Monday, September 30, 2019
Lab Report on TLC analisys of Analgestic Drugs Essay
In this experiment, thin-layer chromatography (TLC) was used to determine the composition of various over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics: Anacin, Bufferin, Excedrin, and Tylenol. The TLC plates were first viewed under ultraviolet (UV) light and then treated with iodine vapor in order to visualize the spotting. Experiment Scheme Initially, sixteen capillary micropipets were created in order to spot the TLC plates. Two TLC plates were then obtained and marked with pencil for spotting. A line was drawn 1 cm from the bottom of each plate, and five small, evenly spaced marks were made along those lines (see Figure 1). Each mark indicated where a substance would be spotted. All compounds used were in solutions of 1g of each dissolved in 20 ml of a 50:50 mixture of methylene chloride and ethanol. The first plate made was the reference plate. Capillary micropipets were used to spot the first four marks with acetaminophen, aspirin, caffeine, and salicylamide (in that order). (See figures 2-5 for chemical structures.) The last mark was spotted with a reference solution of all four chemicals. The second plate made was the sample plate. The first four marks were spotted with Anacin, Bufferin, Excedrin, and Tylenol. The fifth mark was spotted with a reference solution of all four drugs. Figure 1. Prepared TLC plates Figure 2. AcetaminophenFigure 3. Aspirin Figure 4. CaffeineFigure 5. Salicylamide A development container was created with a wide-mouthed screwcap jar. It was filled with the development solvent, which was .5% glacial acetic acid in ethyl acetate, so that the solvent was approximately . 5 cm deep.The first TLC plate was then carefully placed into the development container. Great care was taken to ensure that the plate went in evenly so that the solvent could rise evenly up the plate. Once the solvent front had reached approximately 1cm from the top of the plate, the plate was removed, the solvent front was marked with a pencil, and the plate was allowed to dry. The second plate was then placed in the development chamber in the same manner as the first. Once the solvent front reached approximately 1cm from the top of the plate, the plate was removed, the solvent front was marked with a pencil, and the plate was allowed to dry. Each plate was then viewed under the UV light. Any spots that were seen were lightly circled with a pencil, and their color was noted. The orders of elution (Rf values) were calculated by dividing the distance from the baseline to the center of the spot by the distance from the baseline to the solvent front. After all observations and calculations were made, the plates were placed in a jar containing iodine. The jar was warmed with hands so that the iodine vaporized. The plates were then removed from the jar and observed. The reference and sample plates were then compared to determine which compounds the drugs on the sample plate contained. Data
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Misrepresentation of african american women Essay
African American women have historically been viewed as hyper-sexual creatures, due to unique anatomical features not often seen in other races. This hyper-sexualized view of Black women dates back as early as the days of slavery when European imperialists traveled to Africa and were excessively intrigued by (and abashedly attracted to) the women in the tribes. Europeans were in awe of the physique of African women, comparable to none, as well as their dancing and traditional garments. Europeans unfamiliarity with a body type that is not unusual amongst African women resulted in a projection of hyper-sexuality onto Black women that did not truly exist and has been hard for Black women around the world to rid themselves of. Saartjie [Sara] Baartman, also known as the â€Å"Hottentot Venus,†became the blueprint for degrading and humiliating the Black woman on a worldwide level. Saartjie Baartman was a South African born woman who was enslaved by a Dutch farmer near the city of Cape Town. Her master was approached by traveling Europeans to travel to Europe to have her body examined and put on display. In 1810, Saartjie’s master informed her that she would be free and assume fortune and fame in order to persuade her to leave his plantation for the sideshow act she would unknowingly become in. It was this promise that led to Saartjie’s willingness to travel to Europe. Saartjie traveled to England and upon her arrival, she was placed on public display, often times in a cage, so her large buttocks and breast could be observed by hundreds of curious Englishman. These invasive spectators were recorded as laughing at her, calling her names, and throwing items at her. Saartjie’s body was so spectacular and strange to Europeans that medical students were able to use her for scientific research. She was again sold from England to a French circus to dance in the nude as entertainment and was one the main attractions. Saartjie never enjoyed the freedom she was promised and turned to alcohol to cope with her humiliation and entered prostitution to support her when she was no longer necessary as a side show attraction. She died in 1815, only five years after her arrival to Europe. Saartjie’s humiliation did not end with her death. She died of unidentified disease in France and her body was turned over to a museum. Her brain, vagina, and her skeleton were removed from her body, preserved and put on display. Her frameless body was then preserved in such a way that she stood erect as well. Her body was eventually buried in France but the parts removed from her body remained on display in a French museum until 1974. The displays were removed that year and replaced with casts of Saartjie’s confiscated body parts. Saartjie Baartman’s humiliating enslavement marks the beginning of the Black woman’s degradation. She could be considered the first â€Å"video-vixen model. †However, culture has changed such that women willingly dance erotically while scantily clad or totally nude, whereas Saartjie was forced. This willingness has transformed the way the Black woman is viewed and the way the Black woman views herself. The manner in which Saartjie Baartman was treated is indicative of European attitudes about Black women and African standards of beauty. Saartjie was renowned for her physique, which Europeans responded to Saartjie as an object with disgust, intrigue, sexual attraction, and condescension. The removal of her organs indicates a perverse obsession with the body of the African woman. This attitude about the Black woman’s body has persisted, taking on new faces as culture changes and pop culture emerged. Media images of Black women have long been degrading, unflattering, and/or extreme. Black women have specific functional roles in the media: typically and most often as Jezebel, Mammie, and the welfare mom. The Jezebel stereotype of the hyper-sexual, manipulative Black woman is more prevalent and more widely seen in the media from television, movies, magazines, and music videos. It is the Jezebel who is the African American woman who is not ashamed to take off her clothes in exchange for things she may need. The music industry especially popularizes strippers and video models as an acceptable and desirable occupation for a Black woman. Not only do majority of hip-hop lyrics degrade women to the lowest level that a woman can be degraded, but the music videos take special care to degrade the black woman even more. Rap music videos depict a false image of what a real woman looks like in reality: â€Å"music videos have gotten so raunchy they might as well be pornography, presenting a hyper-sexual depiction of women that distorts and demeans the image of black women in particular. Even in the tamer videos, women might as well be prostitutes. They are objects, part of the bling-bling, like the platinum chains and diamonds sported by rappers†(Daily Review 7/4/04). It is just in this way that Saartjie Baartman was displayed and responded to and it is in the way Black women have been consistently considered: as objects of sexual exploitation. Hip hop music has become explosively popular in the US and much of the rest of the world in the last twenty years. Hip hop music influences larger society in powerful ways and has become a subculture that has transcended race, socioeconomics, and gender. Its popularity and ability to transcend across many social lines that are usually impenetrable is the biggest threat to the perception of Black women by others and by themselves. When leaders like President Barack Obama and other prominent politicians reference lines from popular rap songs, they are often received with admiration and excitement by the media and larger public. Such a response from a pop culture reference reveals hip hop music’s ability to influence culture on a magnanimous level. Hip hop music is an industry run by men, with overwhelmingly male artists who provide entertainment for other men. In this understanding of the industry, the images of women presented through this massively popular music are exclusively chosen by men. Additionally, hip hop music tends to sell a lifestyle and not just a song or beats. As was previously discussed in the quote from Daily Review, expensive material things and several beautiful and naked women are things to achieve and obtain. An object is for use of some kind and the hip hop music industry has single handedly crystallized the developing notion that women in general are objects for sexual pleasure exclusively. This idea is particularly harmful for Black women and girls in the face of a media that has very few other images of Black women. White women are of course objectified and hyper-sexualized in the same manner, but the damage of such objectification is buffered by other images of a range of professional White women, heroines in film and television, prominent White actresses, politicians, businesswomen, journalists, etc â€Å"Historically, white women, as a category, were portrayed as models of self-respect, self-control, and modesty – even sexual purity, but black women were often portrayed as innately promiscuous, even predatory. This depiction of black women is signified by the name Jezebel†(Pilgram, 2002). Black women and girls have very few other images to measure themselves against or look to for motivation or encouragement. These pervasive images of the Black woman as a promiscuous and manipulative Jezebel juxtaposed with the lack of other, more positive images, is extremely damaging to the Black woman’s self-esteem. These images also inform others of how to perceive and ultimately treat Black women, which is further corrosive to the Black woman’s self-esteem. As if the power that images tend to have on the human psyche were not enough, hip hop music also incorporates lyrics that correspond to the tone of disrespect for Black women. Negative epithets that refer to a woman’s sexual and social behavior like â€Å"ho†and â€Å"bitch†are common, frequent, and acceptable in hip hop lyrics and serve to further denigrate Black women. Often, rappers and fans alike make excuses for the disturbing images and lyrics featured in songs and videos, expressing that the women featured in the videos are working of their own volition and are not being objectified. While the women of these videos are participating of their own volition, the degrading lyrics and the degrading images are not negated just because the women are choosing to participate. The message being sent is still clear and ubiquitous: Black women are objects of sexual gratification that do not have to be spoken to or spoken of as human beings. Viewers are influenced by these images and lyrics and are encouraged to develop erroneous ideas about and monolithic perception of Black women. Additionally, because other, more positive images of Black women are missing in the media, viewers are left with little real information about the Black woman’s experience, life, and character. Hip hop music has also set the standard of presentation for female rappers as well. Female rappers who have debuted in the last 20 years invoke the power the same sexual images and presentations as the male rappers do. More recent female rap artists like Nikki Minaj have amplified the hyper-sexual stereotype about Black women with her sexually charged lyrics, provocative style of dress, and various implants to enlarge her breasts and buttocks, looking not unlike Saartjie Baartman and the many beautiful women of Africa. Artists who pre-date Nikki Minaj, like Lil’ Kim and Foxy Brown, debuted in a similar fashion, using their sexuality through lyrics and risque media poses in which they were almost always scantily clad, to propel their careers. These female rappers only serve to further push the music industry’s agenda to denigrate women, Black women in particular, by buying into and proudly displaying the very stereotypical behaviors that function to keep hyper-sexualized images of Black women in the minds of viewers. Female rappers serve the same purpose as those women dancing in hip hop videos: to push the sexual agenda of a sexist music industry. However, the message delivered through female rappers is pronounced solely due to the fact that the artist is a female who is promoting a hegemonic patriarchal message. The sexual nature of hip hop in general is made more acceptable if the objects of sexual exploitation, women, also become hip hop stars. Lastly, the current female hip hop stars are adopting images of beauty from childhood icons such as Barbie, as is the case with Nikki Minaj. The adaptation of Barbie for the purpose of hip hop is a clear indication that there is an agenda to capture all viewers’ minds to believe the images they are presented with about Black women. The most effectual approach to challenging the erroneous and negative images of Black women in the media is for those who are aware and knowledgeable to expose the falsehoods of the pervasive stereotypes and ideas about Black women. Bibliography Frith, Susan. â€Å"Searching for Sara Baartman. †Johns Hopkins Magazine, June 2009. http://www. jhu. edu/jhumag/0609web/sara. html (accessed April 20, 2013). â€Å"The Hottentot Venus. †Accessed April 22, 2013. http://whgbetc. com/mind/hottentot_venus_emory. html. Payton, Brenda. â€Å"Sorority Sisters Combat Explotiative Rap Images. †Daily Review (Hayward, CA). 4 July 2004. Pilgrim , David. â€Å"Jezebel. †Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. . http://www. ferris. edu/jimcrow/jezebel. htm (accessed April 23, 2013). Clemlyn-Ann , Pollydore, and Jennifer A. Richeson. â€Å"Affective Reactions of African-American Students to Stereotypical and Counterstereotypical Images of Blacks in the Media.. †Journal of Black Psychology. no. 3 (2002): 261-275. Simmonds, Felly Nkweto. â€Å"’She’s Gotta Have It’: The Representation of Black Female Sexuality on Film. †Feminist Review. (1988): 10-22. http://www. jstor. org/discover/10. 2307/1395143? uid=3739936&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21102132644181 (accessed April 22, 2013).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Employee Compensation and Benefits Essay
Black Corporation, an innovative new technology corporation, has just hired John as the director of their Human Resources Department. As HR Director, John has been tasked with hiring an Administrative Assistant/ Secretary for the advertising department and to develop an employee compensation and benefits package that will be used for that position upon hire. He must elaborate on Black Corporation and the type of organization for which he is designing the package and develop an employee compensation and benefits package for this new position. He must be able to support his ideas the compensation/benefits package. This is the first time that John has had the task of hiring for Black Corporation and he will need quality resources to assist him to ensure that he is able to make the process as smooth and effective as possible. What type of Organization is Black Corporation? To begin with, John has recently been hired by Black Corporation as the director of their HR department. John has may years of HR experience and is also a certified Senior Professional in Human resources. BC is a brand new addition to the technology industry, which has just introduced an innovative communications device called the Talk Tablet. This device is a cellular telephone that is also a tablet that can be used for Internet access and app purchases. The head of Advertising, Mary, is in the process of launching a multi million dollar ad campaign and is in need of a Administrative Assistant/Secretary to assist her. Although BC has been open for less than a year they have established their stake in the industry with their ability to enhance current products and out sell many of its competitors. They are also known for employee satisfaction. BC considers its employees their greatest asset and offers excellent benefits and compensation. They are a very competitive employer; therefor e their employees are all experienced professionals in their area of expertise. The Administrative Assistant/Secretary Compensation Package Next, John has to develop the compensation/benefits package for his new hire Elizabeth. According to the median pay in 2012 (the most updated reporting) for an AA/Secretary is $35,330 or $16.99 per hour. (â€Å"Secretaries and Administrative Assistants,†2014) BC prides itself in hiring and retaining the cream of the crop in all of the areas they employ. They will pay Elizabeth a base salary of $61,000, due to her experience in this industry and position, and her performance will be evaluated in 90 days for a compensation increase. The base salary for an entry level AA/Secretary will be $51,000. This is $975 more than one of their competitors Apple Inc., according to (â€Å"Apple AA hourly pay,†2014) Additionally John will decide on the benefits package. Susan Hatchfield, management and organization development consultant, who specializes in human resources, explains that â€Å"health insurance is the foundation of a comprehensive employee benefits package. Health insurance is the preferred employee benefit of the majority of people who work. [†¦] No comprehensive employee benefits package would be complete without employer paid time off from work. [†¦] Short-term disability insurance ensures that an employee will still receive a percentage of income if they cannot work due to sickness or a disabling injury. [†¦] Long-term care is an insurance policy that protects an employee from loss of income in the event that he or she is unable to work due to illness, injury, or accident for a long period of time. [†¦] Various dental insurance plans are available for employers to offer as part of a comprehensive employee benefits package. [†¦] Vision insurance is a lower cost addition to a comprehensive employee benefits package that is provided by employers. [†¦] Life insurance is an appreciated component in a comprehensive employee benefits package. [†¦]†(Heathfield, 2014, para. 6) All of these benefits will be the basis for the package for the Administrative Assistant/Secretary. Health, dental and vision insurances will be competitively priced with BC covering the majority of the premiums. The short term and long term insurance and a basic life insurance policy will be provided to the employees at no additional cost. BC will also provide a 401(k) investment option to allow employees to invest in their retirement with a 7% match to all investments. They will also allow an employee stock option with the improved dividends of the corporation. She will be given paid time off on a tiered scale, 4 weeks to begin with as well as a 2 day increase every 3 years with a maximum of 6 weeks. All major holidays will also be paid with additional days off for some selected holidays. The package will include 12 stress/sick days per year. Elizabeth has been an AA/Secretary for the Advertising director with Google for 10 years and is excited to make the transition to Black Corporation. Google is the dream gig for many young professional according to a survey conducted by CB S News. Amy Levin-Epstein, of CBS News’s Money Watch reports that Google offers â€Å"a standard package of fringe benefits, but on top of that are first-class dining facilities, gyms, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, carwashes, dry cleaning, commuting buses – just about anything a hardworking employee might want.†(LEVIN-EPSTEIN, 2011, para. 2) They even offer free beer. With this in mind, John needs to develop a package that can offer some of the great fringe benefits that Elizabeth is used to. Although BC is a fairly new company they have invested in a state of the art facility, and they have done their research. They incorporated all of the amenities that Google offers as well as onsite training facilities and the option to go to school on campus to earn certifications and degrees. In conclusion, John has completed his task. He has hired Elizabeth as the Administrative Assistant/Secretary for Mary and he has developed a compensation package for the AA/Secretaries of Black Corporation. Elizabeth will start after she submits her 2 weeks notice. References Apple Administrative Assistant Hourly Pay. (2014). Retrieved from,30.htm Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, †¨on the Internet at (visited June 16, 2014). Heathfield, S. (2014). What’s In a Comprehensive Employee Benefits Package? Retrieved from LEVIN-EPSTEIN, A. (2011). Google Job Perks: Top 10 Reasons We Want to Work There. Retrieved from
Friday, September 27, 2019
Exam question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Exam question - Coursework Example p-k encryption is more protected from cryptanalysis than conventional encryption. However, the security of any system depends on key length and the computational work engaged in breaking the cipher. In addition, the p-k encryption has superseded single key encryption. This is unlikely because of the increased processing power required . For conventional encryption, the same key is used for encryption and decryption. This means that it is feasible to develop a cryptographic system that relies on one key for encryption and a different key that is related for decryption. Additionally, these algorithms have the following important characteristics such as it is computationally infeasible to find out the decryption key when provided with only the knowledge of the algorithm and the encryption key. In addition to this some algorithms such as RSA, exhibits the following characteristics: Either of the two related keys can be used for encryption, while the other can also be used for decryption. 2. The implementation of a â€Å"covert channel†is a popular technique for subverting security safeguards. Two approaches to this method involve implementing â€Å"storage†or â€Å"timing†channels. Describe how such channels could be implemented in an actual system, and suggest ways in which the presence of such channels can be detected. Computers originally are made to ease the exchange of information. Latest information technology infrastructure has the central computers main framework ,while others do not develop into a personal computer. Additionally, the information revolve around and is opened in new avenues of IT ( Kim & Solomon, 2012).. This has also opened new possibilities for crimes. The attackers take advantage and use these opportunities to have passwords and therefore have the access to information and create disastrous effects on such networks and computers. For example: The nature of the computers has changed over the recent years..
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Incidents in the life of a slave girl (1861) by Harriet jacobs Essay
Incidents in the life of a slave girl (1861) by Harriet jacobs - Essay Example The major source of encouragement to such individuals was the dream of establishing families of their own in freedom. A major hindrance was imposed upon the slaves if they already had children or families while under the rule of their slave masters or holders. In Linda’s case, her grandmother was a source of empowerment in her life, acting as both her father and mother. Her free grandmother, who was always there for her and her brother Benjamin reinforced Linda’s economic needs and emotional support (Jacobs 4). In the story, Linda talks of her grandmother endless stream of support and refuge that indebts her to her grandmother. Linda’s grandmother is also her personal confidant to whom she tells all her secrets and dreams. As such, Linda respects her grandmother so much that she does not tell her of the struggle against advances from Dr. Flint, and this marks the first conflict between the two. Since her childhood, Linda’s grandmother was always encouragin g her to assert her sexuality in order to avoid further slavery. This is an effort to pull her out of enslavement. Nevertheless, Linda faces many challenges while maintaining her sexuality, including the advances from Dr. Flint (Jacobs 21). Ultimately, she goes against her grandmother’s wishes and gives herself to Mr. Sands. This move, which she considers as triumph over her master, will have a negative impact on her relationship with her grandmother. Her grandmother is not happy after Linda confesses to her not only because of the importance of gaining freedom by maintaining her purity, but also because of societal values. Both the whites and the slaves held the institution of marriage in high regard. Another reason was the fact that children of slaves were to follow their mother step of servitude. Despite her grandmother’s empowerment, she also acts as a hindrance in her quest to obtain freedom. The relationship between Linda and her grandmother suffer a major blow a s her grandmother does not approve of her path to freedom. Linda’s intimate relationship with Mr. Sands is completely unacceptable before her grandmother’s opinion. Linda eventually has two children with Mr. Sands, who tend to delay her escape mission to freedom. Linda eventually considers another strategy: hiding until Dr. Flint becomes discouraged and sells her and her children to another slave master. In her plan to escape with Mr. Sands, her grandmother discourages her by a mother’s guilt, telling her not to trust the man but rather stick to her kids. She goes ahead to tell her that a woman who leaves her children loses her respect. This persuasion by her grandmother is a dilemma in her escape plan, which might secure the safety of her children and herself. Linda’s grandmother continues to instill the fears of her being a bad mother by relating to her children, Ben and Ellen, like a mother. Her loyalty to her grandmother and the natural fear of forsak ing her kids continues to hinder her escape plans, but not until the safety of Ben and Ellen threatened. Linda views their proposed move to plantations as slaves revive her escape plans. She acknowledges that the slaves in plantation are subject to harsh conditions than those in serving in the urban. The thought of her children suffering cruel treatment and conditions in the plantations forces her to flee disregarding her grandmother feelings and opinions. Linda places her children’s safety before the wishes of her grandmother, opting to remaining hidden in her grandmother’
EPI7005_2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
EPI7005_2 - Essay Example Such inhomogeneties may be a result in some imperfection within the magnet or magnetic susceptibility spatial variation of the object that is being imaged (Christ, 2000, p. 78). The spatial variation is normally referred to as susceptibility artifacts. EPI applied in most of protocols used in diffusion weighted acquisition uses a homogenous static field. Such a field does not normally hold for MRI head. The distortion that comes out of this is significant enough to even exceed ten millimeters. Such artifacts come in the way of accurate diffusion images alignment with structural MRI and are considered obstacles to the head MRI joint analysis of structure and connectivity. Some of the methods used for correction of magnetic susceptibility distortions include the use of a filed map. However, such methods of applying field maps are not reliable and accurate; hence, they do not result in reliable EPI alignment with structural images that correspond to it. The T2-weighted structural image approach that relies on EPI baseline image and still gives account of the susceptibility artifacts is the recommended approach (Edelman and Schmitt, 1994, p. 610). How accurate the reconstruction of the image is depends on the spin’s resonance frequency (rf) which is formed normally through a spatial linear gradient superposition and an external filed that is homogenous and strong. The above conditions have to meet failure to which the anatomical structures relative positions will end up being misrepresented in the MRI image reconstruction. A good example of this is a case in which a spin is presented to a magnetic field that is not the same as the expected value resulting from the magnetic susceptibility. In this case, the geometric distortions process will be witnessed from the MRI image (Reinsberg, Doran, Charles-Edwards, and Leach, 2005). When the spin is increased, it leads to the production of MRI signals whose intensity is relatively low while areas having high magneti c susceptibility experiencing total signal loss (Zhou and Gullapalli, 2006). Question 1A Several parameters have to be reduced in order to optimize EPI image, and they include: A. Reducing the time of echo train length: the longer the length of the echo train, the more time is required by the spin to gather phase error and the greater the distortion witnessed. One of the ways of minimizing the total time of train length is by minimizing the echo spacing. The less the time is taken by the frequency gradient in sampling the signal, the less the distortion will be witnessed as shown in figure 1. The period for sampling is normally during the flat readout gradient portion unless there is ramp sampling. In FSE, the less the ESP or the echo spacing is, the less the blurring of the image gets. In EPI, minimizing the echo spacing also results in a reduction in the blurring and geometric distortion. Figure 2. The sampling time and the read encoding gradient during normal gradient performance (McMahon, 2012) As the segmentation degree increases, the echo number acquired per rf excitation decreases. This in turn minimizes the geometric distortion as the phase error time of accumulation is reduced. Figure 3 below demonstrates the reduction in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
REPORT ON TRANSITION PLACEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
REPORT ON TRANSITION PLACEMENT - Essay Example According to Hicks (2008), obesity is a major factor in developing diabetes. The latest trend in technology--automobiles as substitute for walking; video games in lieu of tag and hide and seek, has led more and more people to drop simple physical activities for machines that decrease work effort. In a study conducted across Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations, â€Å" in 2 adults is currently overweight and 1 in 6 is obese...†(Robb, 2010, n. pag.). Students working with specialist nursing specializing in diabetes will gain knowledge and understanding of the dynamics that surround the causes of diabetes. Knowledge on prevention of the said disease will help the student educate others in the aim of raising awareness and decreasing the incidence of the disease. Education and information dissemination will be the first step towards this goal; eventually leading towards lifestyle modification among the participants. Apart from education, the skills learned while working with the nurse specialist can be used in monitoring the blood glucose level, as well as drug therapy, of those diagnosed with the said disease. Blood sugar control and proper administration of drugs results in its desirable effects. These effects can range from symptom alleviation to prevention of complications such as heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, nervous system disease, and amputation (ADA, 2011). In a study conducted by Edwall et al. (2008), constant follow-up by nurse specialist enabled the patient to foster understanding and acceptance of their disease; which demonstrated a desirable effect on the patients’ manner of coping with the struggles associated with the illness. The positive outcome was brought about by the following aspects: â€Å"being confirmed, being guided within the disease process, becoming confident and independent and being relieved†(Edwall et al., 2008, n. pag.). The patie nts gained a sense of power over the disease and this gave them satisfaction. Knowledge of special care regimen will lead to a more effective nursing care. Specialization in this field will allow the student nurse to address the patients’ concern regarding their illness. According to Heitkemper and Bond (2004), specialist nurses can provide support and guidance that can enhance patient care, refine nursing practice, and invigorate the healthcare delivery systems. Reference American Diabetes Association. (2011). Diabetes statistics. Retrieved from Boyer, B., & Paharia, I. (Eds.). (2007). Comprehensive handbook of clinical health psychology. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Edwall, L., Hellstrom, A., Ohrn, I., & Danielson, E. (2008). The lived experience of the diabetes nurse specialist regular check-ups, as narrated by patients with type 2 diabetes [Abstract]. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(6), 772-781. doi: 10.1111/j .1365-2702.2007.02015.x Heitkemper, M., & Bond, E. (2004). Clinical nurse specialist: State of profession and challenges ahead. Clinical Nurse Specialist: Journal for Advanced Nursing Practice, 18(3), 135-140. Retrieved from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
GPS and ERRORS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
GPS and ERRORS - Essay Example High cost receivers produce accuracy of 1 centimetre under dense clouds and forests. Still GPS receiver produce problems of signal generation, satellite communication and certain multiple problems still require solution. There are many features, which may be used to increase accuracy, but some times, it is more time consuming for the users. Now there is a point of concern that, it would be appropriate for the users to work with less stringent settings to save time and money and similarly gaining better accuracy. All the GPS related problems and solution to those problems are discussed in ensuing paragraphs. GPS works out position with the help of 24 satellites orbiting the earth. These satellites are operated by US department of Defence. These 24 satellites orbit earth twice a day and organized at six orbital planes that are inclined at 55 degree. Now there are clocks in receiver and satellite as well, used for calculating the distance and time that a signal takes to reach receiver. Different enhanced settings used by user help in increasing the time of a signal to reach receiver. Limited settings are the remedy to counter this problem for saving time in position calculation (Frank, 2011, 83) GPS faces two types of interference in the open; these are faced in ionosphere and troposphere. In this type of error, signals take long time to reach receiver because they have to pass through the charged particles and in troposphere, signals have to pass through moisture that is time taking. Signals travel at the speed of light in upper space but they get slower the moment they pass through ionosphere and troposphere. Force of sun creates the positive charged particles at the height of 80 to 400 Kilometres. These ions form layers in the ionosphere, which disturbs the flow of electromagnetic waves generated by satellites (Kennedy, 2010). Multiple errors occur when some amount of signals transmitted by satellite bounce back in the atmosphere before reaching a receiver.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Media Audience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Media Audience - Essay Example Media research problems are many and some of them are connected with the ethnography. Meeting people, observing them, participating in their activities, experiencing, reflecting, and understanding are considered to be the real ethnography. Media ethnography is virtual, proper, accumulated experiences, matters of every day life, some important and the rest unimportant. There should be a tradition, or continuity in it because the field or object should have existed for at least a certain amount of time, media ethnographies are about the end users, here, they are the audience. It is important to know how ethnography could be contextualised. While researching on the key issue of ethnography, mostly it is done on the constraints placed on the media. Media ethnography studies various fields of media and how it could be used in understanding the audience. "Audiences are not blank sheets of paper on which media messages can be written; members of an audience will have prior attitudes and beliefs which will determine how effective media messages are," Abercrombie (1996, p. 140). Media ethnography is a new methodology, and one of... In wireless research communication poses methodological challenges where cell phone usage is concerned. It is interesting to find out the social rules, adherence and breakage from them, and how new rules and new cell phone etiquette are formulated all the time. It maps the cell phone's capacity of fast becoming the social topography markers and it analyses the trend. Researchers face the problems of analysing the modifications, innovations, discoveries, new social interactions, violations, discarding of old social behaviours over the phone. New media research is also forced to analyse the usage of codes in social interactions and conversations. There are many challenges that are confronted by media researchers in coding too. If the research is about the internet, researcher has to find the reason, motivation, kinds of information and decision making while researching on internet. It is important to know how it is used for online interviews, how people are found and positioned, in what way it is better than personal interviews, or over telephone and how it is using the updated technology. It is also interesting to find out about the chat rooms that use many topics, political, economical, social, religious, cultural and informational and why, how and how often they use this facility. Researching on use-net and message boards had not been easy either. Researcher faces difficulties in finding people for interview and retaining their interest for the time of his research. Good sampling is an equally difficult task because to create and structure such a group of par excellence again is very difficult. Formatting the interview, deciding its mode and means of conducting such an
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Firm value and share price strategy Essay Example for Free
Firm value and share price strategy Essay BAE facing challenges on Intensive competition and budget defence cuts by their major customers should focus on increasing shareholders’ equity by reduction of costs, adapting capabilities to the changing priorities of their customers and improve their Programme execution. Directors should monitor working capital expenditures to ensure that unnecessary further debt would be incurred that inevitably has an effect on book values. Higher book values (stockholders’ equity) act as a positive in a buyers assessment of purchase price, to some extent providing at least the illusion of a floor in value (Nation’s Business 2006). 4) Recommendations dealing with corporate governance Currently BAE Systems has faced problems facing its shareholders due to its criticism received on corporate governance and ethical conduct (Daily Mail 2010). As a recommendation, BAE should follow the financial reporting council (FRC) proposition on putting greater emphasis on the principles of UK’s corporate governance code, and apply the annual shareholder re-election. This would have a significant impact a wider engagement for the company’s shareholders. A necessary midyear review process should be conducted by an external facilitator to help in the evaluation process, metrics such as board effectiveness by dealing with issues in a timely manner should be considered. Having a wide and complex set of operations, information dissemination in a timely manner is very important to ensure appropriate decisions. Key performance Indicators should be the guideline across all the managing directors and their performance will be evaluated by comparison of their actual results from targets. 5) Critical evaluation of the model used Using financial models can provide actual figures for projection analysis that can create awareness for a company’s board of directors (Palmgren 1999). The Residual Income Model can be used as a valuation of the firm, based on its total book value and residual income (Financial Education 2010). During recent years it has been used as the primary valuation method due to its measurement of internal corporate performance and feasible estimation of the intrinsic value of common stock. The difference between a residual income and traditional financial statements are for the latter its purpose of preparation is to reflect earnings available to its owners, charges incurred for equity capital and dividends are not included, while the former adds the component of cost of equity capital for its calculation (Dodd 2001). Another limitation of the traditional income model is that it may not actually reflect the value of certain business activities. Such in our case with BAE system’s numerous acquisitions, on its accounting model it seems that BAE have significantly improved profitability on its strategies, however this could not be all false, but using the residual income approach some of the acquisitions doesn’t have the kind of effect, due again to the cost of equity capital (Bild, Guest,Cosh and Runsten 2002). 6) Conclusion BAE Systems being in an industry where intense competition exists should apply necessary strategies to ensure profitability in the coming years both for continuous operation and maximizing shareholders equity. Their current strategies for acquisition may have benefited them but the cost of violation of regulation procedures have definitely impacted over all operations. Using financial models like the residual income model, the board of directors can see, what would happen if they continue with their current policies on corporate strategy and governance, it has shown a negative impact on present firm’s value, thus the recommendation for consideration of a new effective strategy to be implemented across the board. List of References BAE Systems (2010) Annual Report 2009.[PDF] Available from http://bae-systems-investor- relations-2009. production. investis. com/results-reports-and-presentations. aspx [09 May 2010]. Brylawski, M. (1995). Developing a circumstance-based Innovation Strategy for a Midsized Aerospace Manufacturer:Fostering Entreprenuership, Opening Boundaries and Seeding Disruption. [PDF] Available from http://dspace. mit. edu/bitstream/handle/1721. 1/34748/56606619. pdf? sequence=1. [09 May 2010]. Bild, M. , Guest,P. , Cosh, A. , and Runsten, M. (2002). Do takeovers create value? A residual income approach on UK data. [PDF] Daily Mail (2010). BAE flies into storm with shareholders. Available from http://www. thisismoney. co. uk/markets/article. html? in_article_id=503922in_page_id= 3. [09 May 2010]. Dodd, J. (2001). Operating income, residual income and EVA: Which metric is more value relevant. Journal of Managerial Issues. Financial Education (2010). The Residual Income Valuation Model. Available from http://financial-education. com/2007/10/30/the-residual-income-valuation-model/ [09 May 2010]. Financial Times (2010). FT Market Data BAE Systems. Available from http://markets. ft. com/ft/tearsheets/analysis. asp? s=BA.:LSE. [09 May 2010]. Nation’s Business (1996). 10 ways to increase your firms value Net Worth. Available from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m1154/is_n11_v84/ai_18818240/. [09 May 2010]. Palmgren, B. (1999). The Need for Financial Models. Available from http://www. ercim. eu/publication/Ercim_News/enw38/palmgren. html. [09 May 2010]. Smith, T Frost,L. (2008). BAE Buys Tenix Defence to Double Sales in Australia. [Online] Available from http://www. bloomberg. com/apps/news? sid=aV7YIxXunPvspid=20601087 [09 May 2010]. Wachman, R. (2010). BAE Systems hit by defence cuts. Available from http://www. guardian. co. uk/business/2010/mar/22/bae-systems-defence-spending-cuts [09 May 2010]. West, K (2010). BAE goes top of the global arms league. [Online] Available from http://www. thisismoney. co. uk/news/article. html? in_article_id=502716in_page_id=2 [09 May 2010]. Appendices Appendix 1 Five year Summary Income Statement of BAE Systems. Source: retrieved 9 May 2010 Extract from Annual Report 2009 http://bae-systems-investor-relations-2009. production. investis. com/financial-information/five-year-summary. aspx Appendix 2 Group Income Statement. Source: Extract from Annual Report 2009 for the year ended 31 December. Retrieved 10 May 2010 http://bae-systems-investor-relations-2009. production. investis. com/financial-information/group-income-statement. aspx Notes 2009 ?m Total 2009 ?m 2008 ?m Total 2008 ?m Continuing operations Combined sales of Group and equity accounted investments 3 22,415 18,543 Less: share of sales of equity accounted investments 3 (2,041) (1,872) Revenue 3 20,374 16,671 Operating costs 4 (20,060) (15,386) Other income 5 465 415 Group operating profit excluding amortisation and impairment of intangible assets 2,038 2,003. Amortisation 11 (286) (247) Impairment 11 (973) (56) Group operating profit 779 1,700 Share of results of equity accounted investments excluding finance costs and taxation expense 233 132 Financial (expense)/income of equity accounted investments 6 (7) 44 Taxation expense of equity accounted investments (23) (37) Share of results of equity accounted investments 14 203 139 Goodwill impairment in respect of equity accounted investments 14 (121) Contribution from equity accounted investments 203 18 EBITA1 excluding non-recurring items 2,220 1,897 Profit on disposal of businesses2 9. 68 238 Pension curtailment gains2 261 Regulatory penalties3 (278) EBITA1 2,271 2,135 Amortisation (286) (247) Impairments (973) (177) Financial (expense)/income of equity accounted investments 6 (7) 44 Taxation expense of equity accounted investments (23) (37) Operating profit 3 982 1,718 Finance costs 6 Financial income 1,573 3,380 Financial expense (2,273) (2,727) (700) 653 Profit before taxation 282 2,371 Taxation expense 8 UK taxation (105) (351) Overseas taxation (222) (252) (327) (603) (Loss)/profit for the year (45) 1,768 Attributable to: BAE Systems shareholders (67) 1,745 Minority interests 22 23 (45) 1,768 (Loss)/earnings per share 10 Basic (loss)/earnings per share (1. 9)p 49. 6p Diluted (loss)/earnings per share (1. 9)p 49. 5p Appendix 3 Group Balance Sheet as at 31 December. Source: Extract from Annual Report 2009. Retrieved 10 May 2010 http://bae-systems-investor-relations-2009. production. investis. com/financial-information/balance-sheet. aspx Notes 2009 ?m 2008 Restated ?m Fixed assets Tangible assets 2 4 5 Investments in subsidiary undertakings 3 7,070 5,663 7,074 5,668 Current assets Debtors due within one year 4. 7,468 9,339 Debtors due after one year 4 14 3 Other financial assets due within one year 262 703 Other financial assets due after one year 5 179 478 Cash at bank and in hand 5 2,804 1,988 10,725 12,511 Liabilities falling due within one year Loans and overdrafts 6 (37) (49) Creditors 7 (14,490) (12,873) Other financial liabilities 5 (255) (598) (14,782) (13,520) Net current liabilities (4,057) (1,009) Total assets less current liabilities 3,017 4,659 Liabilities falling due after one year Loans 6 (233) (258) Creditors 7 (3) (6) Other financial liabilities 5 (327) (574). (563) (838) Provisions for liabilities and charges 8 (61) (120) (2,393) (3,701) Capital and reserves Issued share capital 10 90 90 Share premium account 12 1,243 1,238 Statutory reserve 13 202 202 Other reserves 12 119 164 Profit and loss account 12 739 2,007 Equity shareholders’ funds 2,393 3,701 Appendix 4 Group Cash Flow for the year ended 31 December. Source: Extract from Annual Report 2009. Retrieved 10 May 2010 http://bae-systems-investor-relations-2009. production. investis. com/financial-information/cash-flow. aspx Notes 2009 ?m 2008 ?m (Loss)/profit for the year (45) 1,768. Taxation expense 327 603 Share of results of equity accounted investments 14 (203) (139) Net finance costs 700 (653) Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 1,600 755 Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment 4, 5 (17) (33) Gain on disposal of investment property 5 – (5) Gain on disposal of businesses 5 (68) (238) Cost of equity–settled employee share schemes 52 51 Movements in provisions 52 (115) Decrease in liabilities for retirement benefit obligations (657) (272) Decrease/(increase) in working capital: Inventories 6 46 Trade and other receivables 52 (5). Trade and other payables 433 246 Cash inflow from operating activities 2,232 2,009 Interest paid (250) (249) Interest element of finance lease rental payments (2) (5) Taxation paid (350) (261) Net cash inflow from operating activities 1,630 1,494 Dividends received from equity accounted investments 14 77 89 Interest received 66 156 Purchases of property, plant and equipment (483) (520) Purchases of intangible assets (42) (32) Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 36 44 Proceeds from sale of investment property – 5 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings 27, 29 (357) (1,078). Cash and cash equivalents acquired with subsidiary undertakings 27 33 2 Purchase of equity accounted investments 27 (1) (12) Proceeds from sale of subsidiary undertakings 9 2 131 Cash and cash equivalents disposed of with subsidiary undertakings – (60) Proceeds from sale of equity accounted investments 9 70 16 Net proceeds from (purchase)/sale of other deposits/securities (209) 164 Net cash outflow from investing activities (808) (1,095) Capital element of finance lease rental payments (13) (18) Proceeds from issue of share capital 5 16 Purchase of own shares (25) (43) Equity dividends paid 28. (534) (478) Dividends paid to minority interests (5) (11) Cash inflow/(outflow) from matured derivative financial instruments 36 (440) Cash (outflow)/inflow from movement in cash collateral (11) 106 Cash inflow from loans 920 Cash outflow from repayment of loans (133) (306) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities 240 (1,174) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,062 (775) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 2,605 3,046 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 11 334 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 3,678 2,605.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Analysis of felda jengka settlement analysis
Analysis of felda jengka settlement analysis Pick any rural area that you are familiar with. Describe its socio economic background including approximate broadband penetration. Describe occupations that are existing there, demographics and geographies lay out including major buildings and geographical locations. What are rural areas? According to an online source, the definition of rural areas is areas that are largely isolated in an open country with low population density. Many people often have a misconception between the terms countryside and rural areas. Countryside is often referred to rural areas that are open. Areas such as forest, wetlands and others that have low population density are associated with rural areas. However the definition between the terms countryside, rural and urban areas differ from one country to another. In Malaysias early days, urban areas often equated to gazetted administration districts with a population of 1000 or more inhabitants where most of its economy are mainly professional-based. Most of the people living in urban areas work as Figure : Malaysia Rural Populationdoctors, lawyers, engineers and others. However, this definition is no longer applicable in todays world. In Malaysia, the economy of the rural areas on the other hand is mainly agricultural-based. Most of the settlers are smallholder operators in agricultural sector and labourers. The smallholder agricultural sector includes oil palm plantation, rubber plantation, fishermen, and estate workers, just to name a few. From Figure : Malaysia Rural Population graph, it can be seen that there are many rural settlers in the 90s. However, according to World Bank statistics, it is reported that in the year 2008 itself, the population of rural settlers was 8007029.29 people. From the graph itself, it can be seen that after the year 2000, the rural populations start to decrease. One of the reasons that cause the reduction of rural population is the migration of rural settlers to urban areas. Since decades ago, the main occupations of the rural settlers in Peninsular Malaysia are fishing or farming. Most of these settlers live in villages which are often known as kampongs. These villages consist of houses that are built on stilts with wooden or bamboo walls and floors, and thatched palm roofs. However, just as urban areas, there are higher income earners too in these villages. Higher income earners are often to live in houses that have either tin or tile roofs. Since the main occupation of these villages is farming, most of the rural settlers grow rice. Thus, rice will be their staple food. In Malaysia, most of the rural settlers are farmers due to the ideal climate and environment in Malaysia throughout the year that allows paddy to be planted. Besides paddy cultivating, fresh vegetables plantation and fishing in nearby streams or rivers are part of their daily chores. Raising rubber trees for rubber collection is carried out to increase the family income. Those living a long the coast will earn their living through fishing. In Sabah and Sarawak, the rural settlers differ from Peninsular Malaysia. In the western of Malaysia, most of the people live in isolated villages. They preferred to stay together in a large long house that can accommodate lots of families. Their daily chores include raising vegetables, hunting, fishing and gathering edible plants in the jungles. In most rural villages whether in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak, there will a few shops that will be operated by Chinese merchants. These shops will sell items that rural settlers could not produce. They include coffee, milks, utensils and others. However, in Sabah and Sarawak, some Chinese peddlers are willing to travel to the isolated villages by boat. Once they reached the isolated villages, they will exchange their goods with the forest products that the rural settlers have. Most of the rural settlers live in poverty. There are many factors that drive poverty among the rural settlers. One of the factors is multidimensional in nature ranging from social to economic factors. One of the researchers, Ungku Aziz (1964) stated that poverty is usually associated with lack infrastructures, low income, low productivity and unemployment. In conclusion, poverty in rural areas is due to lack of infrastructure development, welfare programmes and agricultural development. Figure 1: Jengka Triangle LocationUntil today, in Malaysia there are many rural areas that are scattered around. In this write up, the rural area that is picked is FELDA Jengka. FELDA Jengka or Bandar Pusat Jengka is located in the state of Pahang, Peniinsular Malaysia as shown in Figure 1. Bandar Pusat Jengka is one of the major cities and is located in the centre of the triangle Jengka which is also known as Felda Jengka. Bandar Pusat Jengka is under the supervision and administration of FELDA. It is located near to Gunung Senyum Recreational Forest which serves as a tourist destination. Gunung Senyum is believed that since Mesolithic era, there are human settlements in this area. Next to Gunung Senyum is Gunung Puyuh which consists of 18 caves. FELDA stands for Federal Land Development Authority which is established in 1st July 1956 by the Malaysian Government to handle the resettlement of rural poor to much more developed areas. FELDA provide the initial models to the rural settl ers to start their career in farming. This scheme is only applicable to ethnic Malays. Currently, according to a study carried out, FELDA is one of the worlds largest plantation owners. FELDA has about 811140 hectares of oil palms across Peninsular Malaysia. The location of Jengka Triangle or FELDA Jengka where 25 settlements are found in this Triangle. Figure 1: Location of Jengka Triangle Development Area Figure 2: Jengka Triangle Development Area Jengka was first found in the year 1967 and today its population is reaching almost 300 thousand people. Jengka is located in between three regions namely Temerloh, Maran and Jerantut. This small town obtained its name from a nearby river called Sungai Jengka. According to some residents there, this river obtained its name from a story where a woman by the named Yang Jangka who drowned in this river. The Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Jengka (LKWJ) administered this town from the year 1967 to 1997. Then from 1997 until today, Jengka is administered by Majlis Daerah Maran (MDM). Bandar Pusat Jengka got its name from Jengka town. Jengka town originally is a settlement that specially built for workers who work in Kilang Syarikat Jengka Sdn. Bhd. (SJSB) in 1969. Kilang Syarikat Jengka Sdn. Bhd. (SJSB) is a subsidiary of the Pahang State Government. Jengka settlers came from all over Malaysia since 1986. They are the poor people who have the living standard of below poverty level. According to a study done, the majority of the FELDA Jengka settlers ancestors are mostly deployed from the northern states such as Perak, Perlis, Kedah and Penang. However, there are some who came from eastern states and southern states such as Kelantan, Melaka, and Selangor, just to name a few. This will leads to a blend of different cultures and traditions as different settlers from different states will try to preserve their ancestry customs and culture. Besides the majority Malays settlers, there are also Chinese and Indians settlers. Table 1 shows the breakdown of the Jengka settlers by state origin. It can be seen that most of the settlers are from the state of Pahang itself. Table 1: Jengka Settlers by state of origin Today under the administration of FELDA, in Bandar Pusat Jengka itself, there are about 25 FELDA settlements. They include FELDA Anggerik Jengka 1, FELDA Cempaka Jengka 2, FELDA Dahlia Jengka 3, FELDA Kemboja Jengka 4, FELDA Kekwa Jengka 5, FELDA Keembong Jengka 6, FELDA Kenanga Jengka 7, FELDA Kesidang Jengka 8, FELDA Kesumba Jengka 9, FELDA Mawar Jengka 10, FELDA Melati Jengka 11, FELDA Melor Jengka 12, FELDA Puteri Malu Jengka 13, FELDA Raya Jengka 14, FELDA Semarak Jengka 15,FELDA Sena Jengka 16, FELDA Seri Pagi Jengka 17, FELDA Seroja Jengka 18, FELDA Siantan Jengka 19, FELDA Tanjung Jengka 20 ,FELDA Teratai Jengka 21, FELDA Terkis Jengka 22, FELDA Tonkin Jengka 23, FELDA Jengka 24, and FELDA Jengka 25. These FELDA settlements are located a few kilometres away from each others. In each settlement there are about 300 to 500 of settlers occupying. Each of the male settlers is known as Peneroka FELDA and their wives are known as Penerokawati. The wives of the settlers are under the supervision of a manager that is appointed by the FELDA. For example in FELDA Jengka 25, there are about 152 families living in this settlement. FELDA Jengka 25 opened its door in the year 1986. The years before that, which is in between the year 1983 and 1984, development and deployment in FELDA Jengka 25 begin. In this settlement, farming land is divided into two categories which are Level 002 and Level 004. Level 002 consists of 95 people and Level 004 consists of 57 people. Level 003 do not have any settlers. The main occupations of the FELDA settlers are mainly agriculture based as more than half of the populations in FELDA Jengka are involved in agricultural activities. Table 2 shows the distribution of settlers in the FELDA Jengka Triangle according to scheme. From Table 2, it can be seen that FELDA Jengka settlers are mainly involve in oil pl antation and rubber. Thus, it can be concluded that in Jengka Triangle the main crops are oil palm and rubber. FELDA Jengka 24 is one of the 25 settlements in FELDA Jengka. It is found that up to year 2008, the population of this settlement is about 5000 people. Most of the settlers are involved in small businesses through the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) which was established few years back. Most of the older generations that settle in this settlement are involved in land cultivating, and working in farms and orchards. The younger generations have further their studies at the tie tertiary level in other states. Some of the younger generations seek jobs in big cities like Kuala Lumpur. As stated in the beginning of the writing, plantation sector is the source of income for most settlers in Jengka Triangle. Most of the settlers in FELDA Jengka 24 and also others settlements in the Jengka Triangle regions are involved in oil palm plantation. Besides involving in oil palm plantation, the settlers are brave enough to take the risk of investing in agarwood tree plantation. Agarwood is said to be one of the most expensive and good quality plant product. It is said that this plants required eight months to reap and a total of five years are needed for the trees to be cut. All the settlers work very closely with FELDA in this sector. Mature oil palms will be collected by the settlers and will be transported to FELDAs Oil Palm Processing Plant to be processed. FELDA play an important role in ensuring that the settlers will be paid for their hard work. Besides, it is also found that there is an average of 13 shops per scheme. Most of the shops sell basic necessities such as rice, sugar, canned food and others. There are also shops that operate as coffee shops that sell various types of cakes, drinks and noodles. Sundry shops and coffee shops are commonly found in the settlements. Besides, sundry shops and coffee shops, there are shops that repair motors, hardware shops, bookshops and others. Recently, a youth from FELDA Jengka involved in aquaculture field. Leech farming has been initiated by Mohd Khairul Nizam Che Anuar and his friends. They will rear leeches in canvas containers and after 60 days, they will sell these leeches at the price of RM200 per kilogram. These leeches will be processed into leech oil. Table 2: Distribution of Jengka Settlers based on the scheme In Bandar Pusat Jengka, there are about eight schools, two colleges and a university. The Government realized that education is really important in shaping the future of the younger generations. Besides, in Malaysias constitution, every citizens of Malaysia have the right to obtain a proper education. Thus, schools such as Sekolah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat, Maahad As-Sultan Ahmad Shah Ad-Dini, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka 6 and others were built. FELDA too provides monetary support for the settlers children who are furthering their studies to tertiary level. Besides, the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Cawangan Pahang Kampus Bandar Jengka was built so that standard of living of the settlers in Bandar Pusat Jengka can be improved. The Government have been developed Bandar Pusat Jengka by introducing new facilities to accommodate the needs of the people living in Bandar Pusat Jengka. The Government realized that new facilities should b e built in rural areas like Bandar Pusat Jengka to ensure that the rural settlers are not left behind in the countrys development. Bandar Pusat Jengka has been given many public facilities. They include Jengka Hospitals, Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Jengka, public library, bus terminal Nadi Kota Bandar Pusat Jengka and Urban Community Polyclinic Jengka. Besides these facilities, the Government too have bring some of the Government agencies such as , Islamic Council and the Office of Customs Pahang , police station, Fire and Rescue Department , National Registration Department, Department of Road Transport, Office of National Energy and Office of the NSW Department of Water Supply to this area so that the rural settlers need not need to travel to the nearest town some 40 kilometres away to make a visit to any of these agencies. In addition to that, the Government too built some sports facilities such as golf courses, sports complex and mini stadium to allow the rural settle rs to involve themselves in sports. Financial institutions such as Maybank, Bank Rakyat, Tabung Haji and Affin Bank just to name a few have established in Bandar Pusat Jengka. These financial institutions provide facilities such as loans, financial management and others to help the rural settlers to increase their crops production. The welfare and safety of the settlers in each settlement in FELDA Jengka is well taken care of by the Scheme Development and Security Committee (JKKR) which is formed under FELDA entrusted. The Scheme Development and Security Committee (JKKR) will uphold a high responsibility in giving co-operations and help to the settlers so that the settlers will be able to progress further which is part of the governments aspirations. In the recent Budget, the Government has allocated a huge amount of allocation to develop the rural areas around Malaysia. This is to ensure that the settlers in the rural areas will be able to obtain adequate facilities. It can be seen that in most rural areas, most of the residents are able to enjoy electricity and water supply in their homes. Currently the one of the Government inspirations is to connect the rural areas with the urban areas. In order to achieve this, penetration of broadband should be introduced to rural areas. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Centre Line Community (CBC) is introduced to FELDA Jengka 23 and 25 in April 2010. This main aim of this facility is to help the younger generations in the rural settlement to be ICT literacy and to fill their leisure time. By having internet facility in the rural settlements, the younger generations will be able to communicate with the outside world as bridging between the rural and urban community coul d be formed. This will able to widen their knowledge. CBC was introduced to rural settlements due to the inspiration from the Government to ensure that all Malaysians have knowledge about the internet and are able to connect to the world. Besides, this will bring changes to the mentality of the FELDA younger generations settlers. According to CBC FELDA Jengka 23 Manager, Mohd Shahrir Md Yusof, he said that this facility is a joint venture project between the Government with Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) and Telekom Malaysia. Broadband penetration in rural areas such as FELDA Jengka has brought changes to the living standard of the settlers. With the internet facility at Centre Line Community (CBC), the settlers are able to save time, money and energy. Moreover, their daily activities such as paying monthly utility bills, business online payment (money transfer), communicate with outstation family members and products ordering by consumers; just to name a few will be easier to be carried out. With this broadband penetration in FELDA Jengka, the settlers need not need to travel more than 40 kilometres to the nearest town such as Termerloh to carry out their activities. Currently in FELDA Jengka 23 itself, the Government and other organizations have allocated 20 units of computers. The settlers are able to use the facility from 9am to 6pm throughout the week. Besides, the CBC too provides basic computer classes to educate the settlers on the operations of the computer and some of the programmes. According to Mohd Shahrir, there is a high respond from the settlers on this facility where the average users of the facility are more than 100 settlers per day. Besides FELDA Jengka 23, other settlements such as FELDA Jengka 24 too are equipped with the broadband facility. In FELDA Jengka 24, the CBC is located together with the Rural Clinic. According to Khairul Nizam Che Anuar or Along who is a youth living in FELDA Jengka 24, he said that he us ually visit the CBC to surf the internet and to learn more about leech farming. CBC too can surf as a place where the settlers are able to meet up and communicate with other settlers. Thus, this will leads to a better bonding between the settlers. In FELDA Jengka 24, there are only two computers, a scanner and printer. In conclusion
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Internet Destructive Or Developmental Force Media Essay
The Internet Destructive Or Developmental Force Media Essay Today, we have access to the most remarkable modes of communications. The Internet is one such mode that functions as a powerful and compelling technology. With the advent of the Internet, more people are educated. We turn to the Internet to communicate ideas and learn about current events; the information is literally at our fingertips. The online world may be reshaping our brains and affecting our critical thinking process. Critical thinking is defined as the capacity to reflect, reason, and draw conclusions based on our experiences, knowledge, and insights (Taylor). The Internet is a tool that is built on the capabilities of the people who are using it. Thus, the Internet is developing societys ability to think clearly and rationally, as more and more people are communicating ideas, understanding connections, and evaluating arguments. The access to the information is advancing society. Ever since our origins of the cave, new technology has resulted in panic. We must accept that an y major technological advancements will result in social and cognitive changes. The influence of the Internet will continue rising and our new abilities cannot be put back in the box (Bavelier et all). Thus, harnessing and understanding the benefits of the Internet is important to the development of society. By channeling learning and communication around the world, the Internet poses beneficial impacts on educational and social aspects of society. Since the Internet allows instant and uncontrollable transmission of information, many scholars and critics claim that the Internet is a destructive force that is dumbing us down. Our world is strongly influenced by digital media. With the rising influence of the Internet, the news industry is pressured to constantly produce news. Therefore, some claim that the Internet is leading to false reporting. In addition, critics claim that false rumors spread through social networking sites, including Twitter and Facebook. However, the aforementioned claims are not legitimate enough to undermine the positive impacts of the Internet. Although experts in this field, such as Nicholas Carr, argue that access to technology is making our generation less intelligent, we must take into account the changing, fast-paced world that we live in. Psychologists argue that around 1900, there was a similar fashion for hysterical warnings of nervous disorders and the weakening of the brain supposedly triggere d by technological advances (Schmundt). As a result, the first intelligence test was developed in 1905. The current methods of the academe must adapt to modern technological innovation, such as the Internet because there is no turning back; the Internet is developing new ways of thinking and interacting. Current practices of our educational institutionsand workplacesare a mismatch between the age we live in and the institutions we have built over the last 100-plus years (Davidson). We must start to think differently about human capacity and intelligence. It is important to take into the account that as with food, the effects of technology will depend on what type of technology is consumed, how much and for how long (Bavelier et all). The internet is helpful, but like any form of technology, excessive use of it creates reliance and dependency that prevents us from improving ourselves. Everyday, a countless number of people throughout the world benefit from using the Internet, whether for work or pleasure. The positive impacts of the Internet overpower the negative effects. The Internet is a developmental force in society that provides us a means to communicate, entertain, and collaborate with people all around the world. The Internet is a driving force in creating a new idea of intelligence. Using a search engine, we can type in our search query and the search engine delivers relevant information within seconds.Web browsing also requires additional types of mental processing evaluating hyperlinks to make navigational decisions and filtering photos, videos and menus (Bavelier et all). While using these resources on the Internet, we activate more areas of our brain than we do while reading text (Bavelier et all). In files that contain tremendous amounts of content, the Internet allows us to focus and analyze the bits of information for their usefulness and relevance. The more pieces of information we can access and the faster we can extract their gist, the more productive we become as thinkers. Historians and scientists suggest that technology does not change the brains fundamental abilities (Bavelier et all). In fact, psychologists explain that technological developments have not changed the foundati ons of brain structure and organization. In other words, the advent of the Internet has not resulted in new brain structures. However, the Internet does affect the connections in the human mind by manipulating the flexible cognitive behavior of the brain. The brains [are] learning, benefiting from practice and experience (Bavelier et all). Childrens immediate environment determines the kind of attention that they develop (Taylor). A global trend that is widely recognized is that IQ levels are rising. From one generation to the next, children are performing better on IQ tests (Schmundt). The Internet is transforming culture and creating new knowledge. In addition, it fosters creative opportunities for individuals and collaborating groups. For example, Wikipedia serves as a source of creativity and knowledge that bridges the gap between experts in particular fields and ordinary individuals. The Internet puts us in touch with limitless resources across the world, providing us with fres h perspectives. The new technologies stimulate children to thrive on their imaginations and ideas. The Internet is not making us dumber. To say the least, it is leading us to imagine a new concept of intelligence. The importance of the Internet in education is undeniable. Access to the Internet allows for deeper understanding and greater knowledge of a subject. Thinking is plastic and adapts to the environment (Schmundt). The Internet is not creating a less intelligent generation; the generations are just learning in new ways, as they are constantly being exposed to technological resources, such as the Internet. Sociologists refer to those who identify the Internet as a serious societal worry and source of addiction as moral panics (Szalavitz). Young people are simply adapting to a world that is faster-paced and influenced by the online world and digital media. The fact that students use the Internet as their main source of information demonstrates that the way students think, learn, and process information is changing (Hall). Children today live in one of the most distracting, and at the same time, stimulating environments yet, constantly being exposed to new technologies. They should not be penalized for finding new technology more interesting than what is taught in the classrooms. In order to provide todays generation with the skills to contribute to society, we must reflect on the changing face of corporate America, which calls for educational practices to be revolutionized. The Internet is revolutionizing education. Encyclopedia Britannica, the worlds encyclopedia, serves as a source of free, accessible information. Documents are searchable online, instead of looking up table of contents or indexes in books. Research that once required days in the stacks or periodical rooms of libraries can now be done in minutes (Carr). The Internet serves as an effective, useful, accessible storage of information. The plethora of educational resources, available with the click of a button, allow students to immerse themselves in knowledge. The Web has unlocked the keys to a worldwide virtual school, potentially leveling the playing field for students around the world (Myers). We m ust incorporate different types of technological resources, such as the Internet, into the curriculum for it is not wise, nor beneficial to use systems and standards from the past as a basis for the future, with regards to education. The Internet is a source of education that is changing and developing the academe in order to make it all-encompassing and on par with todays society, economic aspects, and cultural standards of society. Universities and corporate America consists, largely, of digital natives (Hall). In other words, young people are being raised in a society that is inundated by the immediate access to vast amounts of information on the Internet. The increasing use of the Internet has led to educational concerns, focusing on the danger of brains being shaped differently. However, a study demonstrated that the online world is actually conducive to learning and communicating idea effectively. Through the use of new technologies, students network their learning in remarkable ways, such as creating learning applications for their iPods. The current methods of the academe are not beneficial to all children; we must start to think differently about human capacity: the idea that smart people are academically successful is feeding the production line mentality of society. Standardized testing and streamline education is not taking advantage of potential geniuses. Instead, these public education techniques ar e impeding the development of amazing divergent thinkers. Incorporating the Internet and other technological resources into the curriculum will help todays children be on par with the heightening standards and technological demands of society. A professor teaching a class based on learning and the Internet assigned students a term paper and a blog response. He found that the students online responses were better than the ideas in their papers. Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies show that Internet searches activate a larger network of brain areas than does simple text reading (Bavelier et all). Encouraging thinking and collaborating online was demonstrated to maximize brain activity. While some argue that Internet dumbs people down, the blogs did not contain the jargon, stilted diction, poor word choice, and rambling thoughts that the traditional papers exhibited (Davidson). On the contrary, the blogs depicted less plagiarism and more concrete, genuine responses. Clearly, the Internet allows students to express their ideas elegantly, unpretentiously, and effectively. In order to prevent personal similarities from interfering with the cultivation of innovations, online chats, blogging, and teleconferencing are critical to an institutions success. Groups of people, including professors and students, can actively collaborate via multiple channels, fostering more dynamic team interaction. Blogging websites, online discussion forums, and social networking sites are rising platforms for expression and communication. Through social networking sites, the Internet helps bring people together in vast numbers and provides a conduit for expression. Educational systems have been quite constant over the years, hardly adapting to new, modern times. However, recently, professors and students have began using social networking sites to collaborate, reinforce, and teach curriculum. Blogs provide channels for people to communicate ideas and evaluate arguments. Analysis and response to world events allow people to share their their opinions and thoughts, often leading to debate. In addition, social networking sites allow people who share mutual goals to create clubs and organizations. In order to prevent personal similarities from interfering with the cultivation of innovations, online chats and teleconferencing are critical to an organizations success. Sociologists, who study the so cial forces, such as the Internet, that structure society and influence behavior claim that the shifting culture calls for technology and the Internet to play an increasingly essential role in society (Albison). Critics should analyze sociological factors, such as the fast-paced world that we live in before deeming the Internet a destructive or developmental force. Politics could be described as the study of the exercise of power. The Internet and social has led to empowerment and civic participation. To say the least, individuals and groups are empowered in an era of digital media. The new tools of social media have reinvented social activism (Gladwell). Social media is creating a new style of revolution, where the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been upended, making it easier for the powerless to collaborate, coordinate, and give voice to their concerns (Gladwell). Although critics argue that bloggers may replace traditional news organizations, bloggers do not possess the skills required for investigative reporting (Rogers). The free flow of information and ideas, which the Internet allows, is necessary for progressive societies. At the same time, the Internet allows us to connect with people throughout the world. For those who are suppressed, the Internet presents means to circumvent government restr ictions. In fact, the 2009 Moldova revolution was called the Twitter Revolution because of the crucial role of Twitter in organizing the groups. Blogs allow people to openly share their perspectives and respond to others views on conflicts, whether it be gun violence in America or tension in the Middle East. Movements originating on Facebook or Twitter may often lead to people making a difference in society. By channeling communication around the world, the Internet serves as a developmental force, as it poses beneficial impacts on educational and social aspects of society. The Internet has been able to open so many different channels of information that are accessible to us, as a populus. This benefit definitely outweighs the potential harm that people think it could cause. Online platforms of expression and communication, such as blogs, allow people to openly share their perspectives and receive responses from others. This results in people analyzing their perspectives and thought process. Groups of people, including professors and students, can actively collaborate via multiple channels, fostering more dynamic team interaction. The online world is bridging the gap that once existed between experts and ordinary individuals. More people are able to achieve deeper understanding and greater knowledge of a subject, with access to the Internet. While analyzing sources on the Internet for th eir validity and relevance to the topic or issue at hand, we use more regions of our brain than we do while reading text. The current methods of the academe and workplace must change in response to major technological advances, such as the Internet, for digital natives are entering universities and corporate America. The Internet allows for unified communities and shared knowledge, which without we as a society would not have achieved technological and sociological advancements present today. We should harness and develop the new concept of intelligence in order to advance society, for the advantages that the Internet poses on our world definitely outweigh the disadvantages.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Sarah Miller Mr. Maltby Senior Project 3-11-14 The History of Interior Design Think about the things that make a home look nice. Think about the specific components that pull the whole place together. The paint or wallpaper on the walls, the hardwood or carpet on the floor, the furniture, and even the paintings or decoration on the walls. All of these important characteristics make up interior design. Interior design has been around for as long as the very first homes were built. But, what many people don’t know about are the continuous changes in interior design throughout history. From the looks of the early 17th century home, or the introduction to neoclassicism in the 18th century, to the move towards modernism in the 1900s..Interior design is an ever changing feature. Technology played a key part in the 17th century home. The introduction of the 17th century inventions such as the internal/external brick, house partitions, and stone walls substantially changed how the average interior was used and exposed. After the Great Fire of London in 1666, the fear of fire was huge in the homes of 1700. The brick, partitions and stone not only created more effective protection against fire, but they allowed for better structural strength, improved insulation, and created opportunities for greater and more elaborate use of interior plasterwork. (Parissien 18) The use of coal in Northern Europe began to increase, making many innovations in fireplace technology. People began to realize that the size of the fireplace didn’t necessarily mean more heat and the bigger the chimney piece opening meant the more heat was wasted up the flue. Therefore, the fireplace opening was made smaller and the chimney piece began to serve as a decorative,... ... more spacious kitchen environment. (Ferebee 116). In conclusion, interior design has seen its fair share of changes throughout history. The looks of the early 17th century home with its emphasis on the chimneypiece, the introduction to neoclassicism in the 18th century which stressed principals and proportion, or the first steps toward modernism in the 1900s when hygiene was the main focus. Interior design would not be the same today without the ideas of designers throughout history. I believe that our current style of interior design with its extremely modern look was a result of those very first steps toward modernism way back in the early 1900s. Next time you are admiring how wonderful your home looks, give a silent thank you to those early designers who planted the seed of interior design in many minds that has been passed down, time to time to our generation.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Artificial Intelligence Essay -- Technology, Computers
Of all the technological developments of the modern age, none is as complex as artificial intelligence. The idea that a non-human, manufactured entity could advance to a point of emulating human behavior is enough to make people shiver. The idea of something so advanced that we will not be able to tell the difference may be even worse. In 1961 Philip Dick wrote Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?. It portrayed a world with these exact characteristics. Artificial Intelligence had advanced to a point of near-perfect human replication. In creating this world, Dick was echoing the speculations and fears of a.i. that had build up by that time. It would then continue to influence those opinions in the years after. It is necessary to look at the development of artificial intelligence in order to put this idea into context. The concept of intelligent and aware constructs began to emerge in the 1950s and 60s as several scientists in many fields came together to discuss the possibilities of advanced computer research. The first major step was a scientific conference at Dartmouth College in 1956. Here, the general concepts and possible paths of research for a.i. were fleshed out. As described in Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, this conference was â€Å"the birth of artificial intelligence.†This was mostly a theoretical stage yet attending experts predicted that with a huge investment, working technology could be available in a generation (16). After being officially established, a.i. research and discovery exploded. Computer programs, a brand new idea, were already conquering algebra problems and speech recognition. Some could even reproduce English (18). It was clear that arti ficial intelligence research was going to be at the fo... .... Each stage of development increases our reliance and this in turn promotes advancement. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep described a dark world where artificial intelligences and humanity came into a form of conflict. Its predictions and ramifications are not easily dismissed and hold true even today. We are already seeing a.i. surpass humans in some fields. IBM's WATSON has passed humanity in terms of intellect. It will be some time before it is self-aware of that fact, but it is a milestone nonetheless. We also have artificial â€Å"slaves†in some small sense of the word. Machines to much of the heavy labor previously done by man. Massive assembly plants now only employ a few technicians to watch overt the computers. While a far cry away from slavery, the process has begun. We are addicted too we usefulness of machines and the addiction is impossible to cure.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Empiricism in Geography
For the purpose of this essay I will critically discuss aspects of empiricism and the empirical method and their use in geography. I will discuss these aspects with close reference to a recommended reading for our course by Ward et al (2007). Empiricism is a philosophical idea that experience, which is based on observation and experimentation, is the only source of knowledge. Empiricism believes that the mind is a blank canvas and all knowledge arrives in the mind through the portals that are the 5 senses. It believes that all that we as a race know about the world is what the world wishes to tell us.Empiricism states that only information garnered using ones senses should be decreed as credible when making a decision An essential characteristic of it is its commitment to the position that all knowledge is dependent on experience.. It is directly in opposition with the fundamental ideas and attitudes associated with another philosophical doctrine, Rationalism. Rationalism champions a ll knowledge which is gathered through reason as opposed to through the senses. Essentially Rationalism vs Empiricism is a battle of reason vs. experience.Empiricism has been largely discredited as a discipline in an academic Geographical context but is still widely used in both human and physical geography. The Empirical Method is defined as a method of using a collection of data to form the basis of a theory and essentially form a scientific conclusion. The word empirical means information gained by experience, observation, or experiment. The central theme in scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical which means it is based on evidence. There are two prominent men who are credited with the development of modern empiricism.Francis Bacon was termed the ‘father’ of empiricism. He deemed that the human mind gained their knowledge only through the senses and that the development of the ability to free the mind of all biases and consciences that could i nhibit the truth about certain things. This method was called inductive reasoning. Following Bacon’s death in 1626 other philosophers were free to elaborate on the groundwork he had laid down. One such influential figure was John Locke. Locke believed that from birth human beings are ignorant and all that we know is derived from experience.It was lock who coined the term synonymous with empiricism, ‘tabula rasa’ which basically means blank slate. The reading from Ward et al (2007) is entitled ‘Living and Working in Urban Class Communities’. It was compiled by Kevin Ward, Collete Fagan, Linda McDowell, Diane Perrins and Kath Ray. All the authors hold esteemed positions in prestigious third level institutes in the United Kingdom, among them the University of Manchester, the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics. This fact alone leads the reader to automatically assume that the reading is a credible piece of work.All but one author are in the geographical field. Collete Fagan is part of a school of Sociology and therefore she brings a social viewpoint to the table. The reading was completed fully in May 2006 making it 6 years old at present. It focuses on an area of Manchester, England called Sharston. Sharston is a smaller district of the larger Manchester region called Wythenshawe. Sharston is predominately what the reading terms a ‘disadvantaged’ area which suffers from social and economic deprivation. Most of the residents are involved in semi or unskilled work in the local area with low rates of pay.There are also low levels of home ownership in Wythenshawe and the levels of people who are on permanent sick leave and disability are above average. Also to add onto all of this four in ten people there have no formal qualification. The reading focuses on the way that low income mothers cope in Sharston as they perform paid and unpaid work while at the same time juggling to maintain the social repro duction of the household. Manchester is the 2nd most deprived local authority district according to the 2004 index.Wythenshawe, where Sharston is located is the most deprived region of Manchester. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the authors would choose Wythenshawe as the basis for their study. The reading discusses the mass emergence of a working class in Sharston and how most families have to rely on either one and a half or 2 incomes to support themselves financially. A high proportion of women choose to maintain part time hours in employment so that they can be there for their children when they come home from school and begin their caring and nurturing duties within their home.In the study, it became clear that the majority of women are employed in one of the 5 c’s of employment: cashiering, caring, cleaning, clerical and catering. The researchers gathered their information through the process of 20 interviews with women from the area. These interviews took place in the women’s homes. The interviews were recorded transcribed and analysed. They asked the women to think of their past, present and future and most women were frustrated when they thought of their situation. Questions like here they lived and why they made the decisions they made were asked. The results of the interviews were all recorded in tables. There are six tables present in the paper. The tables were on the following: socio economic indicators of Sharston in comparison with the city region and nation, work performed by participants, summary of statistics of households in Wythenshawe, intergenerational mobility, paid work and the mix of unpaid and paid childcare. The results were illustrated on the paper in said tables. The tables were clear and easily legible, even to the untrained eye.Upon a quick scan of the figures presented on the tables it was easy to ascertain the direction in which the trend of the women’s answers and other numerical data was going. The re were clear links to what the authors outlined they were intending to research in the abstract at the beginning of the paper and to the data contained in the tables. They had spoken about how low income families who were mostly women had to live and depended on their jobs in order to just get by, along with being the primary carers of the children as well.The authors of this paper clearly use the empirical method throughout their research. Seeing as they all were college educated, their own personal experience of the problems faced by the women in Wythenshawe as regards low income struggles would be low. They would not have had any previous experience of the women in Wythenshawe’s lifestyle. They also collected data from the women and used this to back up their findings which were outlined in the text and represented in table format on the paper.However, that being said there is an area where this paper would not be on par with the empirical methods approach. As all of the compilers of this paper reside in the United Kingdom, they would have been aware of some of the answers they were going to receive from the women before they received them. In geography it is practically impossible to have completely empirical approach as they would have went in to this paper with some idea of what they were going to meet.The authors of this article had set out to examine and use statistics to illustrate the area of Wythenshawe in the context of it’s deprived state and the effect its underdeveloped facilities had on the female residents and their families. It set out to investigate the women’s attitudes to Wythenshawe, their home. So it is true to say that they authors had an idea of the response they were going to get and just used the material gathered as a means to statistically illustrate it through empirical methods.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Business Objective
Seeking an entry-level position in marketing utilizing my strong analytical and communication skills combined with a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing. Recent college graduate with a Diploma in Engineering seeks an entry-level position in civil engineering. Recent university graduate seeking an internship with an online media company who can utilize my developed skills in communications and multimedia design. â€Å"To enhance my professional skills in a dynamic and stable workplace†To join a company that offers me a stable and positive atmosphere and inspires me to enhance and therefore to innovate the work culture for the betterment of all parties concerned. To enhance my professional skills in a dynamic and stable workplace. To solve problems in a effective/creative manner in a challenging position. Seeking a job with an opportunity for professional challenges in the field of ABC. To build a long-term career in ‘your profession’ with opportunities for career growth. To keep up with the cutting edge of technologies.To gain employment with a company or institution that offers me a consistently positive atmosphere to learn and implement new technologies for the betterment of the organization. To use my educational skills in the best possible way for achieving the company’s goals. To join a company that offers me a stable and positive atmosphere and inspires me to enhance my skills in the XYZ industry. To join an organization that offers me a constructive workplace for communicating and interacting with customers and people. To obtain an IT position at a top-tier organization and utilize the EDUCATIONAL qualifications I’ve obtained in ABC University.To bring my strong dedication, responsibility, and motivation and to utilize my accounting qualifications obtained through ABC University. Accounting: I am exploring strategic opportunities within an organization focusing on internal audit positions. Specifically, I can bring you experien ce and success in improving business processes, excellent financial analysis. Management:To obtain a Senior Program Manager, Process Management or Quality oriented position with a company committed to continuous improvement and on time delivery of products and/or services.Seeking a challenging position in a warehouse environment where my stock-picking skills can be put to good use. Looking for a job in †¦ Experienced administrative assistant with over three years of supervisory experience, seeks position where knowledge and skills can be applied. To secure a management position in a high growth company with considerable advancement opportunities. Ideally, in a business development capacity with an emphasis on strategic planning. To secure employment utilising my experience and people skills.I would like to obtain a job with long term prospects, preferably in the building and construction industry. To secure a position where my qualities of a fast learner and the ability to take on new challenges can be used. Experienced machinist/shop assistant in the clothing and textile industry seeks a position where six years skills and knowledge can be applied. To secure a position where my ten years experience as a sales representative will assist a sales team reach its sales targets.To secure a position where my existing skills in the areas of administration and customer service can be utilised by a progressive and innovative company. To secure a position where my ability to communicate and liaise effectively with a diverse client group in a friendly and diplomatic manner can be put to good use. To secure a position where by hard work, dedication and the ability to acquire new skills will advantage any company I work for. To find a job where my skills as a metal worker can be put to good use.Obtain a position at XYZ Company where I can maximize my management skills, quality assurance, program development, and training experience. Account executive trainee at ABCD a dvertising agency. Position as clinical practice assistant for health maintenance organization, utilizing writing, research, and leadership skills. Elementary education teacher at small independent school. Customer service management where my experience can be utilized to improve customer satisfaction. Create integrated strategies to develop and expand existing customer sales, brand/product evolution, and media endorsement.Management position where I can effectively utilize my expertise in human relations, project management, and staff recruitment and retention. Marketing position that utilizes my writing skills and enables me to make a positive contribution to the organization. Search engine optimization position where I can use my SEO skills and experience to increase site traffic and search engine placement. To secure a position with a well established organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the field of finance.To obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong organizational skills, educational background, and ability to work well with people. Experienced HR Coordinator who enjoys challenge seeking opportunity to learn and improve skills. Accountant to Marketing: Accomplished administrator seeking an entry-level marketing position that will leverage background in operational planning, clients needs assessment, and budgeting. Extremely enthusiastic career changer who eager to contribute to a company's marketing division.
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