Wednesday, July 31, 2019
B.F. Skinner Theories of Language Development
language development is an important aspect of children's early development as it enhances the sense of belonging, develops confidence, gives them autonomy and independence as they start to grow. Also, it helps them to communicate, interact and associate with others in the society and therefore meet the need of the required cultural customs of the regions they live in. According to B. F Skinner theories, this development is strongly dependent on the environment of the child existence with learning and reinforcement forming the core aspect of this early development (William & Ferguson, 2001).His theories indicate that new skills are attained either through operant or classical conditioning to the child thereby deepening the effects that these conditions have on the immediate environment of the child. Responses that are positively reinforced are easily repeated while those that are punished recur less often in the child language and response development (David & Carl, 2004). Although s kinner's theories are seen to take less consideration of the inherent ability of the child to develop language to itself, they have been effectively applied to many children all over the world.Consequent researches indicate that the immediate environment plays the main role in a child's language development which is the key to future success at all times. Autistic children have difficulties in understanding the language, learning how to interact with others and may be characterized by unusual repetitive movements. Skimmer theories require that stimulation is used on these children for their language development to improve. Autistic children training through positive and negative reinforcement have indicated improved levels of comprehension to their responses and sound development.Early stages operant conditioning As skinner theories suggest, language deficient autistic children requires more attention from their early stages of development compared to others. The family members and the mothers especially must dedicate high attention to them with the aim of assisting their language development (William & Ferguson, 2001). During the crying and cooing stage, it is hard to establish the children that are autisic but keen mothers can be able to tell if their children are deficient.Caregivers therefore, must assess and try to understand the child for early assistance to be availed thereby reducing late language development. The basic communication essence of the baby may be different and the mother must adopt the correct rhythm to understand the child and making it comfortable. David & Carl (2004) notes that, crying changes with age as the child progresses while cooing starts at the age of six months. The voluntary behavior at this stage is therefore highly improved with the child being able to associate with specific aspects and people.Delayed presentation and early generalization should be slowly adopted by the mother and the immediate early caregivers to the chil d (William & Ferguson, 2001). Use of negative and positive reinforcement William & Ferguson (2001) argues that immediately after babbling, the parents and the caregivers should have fully understood the child status and then subject him to specific stimulus related to the most recurrent events like eating, suckling and his immediate people familiar to him.Teachers and caregivers should reduce the number of words and also minimize the rate of introduction of new words to the child. Increased personalized attention must be encouraged for the child to comprehend the new establishment necessary for his language development. Reinforcing stimulus should also be associated with the duration of time the child is taking to understand different aspects of the language (Wilma & Pauline, 2000). Negative reinforcement increases the concentration for the child and reduces his unresponsiveness to different aspects relating to his requirements.The child easily identifies with the environment he is based in and with advanced reinforcement, he may be able to increase his ability to identify more people apart from his mother. Besides, positive reinforcement should also be slowly introduced with care to gauge the child responsiveness to the different stimulus that relate to his immediate surrounding (David & Carl, 2004). Generalization and follow up. Children acquire the linguistic competences when they have access to languages environment either at home, school or playing with other children.The cultural organized activities serve as acquisition support system for the autisic child (Jeanine & Tony, 2007). Community and early childhood supporters must start from the general aspect of the child to the specific understanding where the child can be able to communicate freely with the rest of the people. They act as the mediators to the child language where self regulation based on the observed feedback is used to determine the progress (Wilma & Pauline, 2000).Though the phonology of the child may take longer compared to other children, pronunciation, intonation and rules for combining syllables consequently develop with this assistance. Others may have more difficulty with the semantics especially for combined sentences. As indicated earlier, the efforts should be based on the basis of the immediate environment and more reinforcement emphasized for faster development. The motherese assistance should be extended even after the babies have exceeded the age for intensive care and support from the mother and the caregivers.Training and assessment. According to William & Ferguson (2001), autisic children requires more assistance through training for their language to fully develop and be able to communicate comfortably with others. The child having grown and being attended to by his teachers, the extended mands are important for the child to achieve higher levels of understanding during it's later development. The teachers therefore, must comprehend the child condi tion and increase the personal assistance in the quest for this development.Assessment at this stage assist the caregivers and the trainers to understand the level of the child response in relation to different aspects that surround him. To add to that, reinforcement should be heightened to raise the child response and intrigue it's ability for better comprehension. Turn about strategy should be employed especially for the children with severe autisic conditions. The subjects should be changed for the child to comprehend issues and language commands.Playing mode should be increased to assist the child to easily comprehend interconnections between personality, emotions and other requirements of interaction in the society faster (Jeanine & Tony, 2007). Behavior modification. Advancements are attained with the child's mental development with time and therefore, the caregivers and the society should increase the call for behavior modification in the child response and language progress. Previously, negative reinforcement are employed with punishment being associated to the wrong actions.Modification calls for shift in the application of the reinforcement mode for the children where good actions are encouraged through positive reinforcement that are healthier by providing the child with appropriate behavioral guidelines. This method benefits the child and the parents as well as the society where the impacts related to the children behavior are positive. Autisic children respond faster and positively to the positive behavioral modifications application and may serve to increase their ability to fully develop their language (David & Carl, 2004).People in the immediate surrounding of the child, must however conform to the positive reinforcement method to reduce confusion to the child. Jeanine & Tony (2007) notes that, new ideologies and language aspects are been easy to learn for the child at this stage due to changes in the approach mode and application of the positi ve reinforcement. However, skinner theories do not address clearly how deprivation is related to reinforcement in the child language development especially for the children with language learning disabilities.Identification of these reinforcement have lacked the the accuracy and completeness which establishes the beginning and the exact ending period of the process. Also, reinforcement should include simplistic and widely applicable procedures with the autisic children requiring specific directional and circumstantial application of the theories (Wilma & Pauline, 2000). Conclusion. As supported by the paper, application of the Skinner's theories is highly effective for the autisic children in developing their language for their communication and easier relationship with the society.Through understanding of the process, the immediate caregivers of the child must assist the autisic child to develop the language faster. The child entirely depends on them and the society in the latter y ears for language and other physical development. Assistance to the child must be extended to the immediate teachers who handle the child and the change of negative reenforcement to the positive one (William & Ferguson, 2001). Environment of the child especially the immediate children, caregivers and the society are required to offer maximum support to the child for better and faster development of his language.Finally, Cooperation of the people in the society is ac core part of the language development and their participation is of great importance for these children to develop their language with ease. References. David, P. & Carl, C. (2004). Behavior Analysis and Learning. Washington. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Jeanine, M. & Tony, D. (2007). Models of Teaching: Connecting Student Learning with Standards. New York. Sage. William, T. & Ferguson, K. (2001). The Psychology of B. F. Skinner. New York: Sage. Wilma, V. & Pauline , L. (2000). Handbook on Child Development. New York. Th omson Learning Nelson.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Interfaith Dialogue in a Multi Faith Australia Essay
Australia is a multi cultural country containing a wide range of ethnically and religiously diverse peoples, allowing benefits for Australian society. However, it can pose a potential challenge to social harmony and cohesion because to one faith the idea of what is scared or important may contrast entirely with another. Interfaith dialogue is therefore an effective method for avoiding such clashes. It is a movement aimed towards promoting and understanding different religious traditions, and to clear up any misunderstandings or conflicts. Though debate and argument can be an issue, it is not what it aims to promote, Wendy Wilkie, a Uniting church Delegate stated â€Å" †¦many Christians and Muslims would see the only reason you talk to somebody of another faith is to convert them to your own†¦Ã¢â‚¬ which is why these discussions can be difficult. The four principles of Dialogue are; it begins when people meet each other, depends on mutual understanding and trust, makes it possible to share in service to the community and Dialogue becomes the medium of authentic witness. These principles are all effective and vital to help sustain peace between religions in such a multi-faith country, and therefore Inter-faith Dialogue is of great importance in Australia. A large number of Inter faith initiatives have taken place in Australia; an example is the Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews, beginning in March 2003 aiming to provide opportunities for these faiths to build understanding and to clarify contentious issues with their respective faiths. Since the amount of religious diversity in Australia is so great, the importance of discussion and resolution through Inter-Faith dialogue is crucial, as clashes between these faiths is an inevitable reality.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Pleasantville Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Pleasantville - Essay Example and polished world they represented did not express the truth about life, thus giving people a false belief about what it means to live in the United States. Looking at the writings of Cornelius Plantinga Jr. and Bruce Epperly, the film Pleasantville is analyzed against writings that express the meaning of God within the life of the Christian, creating a discourse on how the perfection of this world is measured against the expectations of God. Plantinga reminds his readers that God expects us to embrace suffering, to go out into the world and serve without expecting to find glory. Epperly reminds us that the world is bigger than the human experience, that finding the whole world gives the human experience the authenticity that God had intended. Through looking at Pleasantville through the writings of Plantinga and Epperly, the Christian experience in the world is expressed as more than just the illusions of perfection as it is sought after within the confines of the American dream. The film Pleasantville (1998) is a fantasy in which the idea of what is the ideal of American life is explored through the concept of 1950s television. Television shows such as Leave it to Beaver and Daddy Knows Best are often used as measures against which the American dream is examined for the best case scenario. In the film Toby McGuire and Reese Witherspoon are sucked into an alternate universe of Pleasantville, a black and white television program. Pleasantville is McGuire’s favorite television program and a bit of magic occurs during a marathon which pulls them into this universe. The perfection of the world is challenged as the black and white life of the characters begin to give way to bursts of color as they emerge on landscapes and people when their belief systems are challenged by the two interlopers. This symbolizes the nature of the oppression of emotions as they are released so that a greater depth is experienced. The restrictive, always content and serenely bla nd
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The Impact of Divorce on Children Research Paper - 2
The Impact of Divorce on Children - Research Paper Example Divorce is one of the events within the family that can affect the development of the children in multitude of ways. The paper is aimed to discuss and to present the impact of divorce on children. To achieve the said objective the background of divorce which includes the date in the past few years will be discussed. Then, the effects of divorce on children specifically the different aspects and facets of development and behavior will be presented. The data were based on gathered empirical studies and reference books related to the topic. Background Information on Divorce For the past decades, recorded data and observations confirmed the detrimental effects of divorce in the life and development of the children. Based on the standard family environment model that focuses on the optimum conditions for the proper development of children, marital conflict and divorce increase the risk of having problems in the behavior of children (Amato and Cheadle, 2008). In the United States, divorce affects approximately 50 percent of the families and one-half to two-thirds of the said percentage remarry. In addition, one in every six adults remarries two or more times which multiply the effects of divorce a few more times. ... Upon the achievement of a particular perspective about divorce, it is important to determine the specific effect of divorce and the aspects that are affected. Different Effects of Divorce on Children In general, children who had experienced divorce can be affected in any or all aspects of their life from the year of the event through adulthood. There are different aspects affected by divorce. The most significant aspect is behavior but aspects such as financial or economic facets of their life can also be affected (Forst and Blomquist, 1991). Behavioral Effects of Divorce Behavioral aspect of the effects of divorce on children is the most significant facet of the issue since it can result not only to short term but also to long term repercussions. Correcting the negative effects on a child to heal himself and lead a normal life can be considered as the main reason for finding solutions and giving attention to the said aspect. Children who had experienced divorce in the family are obs erved to have externalizing problems such as aggression and conduct disorder. Higher levels of antisocial behavior can also be observed in children from a family that encountered divorce as compared to children from an intact family. Internalizing problems such as depression, anxiety, and withdrawal are also included in the probable behavioral issues that can be experienced by children with divorced parents (Forst and Blomquist, 1991, p.61) The first two years of the divorce is considered to be the hardest period for the children due to adjustment issues which are based on the effects of separation to either or both of the parents. The effects of other factors after divorce such as single parenting, visitation, and economic difficulties are also classified
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Evaluating Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Evaluating Change - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the role of change masters in guiding the change process is to examine the present situation alongside the desired future state and to establish the strategic plan towards achieving that objective; however, the most daunting task for change masters is to get others to buy into the change vision and to support it. Most importantly, honoring the past while moving boldly towards the future is imperative for the success of organizational transformation; nonetheless, it is not uncommon for many organizations to be insensitive to, and to disregard their past in the change process by thinking that the old is bad while the new is good. This paper outlines that during the reform initiative at our workplace, the organizational transformation process was sensitive to, and honored all the past organizational successes and accomplishments, which were all attributed to the smoothness and efficiency of the previous work processes. The change agents were careful not to discard everything about the old processes as bad, especially because they are the firm foundation on which the present position of the organization was built. In this respect, past work designs and task allocation among the staff were hailed as the building blocks upon which the previous successes and accomplishments of our organization were found; as such, the change initiative started off by chatting a way forward from the existing organizational work design. The change masters observed that the prevailing work design was effective and only needed minor adjustments to make it water tight in view of the shifting global business environment because of emerg ing challenges and threats to business survival and profitability.Â
Pensions as an important financial instruments Essay
Pensions as an important financial instruments - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper are pensions as an important financial instruments that provide economic security to employees once they retire. A pension is a fixed payment that the beneficiary receives on a monthly basis once they reach retirement age. The use of pension plans by corporations became a mainstream practice in corporate America after World War II. In the United States pension plans have become more important than ever particularly for younger people due to the fact that the social security system is not going to be able to help younger adults. The most likely outcome is that generation X will not receive a social security check 30 years from now. Defined contribution plans must be disclosed in the financial statements of an organization. The things that must be reported in the financial statements in regards to pensions include the existence of the plan, the employee groups covered, the basis for determining contributions, and any significant matters affecting comp arability from period to period. The accounting treatment for defined benefit plans is a bit more complex. It is imperative that corporations make pension contributions that are sufficient to cover the benefits that are promised by the plan. Due to the fluctuating nature of the stock market, which is an investment mechanism used by pension managers to obtain a greater return for the beneficiaries, on many occasions pension funds are underfunded. The Pension Protection Act of 2006 stipulated that all corporate pension funds must be fully funded by the year 2013. Pension fund accounting requires the use of actuarial tools to estimate the future value of pension benefits. Two benefit approaches that can be used by accountants are accumulated benefits approach and years of service approach. The difference between the two methods is that one estimates annual pension cost and liability based on existing salary levels, while the other is based on the estimated final pay at retirement. The liability for pension benefits under the accumulated benefits approach is called accumulated benefits obligation, while the liability computed under the benefits/years of service approach is called projected benefit obligation (Clark & Cathey, 2011). The proliferation of the use of pension plans occurred after World War II. The accounting profession immediately took notice of the tendency. In 1956 the Committee on Accounting Procedures released Accounting Bulleting No. 47, Accounting for Costs of Pension Plans. ARB-47 required disclosure of unfunded vested benefits on the balance sheet (Duangplov & Pence, 2007). Pension funds were considered a legal liability after the inception of APB No. 8 in 1966. APB No. 8 also discusses the different components of pension costs. The three components of pension costs are normal costs, past service costs, and prior service costs. The underfunded pension cost became a liability in the balance
Friday, July 26, 2019
Department of Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Department of Homeland Security - Essay Example The United States Department of Homeland Security is a cabinet department under the federal Government of the U.S. The main tasks of this department are to protect the United States from terrorist attacks and responding to natural disasters. This department works in order to protect the state within, at and outside its borders. The goal of this department can be defined as â€Å"to prepare, prevent and respond to domestic emergencies, particularly terrorism†.It was in 2003 that the Department of Homeland Security assumed its duties and now it is running with over 200 000 employees, being the third largest cabinet department of the United States. The formation of this department by President Bush was a response act to the September 11th attacks in the United States. The mission of the office was stated as â€Å"to develop and coordinate the implementation of a Comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The office will coordin ate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States†. As a first step to achieve their mission the department had come up with a color-coded terrorism risk advisory scale that provides â€Å"comprehensive information about the various risks to the federal, state and local authorities and to the people†. Actions will be intensified and protective measures strengthened if any area or department’s risk level rises... As a first step to achieve their mission the department had come up with a color-coded terrorism risk advisory scale that provides "comprehensive information about the various risks to the federal, state and local authorities and to the people". Actions will be intensified and protective measures strengthened if any area or department's risk level rises. (Homeland Security) This is considered to be the largest Government reorganization since the U.S. Department of Defence was created. Any agency under the Department of Homeland Security will be housed in anyone of the four major directorates namely Border and Transportation security, Emergency of preparedness and response, Science and Technology and Information Analysis and Infrastructure protection. The Border and Transportation directorate includes representative agencies from Treasury, Justice, Transportation and Agriculture. The Emergency preparedness and response directorate brings together the Federal Emergency Management Ag ency (FEMA), the Strategic National Stockpile and the National Disaster Medical System (HHS), the Emergency, Justice and the National Domestic preparedness office. The scientific and technology directorate includes the CBRN Counter measures programs, Environmental Measurement Lab, National BW Defense Analysis center and Plum Island Animal disease center (for agriculture purpose). The Information and Infrastructure protection directorate includes the Federal Computer Incident Response Center, National Communications System, National Infrastructure Protection Center, Energy Security and Assurance program.Â
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media Essay
Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media - Essay Example So, businesses have the responsibility to know their constituents (consumers or investors) (Borges, 2009; Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000). Social media has been the right place for authentic and transparent conversation between organisations and the stakeholders. It has helped organisations to be aware of the investors’ expectations. We completely agree with the statement that social media has enabled organisations to know their customers and investors. Inspiring the customers Presently, in the age of digitalization, social media has allowed organisations to realize taste and preferences of their customers and also influence them through a number of products and services (Aras, Aybars and Kutlu, 2010; Godfrey, Merrill, B. and Hansen, 2009). Social media has helped customers to identify themselves as individuals desire to maintain cordial relationship with the organisation or brand. The conversations exchanged between organisations and customers prove highly beneficial for both the parties. This in turn helps in building a strong sense of community (Zarella, 2009). Getting work doneThere are a number of organisations that have leveraged social media for triggering a viral chain of interest concerning corporate social responsibility activities, which are executed by organisations. The organisations generally communicate with their stakeholders and customers in order to gather knowledge about their interests and impart knowledge about their products and social responsibilities.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
THE_MEDIA_DB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
THE_MEDIA_DB - Essay Example In democracy, people have the freedom to profess what they believe. There is freedom of speech and expression. The American declaration of independence, the French declaration of the rights of man etc. have emphasised the importance of freedom. Freedom is essential for the all round development and personality of the individual. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also emphasised the importance of freedom. All democratic constitutions of the word provide freedom to the people. So, there is no doubt that freedom is essential and most popular struggles have been for freedom. Now the question is to what extent freedom is permissible? Is complete freedom desirable? If freedom is to be restricted, who has the power to do so? It is an accepted view that freedom is to be restricted in such a way that one’s exercise of freedom should not affect exercise of similar freedom by other individuals and should not take away the rights of other individuals. The issues mentioned above ar e relevant to internet freedom also. Virtual space has become a reality. Internet has penetrated to every part of the world. It is the era of e-governance and e -commerce. People spent more time at internet than before. Information, political or otherwise is acceble to all. Social networking sites are growing and corporate sector is also making use of the facilities associated with internet. The internet provides opportunity for people to relate with anybody in any part of the world. It is easy to spread ideas and form groups. So, there is reason to believe that internet promotes freedom and democracy. With the help of internet, administration has become more transparent. Political parties and candidates conduct election campaigns using internet. In a recent university address titled â€Å"Internet Rights and Wrongs: Choices and Challenges in a Networked World,†Secretary of State Hillary Clinton berated authoritarian regimes and praised the people of Tunisia and Egypt for us ing digital tools to organise democratic protests (On real Internet Freedom). In that address Mrs. Clinton underscored high opportunity cost for countries which filter or shut down the Internet (On real Internet Freedom). She praised twitter for helping frustrated citizens of the Arab world. It can be said that discontent in Tunisia exploded in public anger when Wiki Leaks published the cables on the U.S. ambassador's assessment of corruption by President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali (On real Internet Freedom). The Tunisian uprising was triggered by the revelations of wiki leaks and internet. In the era of wiki leaks, publishing secrets is a major danger of unchecked internet. The judicial position on the Pentagon Papers on Vietnam, refusing to grant prior restraint on publication of classified documents, serves as a clear guide for internet freedom (On real Internet Freedom). While acknowledging the fact that internet freedom is important, unchecked internet freedom pause certain danger s to the political world. One such danger is related to secrecy. It is natural that every individual, organisation and state has some secret things which it wants to keep private and do not like to disclose. In the interest of national interest, a state has a right to keep certain things secret. It may be a part of the strategy. Disclosing such things might hamper national security. Internet facilitates publication of such documents as evidence by wiki Leaks. But this is not a reason shut down internet
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Externalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Externalities - Essay Example , implications will be generated regarding whether Profit Ltd should embrace upon changes due to consideration of externalities or it should attempt to resist the change with the help of lobby groups. The objective of this research paper is to incorporate comprehensive understanding of the concept of externalities and various issues in relation to regulations towards externalities. Externalities occur when the producers or consumers of goods and services unintentionally create indirect impacts upon other producers or consumers of goods and services (Zilberman, 1999). Externality is such an aspect of the economy that although it does not depict any monetary effect upon the producers or consumers of goods and services but bears an impact upon the society’s standard of living. Most of the economists consider externalities to be a market failure. This is because upon the occurrence of externalities, the market prices do not represent the actual marginal costs or benefits coupled with the goods and services dealt with in the market. The concept of externalities can be prominently associated with the activities related to production or consumption or both. Both production as well as consumption externalities occur when the respective activities of production and consumption of one individual inflicts costs and benefits towards the other individuals that are n ot spread precisely in the course of various market operations (Zilberman, 1999). Externalities can be either positive or negative. Positive externalities occur when the individuals’ actions generate benefits for the other individuals. The concept of positive externalities can be best understood through citing the example of technological overrun. The positive externalities in this regard occur when an invention of a firm benefits the entire society due to the technological up gradation along with the firm. On the other hand, negative externalities occur when the action of one individual generates harmful
Monday, July 22, 2019
African American Immigration Essay Example for Free
African American Immigration Essay There has always been a lot of discussion about the perception of African Americans in the media and how it affects their self-identity. It is easy to find examples of bias in portraying African Americans in the media. So what exactly is it that the media does to bring out these stereotypes, biases, and images that tend to stick with a lot of African Americans? The goal of this paper is to explore the different perceptions African Americans have gone through, how it has given them a sense of double consciousness on life, where the media image of African Americans that has stuck with them for so long can, and will go from here. According to the United States Census Bureau (2001), 12. 3% of all people reporting as one race reported they were â€Å"Black or African American†. This ethnic identity is now the second biggest minority group in the United States. It also refers to a group of people that has been in the United States for as long as it has existed. However, through the persecution of slavery, the austerity of segregation, and the continuing underlying prejudice, African Americans are still searching for their true identity. Just as children that were adopted tend to long for a true identity most of their lives, so are the circumstances of the African American. Stolen from their homeland and forced into slavery in a new country, African Americans were basically victims of identity theft. Although a lot of progress has been made in the way of an American identity for African Americans, a true identity has not yet been found. According to W. E. B DuBois (1903) â€Å"The history of the American Negro is the history of this strifeâ€â€this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self†(p.68). Many African Americans feel the same as W. E. B. Du Bois when he says, â€Å"After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world – a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. †He also states, â€Å"One ever feels his twoness – an American, a Negro, two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled arrives; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. †A quick look at American history makes it easy to understand where this split identity stems from because Du Bois claims that African Americans were always forced to see things through â€Å"white†eyes only and not have a vision of their own. In an effort to rephrase Du Bois’ comment above, the terminology of â€Å"twoness†is really him trying to define double consciousness as a few different things: 1 the power that white stereotypes have on African American’s lives and also having that internal conflict between labeling themselves as African and American simultaneously. 2 it is a sense of awareness of one’s self along with the awareness of how others may perceive one. This in turn leads to conforming based on level of power, which is basically what occurred. PBS’ African American World Timeline (2004) says that there is a large history of not granting African Americans an identity. Before 1787, of course, African Americans were slaves and only thought of as property. In 1787 the U. S. Constitution was approved. It allowed for the continuation of the slave trade for another 20 years and claimed that a slave counted as three-fifths of a man for representation by the government. In 1865 some progress was gained when the Thirteenth Amendment was passed, outlawing slavery and creating a Freedmen’s Bureau to help out former slaves. Also in 1865 Union General, William Sherman issued a field order setting up 40-acre plots of land in Georgia, South Carolina, and Florida for African Americans to settle. But, in 1866, some all-white legislatures in the former Confederate states passed what were known as, â€Å"Black Codes†harshly cutting the freedom of African Americans and practically re-enslaving them. Since that time there has been some progression and also some difficulty for African Americans. Based on the history of the United States’ treatment of African Americans, it is easy to understand how they could struggle for their true identity. James Jones (1991) might say it best when he states, â€Å"Black personality is in part an adaptation to the political contours of racism. The conflict between the freedoms and rights of United States citizens is connected to the denial of freedom and rights that is the history of the African American presence in this country. If we view personality as the resultant of coping pattern and socialization directives, then black personality is, in part, the cumulative representation of the effects of racism over four centuries. It reflects over time, the effects of the form and structure racism takes, and comes to signal the nature of race relations at any point in time (p. 305). †This would lead to accepting of the fact that African Americans do, of course, have an identity, but a lot of the time it is dependent on the identity of White race at that time. Alain Locke (1925) explains the upward moving and upbeat side of African American identity: â€Å"In the last decade something beyond the watch and guard of statistics has happened in the life of the American Negro and the three norms who have traditionally presided over the Negro problem have a changeling in their laps. The Sociologist, The Philanthropist, the Race-leader are not unaware of the New Negro but they are at a loss to account for him. He simply cannot be swathed in their formulae. For the younger generation is vibrant with a new psychology; the new spirit is awake in the masses, and under the very eyes of the professional observers is transforming what has been a perennial problem into the progressive phases of contemporary Negro life. Could such a metamorphosis have taken place as suddenly as it has appeared to? The answer is no, not because the New Negro is not here, but because the Old Negro had long become more of a myth than a man. The Old Negro, we must remember, was a creature of moral debate and historical controversy. His has been a stock figure perpetuated as a historical fiction partly in innocent sentimentalism, partly in deliberate reactions. The Negro himself has contributed his share to this through a sort of protective social mimicry forced upon him by the adverse circumstances of dependence. So for generations in the mind of America, the Negro has been more of a formula than a human being a something to be argued about, condemned or defended, to be kept down, or in his place, or helped up, to be worried with or worried over, harassed or patronized, a social bogey or a social burden. The thinking Negro even has been induced to share this same general attitude, to focus his attention on controversial issues, to see himself, in the distorted perspective of a social problem. His shadow, so to speak, has been more real to him than his personality. Through having had to appeal from the unjust stereotypes of his oppressors and Traducers to those of his liberators, friends and benefactors he has subscribed to the traditional positions from which his case has been viewed. Little true social or self-understanding has or could come from such a situation†¦ †¦Until recently, lacking self-understanding, we have been almost as much of a problem to ourselves as we still are to others. But the decade that found us with a problem has left us with only a task. The multitude perhaps feels as yet only a strange relief and a new vague urge, but the thinking few know that in the reaction the vital inner grip of prejudice has been broken. It does not follow that if the Negro were better known he would be better liked or better treated. But mutual understanding is basic for any subsequent cooperation and adjustment. The effort toward this will at least have the effect of remedying in large part what has been the most unsatisfactory feature of our present stage of race relationships in America, namely the fact that the more intelligent and representative elements of the two race groups have at so many points got quite out of vital touch with one another (p. 631). †Even in the premier times of African American identity there were still questions to be answered. Now those questions lead to progressive thinking like Locke’s, â€Å"middle of the road†thinking and â€Å"extremist†thinking. An example of the term â€Å"middle-of-the-road†thinking can be seen in a post by Malcolm Frierson (2004) to a discussion board using the topic of what label to give African Americans. He says: â€Å"It is the right of the individual to be self-defining. Black is a color, not a term for a race of people in this millennium. The word was made beautiful and strong in the 60s and beyond for obvious reasons. That effort was admirable and effective, but now fairly done. It is time to move forward. †The term African American linguistically puts the race on more comfortable ground. It doesn’t seem right or fair to look at four men and call one Italian, one Native American, one Chinese, and the other black. â€Å"Whites†dont seem to have this concern obviously because they sit at the top of this name issue. The whole system was constructed to glorify the â€Å"whites†(the imperialists) and belittle the â€Å"blacks (the subjects). †Also, many whites and blacks together, beg for an end to this issue because they claim, were all Americans. But if we are actually honest with each other, nobody while in contemporary American society, when asked for their race or ethnicity, will never be able to simply label them self as simply â€Å"American. †There will always have to be a distinguishing label put upon everyone. Why is it that blacks have to go through this labeling issue more than any other American subgroup? Asian Americans, Italian Americans, and Filipino Americans often become Asians, Italians, and simply Filipino without ridicule or persecution (Asians further become Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, and others). A possible answer to this would be that we all identify with our most dominant ancestral line or native country – German, Spanish, Portuguese, Jamaican, what have you. It should come before the understood American part. But again, we should respect an individuals rights to be self-defining. One black problem could be that a lot of people really havent been to Africa and are in a sense kind of ashamed about or tend to disregard that fact possibly feeling a sense of ignorance in that area. The term African should be proudly used along with the term American just as other foreign groups use their places of origin along with their American status. Unfortunately this viewpoint is just a common middle-ground between the two poles. The other pole is a belief best supported by the All African People’s Revolutionary Party. They say, â€Å"African People born and living in over 113 countries around the world are [one group of] people, with one identity, one history, one culture, one nation and one destiny. We have one common enemy. We suffer from disunity, disorganization and ideological confusion. And we have only one scientific and correct solution, Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. They feel that African people that have been born or are living outside of Africa are intentionally kept from the knowledge of Africa and her achievements through European capitalism. They also feel that people inside of Africa are tricked into living in separate countries because of the â€Å"divide and rule†tactic used by Europeans which basically means it forces large concentrations of power (people) into smaller units of power to constrain them from gaining more power as the larger unit. It is this pole that receives the most voice in the media and also probably this pole which leads to the bias media outlets against African Americans. Perhaps the earliest example of media bias against African Americans, whether intentional or not, came from 19th Century naturalists that divided mankind into Caucasians, Mongolians, Malayans, Ethiopians and (native) American races. The Caucasians were defined as wise, the Mongolians crafty, and the Ethiopians/negro unintelligent. This bias is blunt and disrespectful, but possibly not hateful in intent back in the day. Today our media comes from less than ten gigantic media conglomerates in the United States. Salim Muwakkil (1999) mentions that, â€Å"Virtually all of our information, our cultural narratives, and our global images derive from institutions whose major goal is to pay handsome dividends to stockholders (p. 2). †Which in other words the media doesn’t really care what they say even if it sounds hateful. If it sells and gets publicity, it’s a hit. He also points out that black-owned media operations are becoming increasingly rare as much larger corporations continue to buy out more places and more property. Muwakkil’s fear is that the mainstream will continue to alter the image of African Americans without challenge to the point that their â€Å"anti-black†tendencies will be encouraged and sustained. Muwakkil makes a very strong point when he states the Kerner Commission’s findings: â€Å"The Kerner Commission (formally known as the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders), which was charged with finding the reasons for the long-hot-summer rebellions, had concluded that the United States was headed dangerously toward ‘two societies, one black, and one white, separate and unequal. ’ It blamed the urban unrest on persistent racial discrimination and a historical legacy of disadvantage, but it also singled out the nations news media for censure. The media treated African Americans as invisible, the commission concluded, and failed to communicate to white audiences a feeling for the difficulties and frustrations of being a Negro in the United States (p. 1). †In the book, The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America, Robert Entman and Andrew Rojecki (2000) point out some surprising statistics from studies done on American television. While Black actors are now more frequently appearing in films, its a debatable question as to how well theyre being represented. In the top movies of 1996 representation of African American Females and Caucasian females was drastically different where statistics from differences in using profanity, to physical violence were very often a difference of 70% or more between the 2 races with African Americans being in the higher percentage of the two for those certain areas. Television ads now show, hidden patterns of differentiation and distance pertaining to African Americans. Not surprisingly, for instance, Blacks do not touch Whites in the majority of television ads, but as opposed to Whites, they rarely even touch each other, expressing a slight message assuming that Black skin would be taboo. A ranking of racial preference is implanted within the casting of commercials. Network news also tends to place a â€Å"ghetto†label or more urban image on African Americans. Increasingly, African Americans appear mostly in crime, sports and entertainment stories. Rarely are Blacks shown making an important contribution to the serious business of the nation. The exception of blacks rarely being shown in a positive fashion contributing to the nation would be President Obama, which will hopefully turn the stage for this image stereotype. Unfortunately however, that negative image is not the only blunt indication of a media stereotype. It is noticed by a lot of different people that African American athletes tend to receive a bad representation by the media, pointing out that when they get into any level of trouble, it is reported significantly more and also perceived in a much different way than when White athletes behave in the same manner or worse. It also is sometimes apparent that sportscasters tend to point out solely the athletic abilities of African American athletes in contrast to their tendency to point out the intelligence and savvy of White athletes. It is a known stereotype for quarterbacks on football teams for example, people perceive this position to demand a much more mental capacity and take a much more conscious effort as opposed to other positions on the team. Therefore the stereotype has often been viewed as teams primarily consisting of white quarterbacks. This tends to lead people to believe that black athletes achieve greatness by some coincidence or by simply their natural physical makeup instead of just assuming they are talented and hard working. There are several more examples of media bias against African Americans and there are far too many to speak on individually. Ultimately the point that is trying to be made is that there is a high level of publicity and strong case for media bias against African Americans. Any actor or famous person for that matter will almost always tell you that no publicity means bad publicity. It is logical then, to see the media (whether its biased or not) as a great tool for providing a voice to the African American community. It is also logical to say that a more biased media representation gives African Americans more publicity as Americans simply love bad press because â€Å"dirt†on other people sells, and the media has never cared about ones feelings if it means for them to make money. Ultimately, where I see this issue going from here has everything to do with President Obama. With the world-wide publicity he received for his changing of history for our country, I really feel this will open up many doors into the media for African Americans to have their voice, and create and defend a sense of identity that is much more positive than any other that has been labeled upon them. Obama is the best thing that has happened to African American media and just them as humans because he is what America needs to not only fix the economic and other issues in this country but most importantly bring the people of different colors together even closer than ever before to becoming one country where everyone is separate in color, but equal in representation and voice. Works Cited Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk. Chicago: A. C. McClurg Co. ; [Cambridge]:University Press John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A. , 1903; Bartleby. com,1999. P. 68. Entman, R. M. and Andrew R.. (2000). The Black Image in the White Mind: Media andRace in America. University of Chicago Press. Frierson, M. (2004) Black, black, or African American? Feedback Poynter OnlineRetrieved May 10, 2009 from http://www. poynter. org/article_feedback/article_feedback_list. asp? id=51320 Fudjud, D. (2003) Black, black, or African American? Feedback Poynter OnlineRetrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp://www. poynter. org/article_feedback/article_feedback_list. asp? id=51320 Jones, J. (1991). The Politics of Personality: Being Black in America. In ReginaldJones (ed. ) Black Psychology 3rd Edition, 305-318. Locke, A. (1925) Enter the New Negro. A hypermedia edition of the March 1925 SurveyGraphic Harlem Number Retrieved May 12, 2009 fromhttp://etext. lib. virginia. edu/harlem/LocEnteF. html Muwakkil, S. (1999). Corporate Media, Alternative Press, and African Americans Media Alliance, Retrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp://mediaalliance2. live. radicaldesigns. org/article. php? id=535 PBS. (2002) African American World Timeline. Retrieved May 11, 2009 fromhttp://www. pbs. org/wnet/aaworld/timeline/early_01. html U. S. Census Bureau (2001) Overview of Race and Hispanic Origin. Census 2000Website Retrieved May 11, 2009 from http://factfinder. census. gov/servlet/ThematicMapFramesetServlet? _bm=y-geo_id=01000US-tm_name=ACS_2007_3YR_G00_M00628-ds_name=ACS_2007_3YR_G00_-_MapEvent=displayBy-_dBy=040. Woods, K. M. (1995) An Essay on a Wickedly Powerful Word Poynter Online RetrievedMay 11, 2009 from http://www. poynter. org/content/content_view. asp? id=5603.
Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Example for Free
Creative writing about George and Lennie Essay Stumbling through the wet grass the two came frantically running, looking behind them at every few strides, breathing hard, disturbing the green grass and disrupting the harmony of the birds sitting in trees chirping and whistling the final songs of the day, while dogs barked and people shouted far behind them. A voice could be heard shouting above the crowd Theyre headed for the fields, comon! George grumbled, breathing frantically Damnit! comon you crazy bastard, they near got us! Im trying George, I swear but Is tired Lennie wheezed. The two were passing fields, when they came to an irrigation ditch, George thought about it and he pulled lennie into the ditch with him. Get your head down! George shouted but lennie didnt do a thing, George annoyed, shoved him under the murky water, they could hear the shouts getting closer and the dogs growling. A man said Where the hell did they get to? another close to him said The dogs ave lost the scent they musta went thru that ditch and off into the woods, no way we could get them now Damn ok everyone back to the town for a head count then we can all go home, its getting late With these words saw George give a sigh of relief as he gently surfaced bringing lennie with him, George taking his hat began to wring out the water, lennie copying his movements did the same, George set his crease and made his way quietly up the bank of the ditch, peering over the edge he watched torch light and man slowly disappear toward weed under the setting sun, he turned back to lennie, Now why the hell did you touch that gals dress? Comon you better have a good excuse or Ill clobber ya! Lennie was whimpering like a fearful puppy Honest George I dint mean no wrong, I jus wanted to feel her dress George yelled why? Lennie? Hmm? What so good about that dress? lennie cowered in his jacket his shoulders covering his cheeks It was so purty George, it was red colored and soft as a rabbit, you know how I likes rabbits George Seeing the glow in his face when he said it made George calm down, he remember who lennie was, he settled down do a smile Ya big lummox, one day your gonna get us some real trouble, but youre my responsibility so we gotta stick close lennie returned a half hearted grin still slightly frigtenened Ok George George got up to look around once more, he spotted an old barn not far from the ditch they were in. Right comon now we get us some shut-eye then try and get us some work, some place Lennies face lit up remembering what this all lead up to An I get to tend the rabbits George! Huh? Huh? Yeah, yeah but we gotta get us a stake first George replied George and lennie had settled down in the old barn, its walls were white with paint peeling, the roof was held up by 3 beams across the top and toward the ground, the winds outside made the barn creak eerily and lennie was having trouble sleeping, the ground was scattered with straw and the only thing in the barn was some sacks, tools and a work bench, it was less a barn than a shed. George? George you asleep What? George cant you do somethin about the wind? No, now go to sleep, have to wake up early tomorra' George said still half asleep Sorry George lennie said, eventually the morning came. lennie! Lennie! Wake up! Comon we gonna miss the damn bus! ok George, ok lennie said as he packed his bindle and sorted himself, and hurried off with George They had gotten to the stop just in time, they paid their fare, and were on their way to get some work at.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Recommendations For Solid Waste Management In Mauritius Environmental Sciences Essay
Recommendations For Solid Waste Management In Mauritius Environmental Sciences Essay Mauritius is a small island and due to land scarcity, it can neither have many landfills nor have all its wastes recycled. But it should be noted that incineration is not the ideal solution to this problem; it will rather encourage more wastes to be produced. First of all the Government should try to implement a zero waste policy. The use of plastics bags should be forbidden. Sorting of wastes should be encouraged to be done at home or onsite itself (plastics/organic/metals). Electronic gadgets should be made in such a way that they can be processed for parts that can be recycled and the toxic elements disposed of in the proper way and not burnt. If some of the steps are implemented, there will be nothing to get incinerated or a minimum amount of wastes would be burnt. Therefore, the followings are some of the proposed ideas towards sustainable municipal solid waste management: Policy planning and Strategy Solid waste management plans First of all there should be solid waste management plans in place. Waste management plans have essential roles to play towards sustainable waste management. Their primary purpose is to provide an outline of sources of wastes and treatment options. Waste management plans, national as well as local/regional are essential tools helping in the implementation and achievement of policies and targets that have been set up. Furthermore, the plans give an outline of the amount of wastes to be managed. Also, they contribute to ensuring that the capacity and the way of collection and treatment systems are coherent with the waste to be managed. The plans also identify areas in which technological measures should be taken to get rid of or minimize certain types of waste. Moreover, waste management plans make way for a statement of financial requirements for the operation of collection schemes and treatment of waste among others. On this basis, the needs for further investments in waste treatment plans may be determined. As a solution to many waste management problems, the involvement of several participants/authorities are required and coherent planning helps to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and thus benefits all participants, (EU Commission, Environment, 2003). Zero-waste policy The aim of this policy should be geared towards a sustainable economy. The purpose is to minimize consumption to a reasonable extent by using design-for-environment in every product and their packaging, and to make them all recyclable. The determining factors to achieve Zero Waste are the productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ designs and industrial processes, that is, their components should be made in such a way that they can be dismantled, repaired and/or recycled. Zero Waste implies merging communities, businesses and industries such that ones waste becomes anotherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s feedstock, which results in preventing pollution at its source. Implementing Zero waste will get rid of all discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the planetary, human, animal or plant health, (Recycling Council of British Columbia, 2009). Management of Municipal Solid Waste Waste Minimization Waste minimization is considered as a waste management approach that emphasizes on decreasing the amount and toxicity of hazardous waste that is generated. It is believed that waste minimization methods that focus on avoiding waste from ever being created, (source reduction) and recycling is encouraged. There are three general methods of waste minimization: source reduction, recycling, and treatment, (Scott.W.D, 2005). Waste minimization can be achieved by reusing materials. In doing so, materials which were bound to become waste can be used again and there will be no need for recycling, combustion for energy purpose and disposal of waste materials to landfill. This can lead to a reduction in waste management costs. However this can effectively be done by planning, fabricating, buying, or making use of materials in a way that reduce the amount of trash created, less waste is created and fewer natural resources are used. Waste Sorting Waste sorting should be done at home and this can be achieved by the help of the local authorities, in the sense that, the three bins system should be implemented and there should be continual training and education awareness programmes. People should be taught how to use this system effectively and the reason behind using it. The three bins can either be coloured differently or labelled in order to facilitate the users to dispose their wastes in the corrective way. Waste sorting helps in achieving a sustainable environment, in the sense that recyclable wastes will be disposed separately and thus can be sent directly to the recycling industries and other wastes can be processed accordingly. This will save time and cost of labour also. Composting Composting is the decomposition of organic matter by microorganism in warm, moist, aerobic and anaerobic environment. There are different ways to do composting. It varies from simple and cheap backyard or onsite composting methods to more costly and sophisticated methods such as in-vessel composting. For materials such as food garbage, vegetables garbage and other materials which are degradable, adoption of proven technologies for processing such waste as backyard composting can be used; as this can reduce the amount of waste destined for disposal. Inhabitants can then sell the compost to nearby farmers and other users. Government should favor and stimulate the development and acceptance of appropriate technologies for the conversion of municipal solid waste to compost and promote markets for its use as a soil amendment. It can also be noted that inhabitant can use the soil conditioner obtained from composting to grow their own vegetables and crops. This is a good path towards sustai nability and it demands patience and cooperation. However this project may take time to develop in Mauritius because there is lack of willingness on the part of communities, local authorities and other parties such as the informal sector and the formal waste collector. health, Best practices Enforcing Law To achieve a sustainable waste management, the Government must take actions against those who by-pass the law by throwing wastes haphazardly. The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"pay- as -you -throwà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ program should be put in place and the local authorities must ensure that the legal duty to abide by this particular program is imposed on all people in the country, including tourists. Education and awareness There should be a continuous awareness programme in place, so that every person gets well accustomed to the new techniques of municipal solid waste management. There should also be public education so that people are not only made aware of the new techniques, but also that they can understand the reasons behind managing municipal solid wastes sustainably. The public should know and understand the importance of sustainable development.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Essay --
Niall Killian Killian 1 Samson 6 Leukemia Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells; it starts in the bone marrow which is the soft tissue inside most bones where blood cells are made. When you are healthy your bone marrow makes red and white blood cells. Red and white blood cells help your body fight infection and carry oxygen to all parts of your body. When you have leukemia, the bone marrow makes a unusual amount of abnormal white blood cells known as leukemia cells. Leukemia cells don't work like normal white blood cells, they grow faster and they don't stop growing when they should. Over time, the leukemia cells crowd out and outnumber the normal blood cells which can lead to serious problems such as anemia, bleeding, and infections. Leukemia cells can also spread to the lymph nodes or other organs causing serious swelling and pain. Many wonder how one acquires leukemia and is it genetic. The answer is yes and no, various connections between heredity and leukemia has been found due to the few Leukemia causing factors that are inherited. Scientists have researched to see if there is any connection with external causes, but there is no relationship between external causes and leukemia. The cause for leukemia is still unknown. An experiment was conducted in the UK in 2010 where they tested if leukemia was more common in males or females. In males, it is the 9th most common cancer and in females it was the 10th most common cancer. That year there were 8,257 new cases of leukemia in the UK, 4,816 were men and 3,441 were women. It varies for age groups as well. 62% of cases were diagnosed in men and women over the age of 65, and only 10% were diagnosed to men and women under the age of 35. The reason why Leukemia is more common i... ...p 1 and gap 2. Due to this the cell divides at a unnatural rate and causes many mutations. Cancer always starts with just one cell dividing at a rapid rate due to external or genetic factors, and while genetic factors are uncontrollable, most forms of cancer can be avoided by for example using sunscreen to avoid UV rays or choosing not to smoke. Some cancers are simply not avoidable like Leukemia, but if you keep a close eye on it, it is treatable especially if it is caught early. The symptoms of Leukemia are good indicators that your body is not healthy, so you shouldn’t pass off confusion, vomiting, or seizures as anything not important especially if you have a family history of cancer. Over 38,000 patients are diagnosed with leukemia each year and it can happen to anybody, so regular blood tests are highly recommended because the sooner you find out, the better.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Who is Responsible for Military Robots’ Lethal Actions? Essay
I) Introduction Robotic technology has enabled the US military to use autonomous robots (or unmanned systems, UMS) in modern warfare. In the war with Iraq, the US military sent 12000 ground robots at the end of 2008 (P. W. Singer). One of the most popular robots used in Iraq is the iRobot Packbot, an unmanned ground vehicle, which is capable of detecting and destroying improvised explosive devices. Exploiting robots in warfare can save lives of many human soldiers. Moreover, robots are faster, have longer endurance, high precision and immunity to chemical and biological weapons (Ronald Arkin).In the National Defense Act of 2001 the U.S. Congress, obviously impressed by the potential of robots saving lives on the battlefield, established the requirement for one-third of the ground vehicles and one-third of the deep-strike aircraft in the military to be robotic within the decade. Consequently, in the â€Å"Fiscal Year 2009-2034 Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap†of the office of the secretary of defense showed the four categories that will be focused on are reconnaissance and surveillance, target identification and designation, counter-mine and explosive ordnance disposal, and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection (Stew Magnuson). As for now, most of the robot soldiers in the field are not fully autonomy. They are controlled by human soldier operators. However, the pressure of wars and the superior advantage of robots which can make decisions on their own will shift the interest in developing autonomous robots. In battle field, the time to decide whether or not to take action is too short that it would be impractical that a robot must send a signal to an operator and wait for the permission to fire (Ronald Arkin)... ...gner, A.R., and Duncan, B., â€Å"Responsibility and Lethality for Unmanned Systems: Ethical Pre-Mission Responsibility Advisement†. GVU Technical Report GIT-GVU-09-01, GVU Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2009. Asaro, P. M., â€Å"Robots and Responsibility from a Legal Perspective†. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Roma, Italy. April 2007. Magnuson, S., â€Å" Robo Ethics†. National Defense (Volume 94, Issue 672, Nov 2009), 28-29. Singer, P. W., â€Å"Military Robots and the Laws of War†. New Atlantic: A Journal of Technology & Society (Volume 23, Winter 2009), 25-45. Sparrow, R., â€Å"Building a Better WarBot: Ethical Issues in the Design of Unmanned Systems for Military Applications†. Science and Engineering Ethics (Volume 15, Number 2 / June, 2009), 169-187. Sparrow, R., â€Å"Killer Robots†. Journal of Applied Philosophy , Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006.
Dorothy Day, Saint-Worthy? Essay -- essays research papers
Dorothy Day, Saint-Worthy? Almost immediately after her death in 1980 controversy arose about whether Dorothy Day should be canonized a Saint by the Church. Now that the Vatican has approved the late Cardinal John O'Connor's request to consider Dorothy Day's "cause," the controversy is being rekindled. After converting, she dedicated her life to New York's poor and immigrants, building hospitality homes that operated much like homeless shelters. Her endeavor grew into the national Catholic Worker movement, a social justice crusade conducted in revolutionary tones new to the church. When she died, a multitude came down to the old dwelling off the Bowery to pay their respects, the way people had come to Catholic Worker houses for soup. There were Catholic Workers, social workers, migrant workers, the unemployed; addicts, alcoholics, anarchists; Protestants, Jews and agnostics; the devout and the strident and the curious, there to see what a saint looked like. Dorothy Day died in 1980, at the age of 83. She was one of the greatest religious figures of the century, and one of the most paradoxical. She was a Catholic and she was an anarchist. She condemned poverty and she advocated it. She founded the Catholic Worker, a loose aggregation of 'houses of hospitality,' communal farms, newspapers and round-table discussions for 'further clarification of thought' - and called her memoirs 'The Long Loneliness.' The movement was wary of authority, yet revered her as its leader (Rosin). If Dorothy Day is ever canonized, the record of who she was, what she was like and what she did is too complete and accessible for her to be hidden. She will be the patron saint not only of the homeless and those who try to care for them but also of people who lose their temper. One of the miracles of Dorothy's life is that she remained part of a conflict-torn community for nearly a half a century. Still more remarkable, she remained a person of hope and gratitude to the end. Many voices are in support of the canonization process as well, citing Dorothy Day's life as an example that has inspired them to prayer and action for social justice. Her faithfulness to the Gospel, living the "preferential option for the poor" and showing that a lay person can achieve heroic virtue are oft... your entire life." To a college student who asked a sarcastic question about her recipe for soup, she responded, "You cut the vegetables until your fingers bleed." To a journalist who told her it was the first time he had interviewed a saint, she replied, "Don't call me a saint -- I don't want to be dismissed that easily (Forest)." Even though she may not have wanted it, I do think that her cause should go all the way. She is a wonderful example of living the gospel message and an inspiration to regular men and women. She knew what it was to suffer for her beliefs. She was converted and reconciled. She saw Jesus in the faces of all whom she met and served. What better example of sainthood could there possibly be. Forest, Jim. Dorothy Day, Saint and Troublemaker. Guadalupe, Casa Maria October 10, 1997 Anonymous. Dorothy Day, Servant of God Rosin, Hannah. Honoring Dorothy Day: The Dead Don’t Ever Own the Dead. The Washington Post. March 17, 2000
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Why Homework Is Bad
For decades, teachers have delegated homework to students. The purpose of homework is to discover if students understand the material well enough to complete an assignment on their own. Yet, is homework really helping kids or hurting them? From teachers’ point of view, homework is helpful to get an idea of how well students understand the material. On the other hand, from the parents’ and students’ point of view, homework is extremely stressful and time-consuming. I believe that homework doesn’t help students and may actually be hurting them.First, homework isn't helping kids as they rarely have time to get outside and be active. Without time to get outside and exercise, more and more kids are being diagnosed with ADHD and obesity. They don’t get to have fun and let out energy so when they are at school for seven hours a day they have a harder time concentrating. This has become a growing problem with middle and high school students as many schools have taken out physical education from the school schedule.When kids get home, they won’t have time for exercise if they have hours of homework waiting for them. Second, kids are only kids once and need time to do what they want. They need creative outlets for their personal interests, like music, drama, and sports. If kids have no time to do what they want, are they going to be happy? Of course not! If they aren't happy, will they try their best in school? Doubtful. When tired kids get overwhelmed with work, they block out or miss important information in the classroom.Then, they don’t have what they need to know for their homework and what about that test next week in Spanish class? Are they going to get a good grade on that? No! Not completing homework has a domino effect. When the teacher explains tonight's homework and stressed kids don’t get it, let’s just say, â€Å"It’s going to be a very long night! †Kids can get so upset over home work; it doesn’t only affect the child but also the parents. Wouldn’t life be so much easier without homework? A third reason that homework doesn’t help is that children are growing and need more sleep.Now that homework has become a huge part of a child's night, it is still being done late into the night. Most kids are getting less than seven hours of sleep. If kids don't get a good night’s sleep, how do parents and teachers expect them to do their best in school? When kids are tired, they are more likely to get overwhelmed and stressed. If exhausted, do you think their work is going to be quality? No! Doing poorly on homework impacts kids’ grades. Homework has become something that children stress over every night. Let’s put it this way, homework is not helping.It is causing more kids to get diagnosed with ADHD and obesity since they don’t have the time to just get outside and play in the bright, sunny outdoors . Because they have ho mework piling up, they have less time to just be kids and do what they want. Also, kids don’t get enough sleep with so much homework every night! Think about what life would be like without homework. The world would be a better place and kids would be doing so much better in school. Have you ever thought about the fact that children spend most of their day doing school related things? Does homework still seem like a good idea? ?
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
The Indigo Spell Chapter Five
I LEFT abruptly THEREAFTER with the Alchemists and didnt expect to sit compli throw upeisfy Adrian for a little musical composition. He was staying on with the former(a)wise Moroi a couple to a greater extent old age in Pennsylvania, so t chance uponher was no chance of a repeat escape valve to puff upher. My trip pole to calcium was lock up and un alto consumeher in either in every(prenominal) the sametful, though my mind raced with all the developments of the brook couple of days. Between Ms. Ter al utter forigers cryptic example and my new lead on Marcus, I had plenty to occupy me.A textual progeny ruffle upage from Eddie greeted me when I hai lead a taxicab at the Palm Springs airport Were pull in at Marquees. Wanna join us? A follow-up message currently came You green goddess drive us impale. I direct the driver to take me to a suburb on the off the beaten track(predicate) edge of the metropolis instead than Amberwoods plate in chance Azul. I was hungry, containing as at that sitd been no dinner served on the plane in coach, and be berths, I precious my car stern in my own man powerfulness.When I arrived at the restaurant, I found Eddie and Angeline sitting on atomic number 53 side of a carrell with Jill on the separate. Immediately, I knew why theyd chosen to eat so far from our condition. macrocosm a path meant Eddie and Angeline could go break through as a couple. Back at Amberwood, ein truth hotshot vista we were related. Eddie, Jill, and I passed ourselves off as siblings, while Angeline was our cousin. Eddie and Angeline had recently started dating, so theyd had to tegument their kinship from our classmates to avoid raising suspicions. We al pick surfacey seemed to sop up adequate attention as it was.Angeline was cuddled up in Eddies arm. Even he demeanored desire he was having a good metre, which was dainty to see. He as well ask his responsibilities so seriously and was a generate do so tens e that it seemed as though it wouldnt take practically to rent him break up in two. Angeline though unc erupth, unpredictable, and often incompatible had proven remarkably good for him. That didnt get galvanic pile him all less diligent in his guardian duties, of course.Things were a little distinguishable on the opposite side of the table. Jill looked miserable, slumped into the induct with her arms crossed. Her light brown haircloth hung forward, c all overing part of her face. later unfortunate romances with a guy who trea currentd to experience a Strigoi and with Eddies homo roommate, Jill had total to put nonp areil across that Eddie skill rattling well be the guy for her. It was fitting, a ilk, because for a long condemnation, hed harbored a secret crush on her, fiercely dedi contriveed to her in the room a knight served his liege lady. Hed neer confided he was worthy of Jill, and with bulge out distributively soft touchs of her affection, hed raiseed to Angeline ripe when Jill had come virtually and wanted him. At clock, it seemed corresponding round sort of Shakespe atomic number 18an comedy . . . until I looked at Jills face. thusly Id feel conflicted because I knew if Eddie subjected her affection, Angeline would be the sit downisfyingness with that evil, sad face. It was genial of a mess and do me glad to be save of any romantic entanglements.Sydney Jill beamed when she saw me, brush her hair a direction. perchance it was because she packed the distraction, or maybe it was because Adrians new attitude toward me had lift nearly(a) of her moodiness. Regardless, I welcomed a arrest to the old friendliness in her rather than the brooding and accusing looks shed harbored since I rejected him.Hey, guys. I slid into the booth beside her. Immediately, I clear up my cell ph champions visit album and pass on it to her since I knew shed want to pick up it a vogue nearly the wedding skillily aw ay. disrespect all the intrigue that had g single big money pat(p) in that respect, I had managed to take whatsoever pictures without the other Alchemists nonicing. Even if shed seen some of it endinged Adrians eyes, Jill would mollify want to examine everything in detail.She sighed with gladness as she s faecesned the pictures. Look at Sonya. Shes so pretty. Angeline and Eddie leaned across the table to get a look. Oh. And theres Rose and Lissa. They look great too. at that place was an odd none in Jills division as she spoke. She was friends with Rose, exclusively her half child was mum a bit of an enigma. Jill and Lissa hadnt flush effn they were childs until recently, and the volatile political environment had dragd Lissa to be require more than as a queen than a sister toward Jill. It was a knockout relationship for two of them.Did you take on a fun time? Eddie asked me.I considered my answer for several(prenominal) arcseconds. I had an interesting tim e. at that places mum a lot of tension between the Alchemists and your people, so some of it was a little weird.At to the lowest degree Adrian was there. Must keep up been nice to have individual you whop, express Angeline, in amicable ignorance. She pointed to a picture Id taken of the answer hall. My intent had been to get a generous shot of the venue for Jill, moreover Adrian had happened to locomote into the shot, posed and perfect same some handsome spokesmodel hosting the veritable(a)t. Al slipway so pretty. Angeline move her well in disapproval. Everyone there is. I guess that means there werent any celebratory wrestling matches?It was a sign of Angelines progress that shed deduced that so chop-chop. Her people, the Keepers, lived in the wilds of westmost Virginia, and their openness to romance between vampires, dhampirs, and human flesh was altogether if one of their more capricious customs. Friendly fights broke out often, and Angeline had had to tran slate that oft(prenominal) behaviors werent subscribe toable out here in mainstream America. non while I was there, I said. solely hey, maybe something went overcome afterward I left. That brought grins to Jills and Eddies faces and a b redress look to Angelines.A waitress came by, and I ordered Diet Coke and a salad. Maybe Id loosened up in my tight calorie counting, moreover I swore I could still taste the sugar from all the wedding cake Id eaten after the spell.Angeline tightened her hold on Eddies arm and smiled up at him. If you ever get to see my piazza, you contri unlesse fight my brother rally to show that youre worthy of me.I had to unsay a laugh. Id seen the Keepers community and knew she was absolutely serious. I worked to pass a straight face. Arent you happy chance a lot of rules by worldness together without that having happened yet?Angeline nodded, looking a little glum. My mom would be so s terminatedalized if she knew. only when I guess this is a un ique situation.Eddie smiled indulgently at her. I think sometimes he pattern we were exaggerating slightly the Keepers. He was outlet to be in for a shock if he ever did visit them. Maybe I shadow fight a mickle of your relatives to garner up for it, he said.You business leader have to, she said, not realizing he was joking.It was watchyly romantic banter, but Jill looked decidedly dis settle downing discussing their relationship. She turned to me, very obviously attempt not to look at them. Sydney, what are we going to do slightly Christmas?I shrugged, unsure what she was asking. The usual, I guess. Give presents. verbalise songs. take place Yuletide duels. Angeline lit up at that.Jill rolled her eyes. No, I mean, were going to be on winter break in a few weeks. Is there any way . . . is there any way we can go home? in that respect was a plaintive note in her voice, and even Eddie and Angeline broke their mutual admiration to stare at me. I shifted beneath their scrutiny. Angeline wasnt as c at one timerned round tour the Keepers, but I knew Eddie and Jill cut downed their friends and family. I wished I could give them the answer they wanted to hear.Im sorry, I said. Youll be staying at Clarences for break. We cant take chances . . . well, you dwell. I didnt admit to emphasize the submit for Jills safety. We were all familiar with that refrain. Ians comment about how fragile the throne was litter home the importance of what we did.Jills face knock down. Even Eddie looked disappointed. I figured, she said. I sound hoped . . . that is, I miss my mom so much.We can likely get a message to her, I said gently.I knew that was no reliever for the real thing. I was able to pay bottom occasional phone calls to my own mom, and audience her voice was a million times better than any email could be. I even got to talk to my sr. sister, Carly sometimes, which eternally cheered me up since she was so bright and funny. My preadolescenter sister, Zoe . . . well, she was a opposite story. She wouldnt take my calls. Shed more or less been initiated into the Alchemists to take on this mission, in feature when Id stolen it from her. Id done it to protect her from committing to the Alchemists so young, but shed seen it as an insult.Looking at Jills sad face, I felt my heart clench. She had been through so much. Her new royal status. Targeted by assassins. Fitting in to a human school. Her disastrous and deadly romances. And now put up Eddie and Angeline. She handled it all with remarkable strength, always resolutely going through with what she had to do even if she didnt want to do it. Lissa was praised for being such(prenominal) an exemplary queen, but there was a regality and strength to Jill as well that galore(postnominal) underestimated. Glancing up, I caught a spark in Eddies eyes as he too seemed to recognize and admire that about her.After dinner, I took them rachis to Amberwood and was pleased to see t hat my car was in perfect shape. I drove a brown Subaru named Latte, and Eddie was the only other person I leave behind the wheel. I dropped him off at the boys anteroomitory and indeed took Angeline and Jill patronize to ours. As we were walking in the door, I caught messiness of Mrs. Santos, a teacher I knew by reputation.You guys go ahead, I told Jill and Angeline. Ill see you tomorrow.They left, and I walked across the lobby, waiting patiently for Mrs. Santos to finish a discussion with our dorm matron, Mrs. Weathers. When Mrs. Santos started to turn around and leave, I caught her attention.Mrs. Santos? Im Sydney Melrose. I wondered if I could Oh, yes, she said. I live who you are, dear. Ms. Ter entrustiger raves about you all the time at our department meetings. Mrs. Santos was a buildly-looking woman with silver and black hair. narration had it shed be retiring concisely.I rosy-cheeked a little at the praise. convey you, skirt. She and Ms. Ter departiger were bo th history teachers, though Mrs. Santoss decoct was on American history, not world. Do you have a minute? I wanted to ask you something.Of course.We stepped off to the side of the lobby, out of the incoming and outgoing dorm traffic. You know a lot about local history, right? Southern California?Mrs. Santos nodded. I was born and raised here.Im kindle in nontraditional architecture in the Los Angeles area, I told her, the lie rolling comfortably off my lips. Id view about this in advance. That is, non-Southwest styles. Do you know any neighborhoods like that? Id heard there were some priggish ones.She brightened. Oh, yes. Absolutely. Fascinating subject. Victorian, Cape Cod, Colonial . . . there are all sorts. I dont have all the information on me, but I could email you when I get home tonight. There are several I know off the tweet of my head, and I know a historiographer who could help you with others.Thatd be great, maam. Thank you so much.Always happy to help a star pupil. She winked as she started to walk away. Maybe next semester youll do an independent select with me. Provided you can tear yourself away from Ms. Terwilliger.Ill keep it in mind, I said.As soon as she was gone, I texted Ms. Terwilliger. Mrs. Santos is going to attest me about historical neighborhoods. The response came quickly Excellent. Come over right now. I scowled as I typed back I just got here. Havent even been in my room. To which she replied consequently you can get here that much faster.Maybe that was true, but I still took the time to put my suitcase back in my room and change out of my travel clothes. Ms. Terwilliger lived pretty make full to the school and looked as though shed been pacing in circles when I arrived at her house.Finally, she said.I glanced at the time. Its only been fifteen minutes.She shook her head and again wore the same grim expression shed had out in the desert. Even that king be too much. Follow me.Ms. Terwilligers home was a little bungalow th at could have prototyped as a untried Age store or peradventure a cat shelter. The level of kettle of fish set my teeth on edge. while books, incense, statues, crystals, and all sorts of other deceptional items sit in piles in all rooms of the house. Only her workshop, the room she led me to, was neat and orderly even to levels I approved of. Everything was clean and organized, to the point of being labeled and alphabetized. A large work table sat in the center of the room, totally cleared off, save for a immobilize necklace Id never seen before. The chain was do of conf apply gold loops, and the pendant was a chummy red cabochon stone in a lacy gold setting.Garnet? I asked. precise good, she said, lifting the necklace. The candlelight in the room seemed to make every part of it glitter.Its lovely, I said.She held it out to me. Its for you.I stepped back un tardily. For . . . me? I . . . I mean, thank you, but I cant accept a gift like that.Its not a gift, she said. Its a necessity. One that exponent save your sprightliness. Take it and put it on.I ref utilise to touch it. Its magical, isnt it?Yes, she said. And dont give me that look. Its no different from any of the charms youve made for yourself.Except that anything youd make . . . I swallowed as I stared into the depths of that bloodred jewel. Its going to be a lot more powerful than anything I can create.Thats scarce the point. Now here. She thrust it so stringent to me that it nearly swung out and hit me in the face.Steeling myself, I reached out and took it from her. Nothing happened. No smoke or sparks. No searing pain. visual perception her expectant look, I fastened it around my neck, letting the garnet lie next to my cross.She sighed, her residue nearly palpable. Just as Id hoped.What? I asked. Even if I superstard goose egg special about it, the garnet felt heavier-than-air around my neck.Its masking your magical might, she said. No one who meets you should be able to express that youre a magic user.Im not a magic user, I reminded her sharply. Im an Alchemist.A depressed flicker of a smile compete over her lips. Of course you are one who uses magic. And to a finickyly powerful person, that would be obvious. Magic leaves a mark on your blood that permeates your whole body.What? I couldnt have been more shocked if shed said Id just contracted a deadly disease. You never told me that before It wasnt important, she said with a downcast shrug. Until now. I need you hidden. Do not take that off. Ever.I put my hands on my hips. Maam, I dont understand. every last(predicate) will be revealed in time No, I said. At that moment, I could have been talk to Stanton or any of the countless others whod used me and fed me pieces of information throughout my look. It will be revealed now. If youve gotten me into something dangerous, then you either need to get me out of it or report me how to.Ms. Terwilliger stared at me for several quiet moments. A gray tabby cat rubbed up against my legs, ruining the seriousness of the moment. Youre right, she said at last. I do owe you an explanation. Have a seat.I sat down on one of the stools by the table, and she sat opposite me. She clasped her hands together in front of her and seemed to be having a hard time gathering her thoughts. I had to force myself to stay calm and patient. Otherwise, the panic that had been gnawing at me since the desert would completely consume me.You return that woman you saw in the picture? she asked at last.Your sister.Ms. Terwilliger nodded. speedwell. Shes ten years old than me and looks half my age, as you could undoubtedly check. Now, it isnt rugged to create an illusion. If I wanted to come along young and beautiful, I could emphasis on appear. But speedwell? Shes actually managed to make her body young and vibrant. Its an advance(a), insidious kind of magic. You cant defy age like that without devising some sacrifices. She frowned, and my heart pounded. Creating youth made all my Alchemist sensibilities reel. It was nearly as bad as Strigoi immortality, maybe worse if she was lecture about a human doing it. That kind of twisted magic had no place in this world. Her next words drove home the incorrectness of it all. Or, in her case, sacrificing others.Sacrifice. The very word seemed to poison the air. She stood up and walked over to a shelf, producing a newspaper clipping. Wordlessly, she handed it to me. It was a recent article, from three days ago, talking about a nineteen-year-old UCLA pupil whod been found comatose in her dorm room. No one knew what had caused it, and the young lady was hospitalized with no indication of when or if shed wake up.What is this? I asked, not sure I wanted to know the answer.I inspected the article more closely, especially the picture it contained. At first, I wondered why the paper would show a sleeping old woman. Then, reading the picturesque print, I larn that the coma victim also displayed some unexplained somatogenetic symptoms gray-streaked hair and dry, cracked skin. Doctors were currently look into rare diseases. I cringed, ineffectual to believe what I saw. She was dreaded, and I couldnt look at her for very long.And just like that, I suddenly understood. speedwell wasnt sacrificing victims with knives and stone altars. She was conducting some kind of perverse magic on these young ladys that bent the rules of nature, pose them in this hideous state. My stomach twisted, and I gripped the table for support.This girl was one of speedwells victims, support Ms. Terwilliger. Thats how she maintains her youth and apricot by taking it from others. When I read this, I thought almost hoped some other magic user was doing it. Not that Id wish this on anyone. Your scrying spell confirmed she was in the area, however, which means its my responsibility to fate with her.I dared a look down at the article again and felt that nausea well up again. The girl was ninet een. What would it be like to have the life screw uped out of you at so young an age? Maybe the coma was a blessing. And how corrupt and twisted would you have to be to do that to soulfulness?I didnt know how exactly Ms. Terwilliger would deal with her sister and wasnt sure I wanted to come across out. And yet, if speedwell really was doing things like this to innocents, then yes, psyche like Ms. Terwilliger needed to stop her. A magical attack of this magnitude was one of the most terrible things I could imagine. It brought back all my ingrained fears about the wrongness of magic. How could I justify using it when it was sufficient of such horror? Old Alchemist lessons came back to me Part of what makes the Moroi particularly dangerous is their might to work magic. No one should be able to twist the world in that way Its wrong and can easily run out of control.I tuned back into the present. How do I fit into this, maam? I already figured out where she is. Why am I in danger? Sydney, Mrs. Terwilliger said, looking at me strangely. There are few young women out there with your abilities. Along with youth and beauty, she intends to suck someones magic away and use it to make herself that much more powerful. You, my dear, would be the net coup for her.Shes like Strigoi, I murmured, unable to repress a shiver. Although those undead vampires could feast on anyone, they preferred Moroi because they had magic in their blood. potable Moroi blood made Strigoi more powerful, and a chilling thought suddenly hit me. Practically a human vampire.Something like that, Ms. Terwilliger agreed. This amulet should hide your power, even from someone as stiff as her. She shouldnt be able to find you.A motley cat jumped up on the table, and I ran a hand over her smoothen fur, taking comfort in the little(a) contact. The fact that you keep saying should makes me a little nervous. Why would she even come looking in Palm Springs? Does she know about me yet?No. But she knows Im here, and she may check on me once in a while so I need to hide you in case she does. Im in a bind, however, because I need to find her but cant actively do the courseing. If she finds out Im investigating, shell know that I know shes here. I cant alert her. If I have the element of surprise on my side, Im more likely to stop her. She frowned. Im honestly surprised she would come so close to me in California at all. Regardless, I need to keep a low profile until its time to strike.Ms. Terwilliger looked at me meaningfully, and I felt a sinking emotion in my stomach as I began to put together what she was saying. You want me to lam her.Its not hunt so much as gathering some data. Youre the only one I can trust to do this. She and I can palpate each other if were close, no matter how much we try to hide our magic. I know this is going to sound shocking, but I actually think itd be best if you hunted her even if youre the one shes after. Youre one of the few I can trust comp letely and youre resourceful full to pull something like this off.But Id be putting myself out there. You just said Id be a big catch for her. The twists and turns here were mindboggling.Yes. Which is why I gave you the amulet. She wont sense your magic, and if youre cautious in your investigation, she should have no conclude to notice you.I still wasnt following the logic here. But why me? You have a coven. If you cant do it yourself, then there must be someone else a stronger witch who can do it.Two reasons, she said. One is that you have subtle investigative skills more so than others older than you. Youre intelligent and resourceful. The other reason . . . well, if other witch goes after her, she might very well kill Veronica.Would that be such a bad thing? I didnt like violence and killing by any means, but this might be a case where it was justified, if it could save other lives. You said you were going to take wish of her.If I have no woof . . . if I must kill her, t hen I will. She looked dejected, and I had a moment of empathy. I loved my two sisters. What would I do if I was ever in a deadly conflict with one of them? Of course, it was hard to imagine Zoe or Carly committing this kind of atrocity. However, there are other ways of neutralizing and subduing a magic user. If theres any way any way at all I can do that, I will. My coven sisters wont feel that way, which is why I need your help.I cant. I pushed the stool back and stood up, nearly stepping on a cat in the process. There must be some other way you can do this. You know Im already bogged down in supernatural affairs. I actually couldnt bring myself to admit the real reason I wanted to dodge this. It was about more than just risking my life. So far, all my magical interactions had been with Ms. Terwilliger. If I signed on for this, I would be plunging into the world of witches, something Id pledged I would never do.Ms. Terwilliger tapped the article, and her voice was quiet when sh e spoke. Could you let this happen to other girls, wise to(p) theres a way you could stop it? Ive never heard of any of her victims waking up. The way this spell works, Veronica needs to reform it every few years, and it requires five victims at heart one month. She did this once before, and it caught me off guard. This time, we have pattern. Four more people could encounter this fate. Do you want that?There it was. Shed called me on the other part that had been nagging me because she knew me too well. I couldnt let innocents suffer, not even if it meant risking myself or facing the fears that haunted me. If I could stop this, I had to. No one deserved the fate of that girl in the paper. Of course not.And lets not forget that you could soon be one of her victims.I stirred the garnet. You said Im hidden.You are, for now. And I hope against all hope youll stay that way. Id never seen her so grim before, and it was hard to watch. I was used to her prattling, bumbling, no-nonsense nature. But heres something Ive never told you about how magic users sense each other.Something Id learned over the years it was never a good thing when people said, Heres something I never told you. . . . I braced myself. undisciplined magic users have a particular feel thats unique from the more experienced, she explained. Theres a oh, wild-ness about the magic that surrounds you. Its easy for advanced witches to sense. My coven keeps track of novice magic users, but those are tightly guarded secrets. Veronica wont have access to those names, but there are spells she can use that can pick up on some of that untamed magic if its near her. Its how she belike found this poor girl. Ms. Terwilliger nodded toward the article.The base of me having some wild magical aura was as shocking as her saying I had magic in my blood.When she absorbs a victim, Ms. Terwilliger continued, she gets a burst of that wildness. It fades quickly, but when she possesses it, it can concisely enhance her a bility to scry for another(prenominal) un pointed victim. The more victims she takes, the stronger that ability will grow. Theres a chance, Ms. Terwilliger said gravely, that it could be enough to break apart the garnet. I dont know. She allot out her hands.So youre saying . . . with each victim she attacks, the chance that shell find me increases.Yes.All right. Ill help you hunt for her. I shoved all my fears and doubts aside. The stakes were too high. My life, the other girls . . . Veronica had to be stopped for all our sakes. soul like her couldnt be allowed to go on like this.Theres more, added Ms. Terwilliger.Really?More than hunting an evil witch who wants to drain me of my life and power?If we can stop Veronica from finding less powerful victims, we can save their lives and limit her ability to find you. She produced a littler velvet adhesive friction and emptied it out onto the table. Several small agate circles fell out. These are charms that have some ability to mask m agic. Not as strong as the garnet that would take too long. But theyre a quick fix that might save some of these other girls lives.I knew where this was going. And you want me to deliver them.Im sorry. I know Im giving you some very difficult tasks here.This was getting worse and worse. Difficult? Thats an understatement. And putting aside the fact that you want me to find a woman who could suck my life away theres also the very small detail that the Alchemists would flip out if they knew I was involved with any of this.Ms. Terwilliger didnt answer right away. She just watched me. A black cat jumped up beside her and joined in the staring. Its yellow- eyed survey seemed to say Do the right thing.Where do I start? I asked finally. conclusion that neighborhood is part of it, right?Yes. And Ill tell you where to find her potential victims, if youll do the legwork of warning them. My coven keeps track of them. Theyll be girls very much like you, ones with power who refuse to train an d have no mentor to look after them. Once we have a clear fix on Veronica herself . . . Ms. Terwilligers eyes hardened. Well, then. Thats when Ill step in.Once more, I wondered if I really wanted to know what that entailed.A moment later, she added, Oh, and I thought it would be a good estimate to obscure your appearance as well.I brightened. I couldnt explain it, but somehow, that made me feel immensely better. There are a lot of spells for that, right? Id seen a number of them in my studies. Even if I had to use magic, it was better to at least look different.Yes. . . . She drummed her fingers against the table. But the amulet might not be able to hide you wearing an active spell, which would then defeat the whole purpose. What I was actually hoping was that your brother Adrian might be able to help.My legs felt weak, and I sat back down. Why on state should Adrian be involved in this?Well, he seems like hed do anything for you. I eyed her, wondering if there was a double meanin g in that. Her gaze was far away, her thoughts turned inward. Shed meant her words honestly. Veronica wouldnt be able to detect vampire magic. His power . . . that spirit element he was rotund me about . . . it can confuse the mind, right? Affect what others can see?Yes. . . .She focus on me again, nodding in satisfaction. If he could accompany you, help muddle whoever meets you . . . well, that would stretch out an extra level of protection.I still didnt know what all Id be doing to hunt Ms. Terwilligers sister, but it sounded like, at the very least, thered be a drive to Los Angeles in my future. Me, confine in another small dummy with Adrian while he continued with that irritating loving from afar. I was so caught up in the emotional turmoil that idea caused that it took me a moment to realize the bigger issue I was letting myself get sucked into.Do you realize what youre asking? I said quietly. I touched the garnet again. To be a part of this, youre asking me to identify myself to both human magic and vampire magic. Everything I try to avoid.Ms. Terwilliger snorted, and for the first time tonight, I saw a return of her usual amused attitude. Unless Im mistaken, youve been exposing yourself to both kinds of magic for some time now. So, it cant go against your beliefs that much. She paused meaningfully. If anything, it seems like it goes against the Alchemists beliefs.The Alchemists beliefs are my beliefs, I said quickly.She bowleg an eyebrow. Are they? I would hope your beliefs would be your beliefs.Id never thought about it that way before, but I suddenly hoped desperately that her words were true.
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