Thursday, May 28, 2020
Research and Describe What is the Brands Positioning - 1100 Words
Research and Describe What is the Brands Positioning (Essay Sample) Content: 1 What is the brand's positioning?It is the technique of positioning your emblem inside the thoughts of your customers. brand positioning is also known as a positioning method, brand strategy, or a brand positioning statement.The concept is to discover and try and own a marketing area of interest for a logo, product, or service using diverse techniques consisting of pricing, promotions, distribution, packaging, and opposition. The aim is to create a completely unique affect in the customers thoughts in order that the patron friends something precise and ideal together with your brand that is awesome from relaxation of the marketplace 2 What customers are they trying to reach?Instead of trying to please all of us in all methods, wonderful manufacturers function themselves to delight some people in an exceptional manner due to the precise and meaningful attributes and stories the brands provide. 3 Describe the brand's research methods?Customer analysisThe satisfactory w ay to discover what your customers need is to ask them.Consumer satisfaction research as the call indicates is research to recognize how satisfied your customers are with your products or services. Extensively this research provides an possibility for development based totally on real evidence of what your clients want. It puts you in a position to sell your strengths and improve your shortcomings.Measuring decision makers belief is another manner to apprehend what specifiers want. The marketplaces perception of an enterprise will effect on what choices people make, the price they perceive and therefore the fees they're organized to pay for its creation products and services. Belief studies also are a beneficial manner to tell your communications method. it may shed mild on what specifiers like approximately your creation product or organization, what they do no longer like and, of same importance, their areas of lack of knowledge.Some other way to inform your communications method is thru profiling. Choice maker profiling considers various of factors as an example: Sectors labored in; past tasks; size of commercial enterprise; Roles of key contacts; regions of specialty; Product specification history. Understanding your consumer, their commercial enterprise and what's vital to them in each zone permits you to tailor your communications and control the sales system greater efficaciously.Whichever manner you pick out to analyze your market it is essential to apply the effects in growing your business. Collecting proof on what is thought of your customer support, emblem and product exceptional and price also can tell similarly in-depth research into unique areas.Importantly researching your marketplace identifies the drivers for product choice and how to improve your creation business income and communications techniques to meet those.2 Brand strength evaluationIn an enterprise wherein businesses merge or have a portfolio of brands it's far particularly useful to track brand.Carrying out regularly emblem energy analyzing means you could tune brand overall performance, evaluating it in opposition to communication tasks with the aid of you and your competitors, gauging changes in mindset. you may degree go back on funding for specification selling, benchmark in opposition to other leading manufacturers and also get an illustration of emblem energy for specific construction sectors.There are a number of ways of engaging in logo evaluation. Maximum usually used is the internet Promoter rating (NPS), a loyalty metric developed through Fred Reichheld. This affords a simple rating on a scale of 1 to 10. With repeat application NPS provides beneficial traits for your logo towards competition.Logo personality research gives more qualitative evaluation. The technique requires individuals to describe a logo in terms of personality tendencies; these manner feelings about the item/emblem may be decided. Brand persona is seen as a valuable element in g rowing logo engagement and emblem attachment.Another approach is to conduct a study on decision-maker confusion. as the name shows this gives perception into the tendency to confuse one specific emblem with some other. Whichever technique you select gaining understanding of ways you are perceived inside the marketplace place is important; providing you with the information to place your brand correctly, with key specifiers and decision makers within your creation sector.3 Specification analysisunderstanding the drivers at the back of product selection is extremely great and all the research strategies in this blog can inform the specification selling procedure. There are some studies strategies though that mainly remember the choice making analysis is one manner to apprehend how specifiers make their product choices. individuals are asked to pick a confined variety of attributes from a ramification, so giving a demonstration of the significance attached to speci fic attributes. Or with conjoint evaluation members compare products to set up possibilities and can then provide an explanation for the importance of various attributes. awareness agencies are an excellent environment to check evaluations or talk new ideas, especially with regards to a brand new product.To gain exact perception into how your merchandise are offered, particularly in case you use distribution channels, then remember carrying out a mystery client workout. because the title indicates this type of research has an anonymous element, in which the researcher poses as a customer and statistics their findings on such factors as service and price. The facts accumulated can offer you with proper and awful exercise examples that your team can analyze from.carrying out analysis into why your product is detailed can offer more element than client analysis and emblem evaluation alone. Asking questions about why your product is chosen or not decided on over every other can clearly inform you specification strategy.4 marketplace analysisTo make informed business choices you need to fully apprehend your creation market quarter.information your market percentage, expressed in phrases of sales cost or quantity of units offered, positions you towards your competition and allows you to track progress and evaluate fulfillment for your business or a specific product.Forecasting can improve your business making plans with the aid of indicating production traits, showing the capacity cost of every production zone in your enterprise.Analyzing the market is an important business tool. It identifies opportunities for brand new or present products; allows informed selections in terms of product funding and development; identifies new marketplace sectors you can move into with minimum danger and most significantly anticipates future demand in your production product.How does the brand reach their customers?Recognize your target audience and their needsMarket studies and an alysis is one of the most essential activities, however its no longer the best element to do. Expertise your target market will help you in figuring out a gap and then defining it similarly through using the facts you have got. Locating a sturdy foothold takes time, you need to check the market and observe tendencies that are prevailing inside the cutting-edge demographic.Defining your niche marketplace is more vital than it appears. In most instances, the concern of dropping clients and now not being capable of cater to the hundreds takes the front seat and the advertising strategy ends in a crash and burn situation. Its miles important for an emblem to attention at the target audience that they want to attain. Its far usually favored to apply the capability of focus corporations to check the campaign before you launch it. This facilitates you in knowledge alternatives thereby spearheading your method.Awareness at the needs of your clients at the same time as growing the approach t o marketplace yourself. You can be the exceptional of the first-rate, but one incorrect circulate would place on the returned foot. It will take plenty extra than a clean technique to locating a strong footing in the market again.2. Be to be had for themAccomplishing out for your target audience is just the start of things. Being available to your customers and ability customers continually goes a long way. that is in particular true inside the case of area of interest markets. Clients continually need their comments to be considered or at the least responded to. It makes them experience an experience of connection with the emblem.Stay chats, social media responsiveness, enticing consumer remarks structures and different such conversation channels always assist you get beforehand of your competition. Responding to your consumer remarks lets in you to shape a healthy relationship with them and guarantee them that you care.3. Tap into the electricity of Social MediaAchieving a gap t arget audience always takes a piece of innovation and a variety of perseve...
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How Alzheimer s Disease ( Ad ) And Associated Dementias
Contemporary Issues Formative Essay Introduction For the purpose of this essay I will be comparing how Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and associated dementias are recognised in the United Kingdom (UK) and responded to, when compared to Italy. I have chosen this subject as there are indications from both countries that dementia sufferers will increase dramatically over the next twenty years. It is estimated that there are 800,000 people in the UK with AD and dementia, this number is expected to double by 2040. At present the cost to the economy is  £23 billion, by 2040 the costs are likely to treble(Gov.UK). REFERENCE NEEDED. In Italy there are approximately 1 million people living with dementia. (Alzheimer’s, 2016) It has been suggested by 2020, it is estimated that 584,000 new cases of dementia will occur in the country (Choices, 2016). This this will inevitably put a high demand not only on both National Health Services (NHS) in the UK and in Italy, but also on support services within the care sector, such as carers, voluntary organisations and also families of AD and dementia sufferers. This will also increase the workload on social workers as more assessment of need will have to be carried out to maintain the levels of support needed to sustain an expected quality of life. I will be addressing legislation and policy s adopted by both countries historically and modern day. I will also be discussing diagnosis of AD and dementia, funding, ethical and cultural issues, servicesShow MoreRelatedThe Mini Mental State Examination849 Words  | 4 Pages(MMSE) is widely used for patients with dementia. The examination evaluates orientation to person, place, and time; general knowledge; memory; communication; and copying. It takes five to ten minutes to administer. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fast Food Restaurant Market - 1002 Words
†¢ International Lead Markets – established markets (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, UK). They operate within similar economic and competitive dynamics. They collectively represented 40% of the operating income in 2014. †¢ High Growth Markets – markets with high expansion and franchising potential (China, Italy, Poland, Russia, Korea, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands). The collectively represented 10% of the operating income in 2014. †¢ Foundational Markets Corporate – remaining markets and corporate activities In the Fast food restaurant market McDonalds can be found as the global leader due to its effectiveness responding to Porter’s five forces model inside its environment. This model is supposed to analyze the environment and identify the most relevant factors that could influence the firm’s performance, in this case the fast food restaurant industry. McDonald’s success reflects how effective the company is in overcoming issues related to its environment and how it addresses them. As mentioned before, McDonalds competes in the restaurant industry, in the IEO segment, which stands for Informal Eating Out. This segment has different categories like, casual dining full service, self service cafeterias, quick-serving eating establishments, coffee shops, cafes, street stalls, smoothie bars, and takeaway providers. ( PORTER’S FIVE FORCES Threat of Substitutes : This particular force is considered to be from a moderate to a high level ofShow MoreRelatedA research Proposal on the Study of Market Potential of Fast Food Restaurants in India773 Words  | 4 Pages A Research Proposal on Study of Market Potential of Fast Food Restaurants in India â€Æ' INTRODUCTION This proposal is aimed at conducting a research on the market potential for Fast Food Restaurants Services in India. 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Others choose to eat out for celebrations and special occasions. Then others want to have a meeting place or study location to call their own. Whatever the reason for a consumer to eat out, there is a restaurant for them. Restaurants cater to all of the above reasonsRead MoreStrategic Principles Of The Restaurant Industry970 Words  | 4 Pages The restaurant industry is a simple concept, the store prepares the food, and consumers pay for it. Some people visit restaurants in order to save time or enjoy a certain taste that the restaurant has cornered. Others choose to eat out for celebrations and special occasions. Then others want to have a meeting place or study location to call their own. Whatever the reason for a consumer to eat out, there is a restaurant for them. Res taurants cater to all of the above reasons and take time to studyRead MoreThe Framework Developed By Michael Porter999 Words  | 4 Pageslow and are increasing. Any new entrants can impact fast food restaurant companies’ market share. There are many potential entrants in the industry: 1. Franchise agreements Due to the franchising on the fast food restaurants industry, the barriers are low. The new entrant can lease stores, equipment, and furniture from the franchisor, which will help to cut down the initial investments. Moreover, franchisors can provide training, prepared food, and some financial supports to help their franchiseesRead MoreCasua Rstaurant693 Words  | 3 Pagesdining market and the eating market differ? The dining and market differ because it depends on the person. Dining is when you are At dinner with the person you want to be with just talking stories, eating and enjoying each other’s company that’s dining. Eating is when you just go through a fast food drive thru and grab you a bite to eat and eat it somewhere and start eating. 2. What kinds of restaurants are included in the dining and the eating market? 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Attitude and Behavior for Organizational Behavior -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theAttitude and Behavior for Organizational Behavior. Answer: Introduction Attitude can be defined as the present psychological mind states that the people have towards a particular situation. It helps the people in thinking in a different manner under various situations so that it can help in understanding the behavior of the person. Within the work place, employees may have a positive or a negative attitude towards certain job responsibilities or towards their peers along with the management (Bissing-Olson et al. 2013). The attitude of the employees is the major factor that may lead towards satisfaction within the work place. The increase in the positive attitude among the employees will result in making the work more enjoyable and a negative attitude will result in working in a lazy manner. A positive attitude will result in performing the tasks at the best standard so that it can provide a better level of output. a positive attitude within the work place will result in seeking opportunities that are present within the organization so that it can be capi talized by the employees (Petty and Krosnick 2014). Behavior can be defined as the action that is undertaken by the employees based on a certain stimulus. The behavior of the employees within the work place can be understood by how they greet the customers and talk with the other employees (Pratkanis, Breckler and Greenwald 2014). The reactions of the employees towards meeting the deadlines of the tasks that are being allocated to them are all noted by the managers. The level of tasks that they are taking up based on the level of difficulty is also assessed by the managers. This helps the management in deciding the behavior of the employees within the work place (Greaves, Zibarras and Stride 2013). Discussion The primary question that needs to be addressed in the essay is how attitude and behavior of the employees influence the work place in achieving better standards of output. The relation of attitude and behavior within the work place will allow the employees to be engaged within the organization so that it can help in customer conversation in a better manner. According to Pinder (2014), a positive work environment will result in gaining the trust of other employees so that they can be more productive within the work place and the rate of turnover for the employees can be minimized to a great extent. Moreover, the organization needs to provide incentives and recognize the employees for their efforts, failing which may lead to a higher rate of attrition within the system. This may lead to creating problems within the organization, which may affect the effectiveness of the workers as well. The managers are responsible for influencing the attitude among the employees. The managers need to have a positive attitude towards the organization so that they can communicate and motivate the employees in a proper manner. They need to understand the opportunities that will lead the organization in to success and growth so that the employees can be motivated in that manner as well (McShane and Von Glinow 2013). The building of the team is necessary within the organization so that it can result in developing unity and trust among the workers so that they can achieve the goals and objectives of company in a collaborated manner. The system of rewards and recognition needs to be mentioned by the managers to the employees so that it can provide motivation to them, which will encourage them in achieving the targets within the assigned deadlines (Neff 2017). Good behavior among the employees can be noted down by the positive attitude that the employees have towards a particular task. These employees try to provide work based on quality so that it can help in satisfying the clients or the customers in a better manner. These employees remain busy within the work place so that they can complete the tasks within the given deadline as well as ensure the quality of the work. They also try to look further than their normal responsibilities and try to provide their knowledge and skills when some employees are facing difficulties within the tasks. They are mainly loyal towards the organization and can help the organization in all possible ways (Bohner and Wanke 2014). The employees who portray good behavior within the organization are mostly courteous in their approach and try to help the other employees and the managers as well. They try to motivate the other employees so that the level of efficiency within the organization can be increased to a great extent (McShane and Von Glinow 2013). These employees also try to meet the deadlines of the task that has been assigned to them so that it can help them in maintaining a good relationship with the management. Meeting the deadlines of the task in a proper manner will help the employees to be recognized within the organization so that they can be motivated and increase the level of productivity within the organization as well (Montano and Kasprzyk 2015). These employees also take up responsibilities within the organization, as they value the work that they are performing within the organization. This results in being able to do the work in a comprehensive manner and the mistakes that can take place can be identified and rectified as well. The employees own up to the mistakes that may have been caused within the tasks, which helps the management in developing a better level of trust and confidence within the employees (Kim et al. 2013). Most of the employees who portray good behavior within the work place are regular within the office premises so that they can gain the trust of the management. This makes them more punctual within the work place and develops a better level of understanding with the management as well (Jaccard and Blanton 2014). The relation between behavior and attitude of the employees has a strong effect on the level of satisfaction and the commitment that the employees have in the work place. The change in attitude of the employees in a negative manner will result in hampering their level of productivity within the organization as well, which may lead to damaging the reputation of the organization (Lyons and Kuron 2014). On the other hand, positive attitude that is present within the employees will result in increasing the level of productivity as well so that it can result in achieving the maximum benefit for the organization. There are various factors that may lead to satisfaction of job within the work place such as the level of comparison. The comparison level helps the employees in determining the effort that they are putting within the work place and the amount of compensation that they are getting from the organization (Lee, Kim and Kim 2013). The second factor that determines the level of satisfa ction through behavior and attitude of the employees is the alternative options that they are getting from other companies. The employees with a high level of productivity need to be compensated in a proper manner so that they can stay loyal within the organization and can serve in the best possible manner. This will result in keeping the rate of attrition of the employees within the organization low so that maximum productivity can be achieved by the firm. The system of reward and recognition needs to be clear so that the employees have a clear idea of the compensation and benefits that they would achieve after the target has been achieved by them (Ariani 2013). The third factor that influences behavior and attitude of the employees with respect to job satisfaction and increased commitment within the organization is the investment of time by the employees within the organization. An example of this would be the level of happiness that the employees may not get within the work place, which may result in the rise of dissatisfaction and resigning from the organization on an eventual manner (Bohner and Wanke 2014). The attitude of the employees needs to be taken in to account by the organization so that it can determine the ways in which the employees behave with their counterparts. This will help the management in deciding the ways through which the employees are being able to communicate with others. The employees need to show corporate behavior within the work place so that it can result in increasing the level of professionalism within them (Pinder 2014). Te attitude and behavior of the employees can have a negative impact on the organizations as well. The negative attitude among the employees may result in increasing the level of dissatisfaction among the employees, which may lead to a low level of production. This may result in negative flow of energy within the other employees as well due to the influence of some of the employees. The overall result for the organization would be that it would start to lose out on the goodwill that is present in the market due to the low quality products that are being produced by the organization (Neff 2017). The organizations need to make it a point that the values on which the work place is based flows from the top direction that is the values that are being practiced in the upper management needs to be flow to the bottom of the organization so that it can help the employees in connecting with the values of the organization (Petty and Krosnick 2014). The managers of the organization need to identify the behavior of the employees so that the positive side can be encouraged within the organization and the negative attitude that is present among the employees can be diminished to a great extent (Kim et al. 2013). The goals and objectives that are present within the organization need to be aligned with the employees so that it can help in recruiting the suitable candidates in the job. This will help the organization in increasing its level of production by selecting the most valuable employees and placing them within the work place (Ariani 2013). Conclusion Therefore it can be concluded that the preferences of the employees need to be given priority by the management so that it can help the employees in working in a better manner. The attitude of the employees may develop in a positive manner if their needs and demands are being fulfilled by the organization. This will also result in increasing the level of motivation among the employees as well, which will help in increasing the level of productivity within the organization. The organization need to have a proper method of training for the employees so that it can result in providing motivation to them. This will help the employees in gathering the knowledge and skills so that they can work in an efficient manner and change their attitude towards the organization. The capacity to retain the employees within the organization will increase to a great extent. Reference List Ariani, D.W., 2013. 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