a summary of a report conducted by City College to make recommendations for student admission to the College. I found several strengths in this report. 1 a. One of the most convincing statements by the report’s author was†¦) 1. Begin the first paragraph of the paper with these sentences: â€Å"The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a report conducted by The Learning Alliance to investigate student retention at City College. I found several findings from this report helpful in illuminating the retention problem. †a. Which combinations of ethnicity and gender are most vulnerable to becoming college dropouts at City College? Which combinations of ethnicity and gender are least vulnerable to becoming college dropouts? Develop one hypothesis for why certain ethnic/gender groupings tend to drop out. (5 pts). b. Describe the correlation between when someone is admitted to the College and the tendency to drop out? Has this correlation increased, decreased, or stayed the same between 2004 and 2006? Suggest one interpretation of this correlation and its trend. (5 pts). c. City College dropout rates appear to depend in part on where someone originally comes from: the city, the state, or outside the country (which could include both the documented and the undocumented). How does where you come from affect dropout? Develop one hypothesis for why place of origin affects retention. (5 pts). 2. Begin the second paragraph of the paper with this sentence: â€Å"The retention problem may be due in part to the background preparation of students for college. †a. Describe the relationship between retention at City College and scores on pre-admission indices such as high school grades and SAT scores. What do these indices and this relationship suggest is one reason why City College students drop out in such great numbers? (5 pts). b. Describe the relationship between retention at City College and the numbers of courses students take and receive credit for each semester. Why would the number of courses taken affect retention? (5 pts). c. Use the relationships you have described in the second paragraph to develop a hypothesis about the role of background preparation for college in explaining dropout. (5 pts). 3. Begin the third paragraph of the paper with these sentences: â€Å"The retention problem may also be due in part to the reasons students come to study at City College, which has a lower retention and graduation rate than other senior colleges within CUNY. For example, many students come to City College to become engineering or pre-med majors. †a. Describe the relationship between students’ preferences for CUNY colleges and retention. (5 pts). b. How do engineering or pre-med majors fare here compared with other majors at the College? (5 pts). c. Describe how student preferences and area of major might jointly explain low retention at City College (hint: return to your hypothesis about background preparation for college). (5 pts). 4. Begin the fourth paragraph of the paper with these sentences: â€Å"One limitation of the report by The Learning Alliance is in the research strategy they used, which focused on associations between retention rates and a set of academic factors such as demographics and performance. †a. Name three variables not considered in this report that you think would have a strong relationship with retention at City College. For each variable, describe how you would collect the data and what relationship to retention you hypothesize. (6 pts). b. Explain the weakness in the research strategy used by The Learning Alliance. Why is it difficult to explain the high dropout rate at City College when relying exclusively on the relationships among variables (6 pts). c. What alternative research strategy would you recommend that obviates the problems of the one used by The Learning Alliance. Why is your recommended research strategy better? (6 pts). 5. Suppose you hypothesize from The Learning Alliance report that the high dropout rate at City College might be alleviated if at-risk students could be identified early with immediate intervention. Bob agrees to test your hypothesis using the current class of students enrolled in PSY 102. You divide students in the class into two groups: (1) Intervention Group: Sections in which the teaching assistants meet individually each week with any student who misses a class or an assignment; and (2) Baseline Group: Sections in which teaching assistants post grades and absences on Blackboard, but don’t meet specially with at-risk students. Begin the final paragraph of the paper with this sentence: â€Å"I have designed a study to test a hypothesis intended ultimately to improve the retention rate at City College. a. Describe the study, including how and when you plan to measure retention and how you plan to control for any preexisting differences between the groups. (6 pts). b. How can you tell whether any improvement in retention in the Intervention Group is due to at-risk students getting more attention from teaching assistants, developing better college learning skills, or som ething else entirely? How would you control for the different alternative explanations? (7 pts). c. Describe the statistical test you would perform to test the difference in retention between the two groups. What is the numerator of your statistical test? The denominator? (7 pts). d. Create a chart in Excel to show what you expect to find. Label the independent and dependent variables. Paste the chart into your fun paper. Write a concluding statement that summarizes your results from the chart and their implications for students entering City College this year. (7 pts). A tenth of your grade will be based on the following: a. Effective written communication (2 pts) b. Critical thinking and logical reasoning ability (2 pts) c. Ability to formulate questions, hypotheses, and research designs (2 pts) d. Proper use of psychological concepts and theories (2 pts) e. Competence in quantitative reasoning and analysis of research findings (2 pts) Due by 5:00 pm on MONDAY, OCTOBER 15th. Late papers will not be accepted. All papers need to be submitted electronically using the Assignment section in Blackboard (click on YOUR SECTION, then click on Course Tools > go to assignments > go to fun papers > click on the link corresponding to Fun Paper #1. Once there, scroll down and where it says â€Å"Attach local file†browse your computer for the finished paper and add it. Then click submit, and you are done). With the exception of the instructed sentences, the entire paper must be in your own words, in essay format and typewritten (double spaced) using Microsoft Word. Quoted, paraphrased, or borrowed sentences or phrases are not allowed. DO NOT USE ANY OF THE TEXT FROM THE LEARNING ALLIANCE REPORT, EVEN IN QUOTES. These will be regarded as plagiarism, which will be penalized by a zero on the assignment and a report filed with the Office of the Academic Integrity Official. Plagiarism software will be used to analyze your paper prior to grading. Do not use external references outside of lecture notes, the retention report, and the textbook. The paper should not exceed 4 pages. [pic] TOWARD UNDERSTANDING PERSISTENCE A Report on Undergraduate Retention at The City College of New York submitted by The Learning Alliance for Higher Education at the University of Pennsylvania April 2011 Undergraduate Retention The Issue The City College of New York (CCNY), concerned about its ability to retain and graduate the students who enter as full-time undergraduates, asked The Learning Alliance to conduct a study of student retention. Just about half of the first-time full-time freshmen leave CCNY before completing a degree, and nearly half of the students who enter as full-time transfer students stop attending before they finish their courses of study. This report examines the factors that contribute to the non-persistence at CCNY. It focuses more specifically on who leaves, when they leave, and what appears to cause them to leave. The Data For the analysis, CCNY provided the records for all 14,428 students who started CCNY as full-time undergraduates in fall 2004 though fall 2009 (Admissions Files). Consisting of data for 9,245 freshmen and 5,183 transfer students, the file includes demographic and admissions information. (See Appendix B for the data elements. ) In addition, CCNY provided academic profiles of all enrolled undergraduates for every semester from fall 2004 through spring 2010 (Academic Files). These files were merged with the Admissions Files so that each entering student has a profile of his or her experience at CCNY. The information in the Academic Files includes grades and credits, among other data. (See Appendix C for data elements. ) A file containing all undergraduates who received bachelor’s degrees from CCNY between spring 2005 and spring 2010 enabled us to flag those who had completed their degrees, and a list of those enrolled in fall 2010 allowed us to flag those who were continuing to pursue a degree. The Analysis The analysis is divided into two parts: freshmen and transfers. For freshmen there is good information about academic preparation, with high school GPA and SAT scores for most incoming students. For transfers there is information about the institutions from which they transferred and the credits1 they carried forward to CCNY. The freshmen analysis comprises matriculating students from fall 2004-2006, while the transfer analysis includes students who entered in fall 2007 as well. In addition to statistical profiles and statistical significance tests of the differences between students who failed to continue or complete their studies and those who did continue or complete their studies, logistic 1As will be discussed later in this report, the transfer credits were not recorded consistently. regression models were built to help quantify the odds of a student with a particular profile failing to be retained. FRESHMEN Highlights Half of all entering freshmen stop attending CCNY. Freshmen who fail to persist tend to do so early: about one-third of the non-persisters are off the rolls in or after the first year, two-thirds of all non-persisters stop attending by the end of the second year. Freshmen who stop attending begin to develop academic problems in the first semester. Those students earn fewer credits on average than persisting students and have significantly lower GPAs on average than those who persist, and particularly those who graduate. The later the admissions phase in which a freshman is admitted, the more likely he or she is to stop attending. Freshmen who chose CCNY as their first choice school are more likely to persist. Freshmen who persist for at least four semesters, but ultimately leave without a degree, attend school part-time in a larger proportion of semesters than do students who continue to persist. Freshmen who select a math-based STEM major (excluding those in the biological sciences) are somewhat more likely to be non-persisters. SAT scores are correlated with academic performance, so it is no surprise that students with lower entering SAT scores, on average, are less likely to persist. Similarly, students with lower high school grade point averages are less likely to persist. General Findings Any freshman that matriculated as a full-time student at CCNY in the fall of 2004, 2005, or 2006 is included in this analysis. Students are considered â€Å"Not Enrolled,†that is, non- persisters, if they did not enroll in fall 2010. If they are included in a list of graduates from 2004 through 2010, then they are considered â€Å"Graduated. Everyone else is â€Å"Still Enrolled. †As Figure 1 shows, more than half of all students who enrolled as freshmen in 2004 and 2005, and nearly half of those who entered in 2006 left CCNY before completing their degrees. Because students tend to take more than four years to complete their programs, the data for the students who entered in 2006 is less complete than the data for 2004 and 2005. It can be expected that a number of those who are still enrolled will be off the rolls before they can graduate. Figure 1. Full-time Freshmen by Status as of Fall 2010 Fall of First Freshman Enrollment | |F2004 |F2005 |F2006 | |Not Enrolled |612 |665 |698 | |Still Enrolled |105 |246 |718 | |Graduated |451 |367 |113 | |Total |1168 |1278 |1529 | |% Non-Persisting |52% |52% |46% | Freshmen who fail to persist tend to leave CCNY early in their academic careers. Among those who leave CCNY, between 8 and 11 percent are gone after just one semester. For example, of the 612 freshmen that entered CCNY in fall 2004, but did not persist, 62 or 10. 1% attended for no more than one semester. At the end of two semesters around one- third of those who ultimately leave are not registered, and after only two years the vast majority- around two-thirds of those who ultimately drop out- are no longer registered. Figure 2. Distribution of Non-Persisting Freshmen by Semesters Attended Before Leaving CCNY Semesters Enrolled Fall of First Freshman Enrollment Cumulative Number No Longer Enrolled | |F2004 |F2005 |F2006 | |1 |62 |55 |77 | |2 |199 |212 |253 | 3 |288 |316 |354 | |4 |406 |439 |484 | |5 or more |612 |665 |698 | Semesters Enrolled Cumulative Percent of All Non-Persisters F2004 F2005 F2006 |1 |10. 1% |8. 3% |11. % | |2 |32. 5% |31. 9% |36. 2% | |3 |47. 1% |47. 5% |50. 7% | |4 |66. 3% |66. 0% |69. 3% | |5 or more |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | Demographics The demographic profile of freshmen who stop attending reflects the conventional wisdom: men are more likely to be non-persisters than are women, and traditionally underrepresented minorities- black and Hispanic freshmen (who are nevertheless not underrepresented at CCNY)- are more likely to stop attending than are others. The differences between men and women, across ethnic groups, and citizenship, are statistically significant every year. Figure 3A. Percent of Freshmen Who Did Not Persist by Gender Fall of First Freshman Enrollment | |F2004 |F2005 |F2006 | |Gender |Total % Not |Total % Not |Total % Not | | |Freshman Enrolled |Freshman Enrolled |Freshman Enrolled | | |Cohort |Cohort |Cohort | |Female |531 48. % |592 48. 1% |760 43. 7% | |Male |637 55. 9% |686 55. 4% |769 47. 6% | p =
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