Wednesday, September 11, 2019

General Electric Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

General Electric Company - Research Paper Example In addition the modern management of the company has helped the business to diversify into other key areas citing opportunities thereby hinting on both growth and profitability through aiming at cost reduction ventures (GE, 2012). . Mission and Motto of the Company The mission and motto of General Electric is targeted at transforming the imaginative and potentially innovative ideas to help in the production of such products and services that would help in providing effective solutions to potential business problems merging both in the current and future era of the business happening in different countries round the globe (Cohen and Cohen, 2006, p.5). Significantly the company has also designed its tagline or slogan as â€Å"Imagination at Work† thereby reflecting on the large amount of innovative actions taken in the workplace to help in the production of effective new products aiming at meeting the needs of the consumer in a sustained fashion. The company making its activitie s based on the motto or slogan stated aims at creating difference of actions and thoughts while operating in the global landscape (GE-a, 2012). Attitude and Job Performance Issues of the People in General Electric The people absorbed as employees in General Electric are required to have attitudes that would help in fostering innovation and focusing on new types of business opportunities. Thereby the people are required to grow with the company harnessing the knowledge and technological resources in order to develop their individual capacity and potential. Further the concern also regards its employees to work in a culture based on integrity, trust and accountability both towards the concern and to the society at large (GE-b, 2012). In a recent issue in regards to job performance levels of the people in General Electric Company during the times of CEO, Jack Welch is that the former CEO advised the human resource managers of the firm to remove the employees from the company who would fall in the bottom 10 percent of the performance appraisal rating pyramid. Here, thus a forced distribution system in regards to the performance appraisal functions was carried out wherein the employees would be rated in regards to three categories like the upper crux of 20 percent, middle layer of 70 percent and the bottom layer of 10 percent. The final bottom layer was required by the company management to be devoid of any incentives or bonuses and finally removed from the company (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, 2006, p.282). Current Personnel Issues in General Electric In regards to current personal issues disturbing the work atmosphere of General Electric it is found that in New York the company management arrived at a confrontation with union workers pertaining to United Electricals. The issues ranged from not rendering effective sick leaves and benefits to the employees in addition to making the retirees get devoid of pension schemes and other medical care facilities. It is stated that a large number of workers joined the protests in New York City during 2011 protesting against the company’s policies in regards to sick leave that is reported not being employee friendly and stagnant for decades. The people protested that each year they work to render significant contributions to render both productivity and profitability to the firm. However in that the company takes

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