Friday, May 31, 2019

The Capulet Family in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Romeo and Juliet Essays

The Capulet Family in Romeo and Juliet         The Capulet family is one of pride and high social standing.  It consists of overlord and Lady Capulet, their young daughter Juliet, and their kinsman Tybalt. They progress to a nurse, as well, who has taken care if Juliet since she was born. They get along quite well, yet, like all families they have their differences.         However, one thing that happens frequently when two members of the family disaccord on something, is that usually someone gives in to their superior, regardless if they agree or non.  One example is when Romeo shows up at the Capulets party uninvited and Tybalt wants to throw him out.  Lord Capulet objects to this by saying, He shall be endured...I say he shall...Am I the master here or you?  For a little bit, Tybalt argues, barely he very presently backs down and lets Capulet have his way.         Perhaps the reason why this happens is because the inferior person is somewhat intimidated by the superior.  This intimidation that some of the characters produce on each(prenominal) other shows that there is not a great deal of communication in the family.  Throughout Act I, there were several more examples of characters yielding to others and not standing up for what they believe.  For instance, when Lady Capulet brought up the idea of Juliet marrying Paris, Juliet just went along with the concept , even though that was possibly not what she wanted.         An  even more probative instance of such a thing occurring is the fact that Juliet feared to tell her parents that she had fallen in love with Romeo, a Montague.  She knew that if she informed them of how she felt, they would get angry and maybe resign her, just because of their hate for all Montagues.         That is another of the Capulet familys flaws.  T hey are rather narrow-minded because of their continuing, senseless conflict with the Montagues.  Both households are of equal fault in this case, but that only proves that the two families are alike in that way.  Even still, if the Capulets believe that they truly are the more dignified, they should have ceased their dispute earlier and prevented their daughters unhappiness (and last death).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Losing Patients and Gaining Insight :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

On Losing Patients and Gaining Insight   Call 911 I shouted to my friend as I sprinted down the street. The young Caucasian male had been thrown 15 yards from the site of impact and surprisingly was still assured upon my arrival. My name is Michael. Can you tell me your name? In his late twenties, he gasped in response as his eyes searched desperately in every direction for help, for comfort, for assurance, for loved ones, for death, until his eyes met mine. Flail chest, I thought to myself as I unbuttoned his garb and placed my backpack upon his right side. Pulse 98, respiration 28 short and quick. Help is on the way. Hang in there buddy. I urged. After assessing the patient, the dryness of the situation struck me with sobriety. The adrenaline was no longer running through my veins - this was real. His right leg was mangled with a compound fracture, and his left leg was overly obviously broken. The tow-truck that had hit him looked as though it had run into a telephone pol e. Traffic had ceased on the six-lane road, and a large crowd had gathered. However, no one was by my side to help. Get me some blankets from that motel I yelled to a bystander and three people immediately fled. I was in charge. The patient was no longer conscious his pulse was faint and respiration was low. Stay with me, man I yelled. 15 to 1, 15 to 1, I thought as I rehearsed CPR in my mind. Suddenly he stopped breathing. Without hesitation, I removed my T-shirt and created a makeshift barrier between his mouth and mine through which I proceeded to apportion two breaths. No response. And furthermore, there was no pulse. I began CPR. I continued for approximately five minutes until the paramedics arrived, but it was too late. I had lost my offset printing patient.   Medicine. I had always imagined it as saving lives, curing ailments, alleviating pain, overall making life better for everyone. However, as I watched the paramedics pull the sheets over the victims head, I began to tremble. I had learned my first lesson of medicine for all its power, medicine cannot always prevail. I had experienced one of the most disheartening and demoralizing aspects of medicine and faced it. I also demonstrated then that I know how to cope with a life and death emergency with confidence, a confidence instilled in me by my deposition as an Emergency Medical Technician, a confidence that I had the ability to take charge of a desperate situation and help someone in critical need.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pediatrics: Cranial Nerve Examination Essay -- Pediatric Examination

Oculomotor (III), trochlear (IV), Abducens (VI) cranial nerves Although each of these nerves control separate extraocular muscles, they argon normally examined together due to their close functional interrelationships.LookSimilar to other cranial nerve examination, start with inspection of the eyes. Look at -The position of the mind position If diplopia is present, the head turned or tilted to minimize double vision.-Inspect for ptosis and eye position. - accept the child to look at an goal about five feet away. Examine the pupils for size, shape, and symmetry. Oculomotor nerve palsy causes mydriasis. Sympathetic palsy leads to miosis. Ciliary ganglion malfunction within the orbit produces Adies pupil with middilated pupils and scurvy responds to convergence. Ocular alignmentThe eyes are normally parallel in all positions of gaze except convergence. Squints can be either paralytic (paresis of angiotensin converting enzyme of the extraocular muscles) or non-paralytic (defective bi nocular vision). Congenital paralytic squints result in abnormal head postures, while the acquired champions cause diplopia. Non-paralytic (concomitant) squints are not associated with diplopia.-Looking at frolicsome Sit in front of the child about 1 metre away. Shine a light source and ask the child to look at the light. Observe the position of the light reflexes on the cornea. Normally, the light reflex is symmetrical and slightly nasal to the centre of each pupil. -Cover test is a grievous test of eye alignment and is helpful to determine the presence of both manifest and latent strabismus oUnilateral cover test Ask the child to concentrate on an object that is ten feet away as if their eyes are glued to the object. For testing of the right eye, cover the child... ...mpare the nasolabial grooves, which are smooth on the weak side)-Bells phenomenon Ask the child close the eyes. In lower motor neuron VII nerve palsy, the upward movement of the eye is seen due to incomplete clo sure of the eyelid. Taste Sensation-Examine for taste on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, only in those with facial palsy. -Ask the child to come in the tongue and not to speak during the test.-Apply a small sample of sugar, vinegar, salt and quinine solutions (sweet, sour, saline and bitter) with cotton buds to one side of the anterior two-thirds of the tongue one at a time.-Ask the child to point to the taste on a pre-prepared card to point out the response.-Rinse the mouth with water among each specimen. -Between each test ask the patient to rinse his mouth with water.-Repeat test on the other side of the tongue

Optimization of Ritalin for more Effective Results Essay -- Methylphen

methylphenidate (Methylphenidate) OptimizationRitalin PillsAbstractAttention-deficit hyperactivity trouble oneself (ADHD) is currently the dominating psychiatricdisorder found in children. The creation of the drug Ritalin based on the moleculeMethylphenidate in the early 90s sparked a widespread use of this psycho stimulant, which stillremains as one of the more or less popular drugs used to counteract the symptoms of ADHD. Myultimate goal in this research drop is to design analogs for the drug Ritalin in the hopes ofdiscovering a more effective version of this medication. Through research, it can be concludedthat none the analogs suggested are suited candidates for new drugs based on the results.IntroductionWith 3-5 pct of work children today diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD), ADHD has been reported to account for 50 percent of the child psychiatricpopulation seen at the clinic. Methylphenidate (figure 1)serves as the supreme drug used in medicatio nscounteracting the symptoms of ADHD. (1) Among thosemedications, Ritalin is currently prescribed for daily use to1.5 million school children in the United States, making itone of the most widely used prescription medicationstoday. (2) The optimization of Ritalin is of utmostimportance and will therefore, be the stem of this project.Scientists believe that ADHD is caused by an imbalance between dopaminergic,noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter systems. However, this theory remainsquestionable due to an insufficient amount of evidence. Methylphenidates mechanism of action,Fig. 1 MethylphenidateMolecular Structurewhich is based on dopamine synaptic uptake inhibition,essentially allows it to binds to ... ... Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (1997) 29 July 20082) Ritalin Fast Facts. Do It Now Foundation. 29 July 2008.figure 1 United States Environmental rampart Agency. July 28 2008.figure 2 Medscape. July 28 2008.title picture Wikimedia. July 28 2008.figure 4 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. fi gure 5 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. %28primary%29-skeletal.pngfigure 8 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. svg Optimization of Ritalin for more Effective Results Essay -- MethylphenRitalin (Methylphenidate) OptimizationRitalin PillsAbstractAttention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is currently the dominating psychiatricdisorder found in children. The creation of the drug Ritalin based on the moleculeMethylphenidate in the early 90s sparked a widespread use of this psycho stimulant, which stillremains as one of the most popular drugs used to counteract the symptoms of ADHD. Myultimate goal in this research project is to design analogs for the drug Ritalin in the hopes ofdiscovering a more effective version of this medication. Through research, it can be concludedthat none the analogs suggested are suitable candidates for new drugs based on the results.IntroductionWith 3-5 percent of school children today diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder (ADHD), ADHD has b een reported to account for 50 percent of the child psychiatricpopulation seen at the clinic. Methylphenidate (figure 1)serves as the dominant drug used in medicationscounteracting the symptoms of ADHD. (1) Among thosemedications, Ritalin is currently prescribed for daily use to1.5 million school children in the United States, making itone of the most widely used prescription medicationstoday. (2) The optimization of Ritalin is of utmostimportance and will therefore, be the topic of this project.Scientists believe that ADHD is caused by an imbalance between dopaminergic,noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmitter systems. However, this theory remainsquestionable due to an insufficient amount of evidence. Methylphenidates mechanism of action,Fig. 1 MethylphenidateMolecular Structurewhich is based on dopamine synaptic uptake inhibition,essentially allows it to binds to ... ... Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (1997) 29 July 20082) Ritalin Fast Facts. Do It Now Foundation. 29 July 2008.figure 1 United States Environmental Protection Agency. July 28 2008.figure 2 Medscape. July 28 2008.title picture Wikimedia. July 28 2008.figure 4 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. figure 5 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. %28primary%29-skeletal.pngfigure 8 Wikipedia. July 28 2008. svg

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sir Karl Popper :: Philosophy of Science Klemke Essays

Sir Karl Popper Sir Karl Poppers intent in Science Conjectures and Refutations from Klemkes Philosophy of Science is to fortify distinctions between the classes (and, we suppose, the quality) of intellectual cover in his era, distinctions which were far less precise thus than they are today. Poppers argument, in essence, maintains that a number of scientific theories are pseudoscientific at best, owing to the anything goes character of their power to explain. The broad acceptance of such theories owes overmuch to the triumph derived from their proponents in using them to justify a preferred response, whatever the data or observations truly imply. The argument presented by Popper seems, ironically, to be exploitn more by sociological factors (and even emotional ones) than any other. The irony here is that these same factors are what drive the disciplines he is striving to refute Marxist opening of History, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Adlerian individual psychology. Living in the times when these theories emerged, Popper is well-positioned to gu develop their impact first-hand, and understand the social dynamics fundamental their acceptance and proliferation. It is arguable that the pseudoscience of which Popper writes (based on readings of Kuhn in The Copernican Revolution) owes something to the philosophically-flavored efforts of the Greeks. Kuhn points disclose that the ancients tended to de-emphasize mathematical precision in favor of philosophical comfort that is, the satisfaction offered by a theory (or perhaps its elegance) took priority over more empirical factors. This is certainly true of the cases Popper cites. Marxist theory and psychoanalysis have some(prenominal) offered their advocates a high degree of emotional and artistic satisfaction (and one is led to esteem how Freud would have fared among the Greeks). Moreover, there are far greater satisfactions in store for the Marxists and Freudians there are very unequivocal political and p rofessional consequences to their discourse, leading to a natural preference for the aesthetics of their theories over the empirical. It is easy to wonder if Popper has a similar motivation. Faced with a dash of discourse he finds uncomfortable, he undertakes to set those theorists whom he respects (and himself) apart from the pseudoscientific style. Pure quackery cannot be his motivation, for that is what he is seeking to define, in an age when the definitions were not altogether clear. There is an unquestionable tone of dissatifaction to his essay - his distaste for the pseudoscientists is politely expressed exactly unmistakeable - and it can be argued that he, too, is seeking to route out the inelegant in a quest for the elegant.Sir Karl Popper Philosophy of Science Klemke EssaysSir Karl Popper Sir Karl Poppers intent in Science Conjectures and Refutations from Klemkes Philosophy of Science is to fortify distinctions between the classes (and, we suppose, the quality) of int ellectual discourse in his era, distinctions which were far less precise then than they are today. Poppers argument, in essence, maintains that a number of scientific theories are pseudoscientific at best, owing to the anything goes nature of their power to explain. The broad acceptance of such theories owes much to the satisfaction derived from their proponents in using them to justify a preferred response, whatever the data or observations truly imply. The argument presented by Popper seems, ironically, to be driven more by sociological factors (and even emotional ones) than any other. The irony here is that these same factors are what drive the disciplines he is striving to refute Marxist Theory of History, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Adlerian individual psychology. Living in the times when these theories emerged, Popper is well-positioned to guage their impact first-hand, and understand the social dynamics underlying their acceptance and proliferation. It is arguable that the p seudoscience of which Popper writes (based on readings of Kuhn in The Copernican Revolution) owes something to the philosophically-flavored efforts of the Greeks. Kuhn points out that the ancients tended to de-emphasize mathematical precision in favor of philosophical comfort that is, the satisfaction offered by a theory (or perhaps its elegance) took precedence over more empirical factors. This is certainly true of the cases Popper cites. Marxist theory and psychoanalysis have both offered their advocates a high degree of emotional and aesthetic satisfaction (and one is led to wonder how Freud would have fared among the Greeks). Moreover, there are far greater satisfactions in store for the Marxists and Freudians there are very positive political and professional consequences to their discourse, leading to a natural preference for the aesthetics of their theories over the empirical. It is easy to wonder if Popper has a similar motivation. Faced with a style of discourse he finds un comfortable, he undertakes to set those theorists whom he respects (and himself) apart from the pseudoscientific style. Pure empiricism cannot be his motivation, for that is what he is seeking to define, in an age when the definitions were not altogether clear. There is an unquestionable tone of dissatifaction to his essay - his distaste for the pseudoscientists is politely expressed but unmistakeable - and it can be argued that he, too, is seeking to route out the inelegant in a quest for the elegant.

Sir Karl Popper :: Philosophy of Science Klemke Essays

Sir Karl Popper Sir Karl Poppers intent in scientific discipline Conjectures and Refutations from Klemkes Philosophy of Science is to fortify distinctions between the classes (and, we suppose, the quality) of intellectual discourse in his era, distinctions which were far less precise then than they ar today. Poppers note, in essence, maintains that a number of scientific theories are pseudoscientific at best, owing to the anything goes nature of their federal agency to explain. The broad betrothal of such theories owes much to the satisfaction derived from their proponents in using them to justify a favorite(a) response, whatever the data or observations truly imply. The argument presented by Popper seems, ironically, to be driven more by sociological factors (and even emotional ones) than any other. The raillery here is that these same factors are what drive the disciplines he is striving to refute red ink Theory of History, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Adlerian individual p sychology. Living in the times when these theories emerged, Popper is well-positioned to guage their daze first-hand, and understand the social dynamics underlying their acceptance and proliferation. It is arguable that the pseudoscience of which Popper writes (based on readings of Kuhn in The Coperni fucking Revolution) owes something to the philosophically-flavored efforts of the Greeks. Kuhn points out that the ancients tended to de-emphasize mathematical precision in favor of philosophical comfort that is, the satisfaction offered by a theory (or perhaps its elegance) took precedence over more empirical factors. This is certainly true of the cases Popper cites. Marxist theory and psychoanalysis have both offered their advocates a high degree of emotional and aesthetic satisfaction (and one is led to wonder how Freud would have fared among the Greeks). Moreover, thither are far greater satisfactions in salt away for the Marxists and Freudians there are very positive political a nd professional consequences to their discourse, leading to a natural taste perception for the aesthetics of their theories over the empirical. It is easy to wonder if Popper has a similar motivation. Faced with a style of discourse he finds uncomfortable, he undertakes to set those theorists whom he regard (and himself) apart from the pseudoscientific style. Pure empiricism cannot be his motivation, for that is what he is seeking to define, in an age when the definitions were not altogether clear. There is an unquestionable tone of dissatifaction to his stress - his distaste for the pseudoscientists is politely expressed but unmistakeable - and it can be argued that he, too, is seeking to route out the inelegant in a quest for the elegant.Sir Karl Popper Philosophy of Science Klemke EssaysSir Karl Popper Sir Karl Poppers intent in Science Conjectures and Refutations from Klemkes Philosophy of Science is to fortify distinctions between the classes (and, we suppose, the quality) of intellectual discourse in his era, distinctions which were far less precise then than they are today. Poppers argument, in essence, maintains that a number of scientific theories are pseudoscientific at best, owing to the anything goes nature of their power to explain. The broad acceptance of such theories owes much to the satisfaction derived from their proponents in using them to justify a preferred response, whatever the data or observations truly imply. The argument presented by Popper seems, ironically, to be driven more by sociological factors (and even emotional ones) than any other. The irony here is that these same factors are what drive the disciplines he is striving to refute Marxist Theory of History, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Adlerian individual psychology. Living in the times when these theories emerged, Popper is well-positioned to guage their impact first-hand, and understand the social dynamics underlying their acceptance and proliferation. It is arguable tha t the pseudoscience of which Popper writes (based on readings of Kuhn in The Copernican Revolution) owes something to the philosophically-flavored efforts of the Greeks. Kuhn points out that the ancients tended to de-emphasize mathematical precision in favor of philosophical comfort that is, the satisfaction offered by a theory (or perhaps its elegance) took precedence over more empirical factors. This is certainly true of the cases Popper cites. Marxist theory and psychoanalysis have both offered their advocates a high degree of emotional and aesthetic satisfaction (and one is led to wonder how Freud would have fared among the Greeks). Moreover, there are far greater satisfactions in store for the Marxists and Freudians there are very positive political and professional consequences to their discourse, leading to a natural preference for the aesthetics of their theories over the empirical. It is easy to wonder if Popper has a similar motivation. Faced with a style of discourse he f inds uncomfortable, he undertakes to set those theorists whom he respects (and himself) apart from the pseudoscientific style. Pure empiricism cannot be his motivation, for that is what he is seeking to define, in an age when the definitions were not altogether clear. There is an unquestionable tone of dissatifaction to his essay - his distaste for the pseudoscientists is politely expressed but unmistakeable - and it can be argued that he, too, is seeking to route out the inelegant in a quest for the elegant.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Michael Vick Case

On April 25, 2007, agents raided the Surry County, Virginia home owned by Michael Vick, NFLs Atlanta Falcons quarterback. The authorities reportedly discovered 66 dogs, 55 of them being pit bulls, blood stained carpet, a dog fighting pit, and equipment which is commonly used in dog fighting rings such as dog treadmills and scales, a pry bar used to open a dogs mouth and an instrument used for breeding. At the time of the raid, Vick was not evince at his home but denied having knowledge of dog fighting taking place on his property.On July 17, 2007, a federal jury indicted Vick as well as three other men, Purnell Peace, Quanis Phillips, and Tony Taylor on charges of competitive dog fighting, procuring and training pits to fight, operating an unlawful interstate dog fighting business by the name of liberal Newz Kennels. The four codefendants each face $350,000 in fines and six classs in prison if convicted of the federal charges. According to reports, Michael Vick had been staging d og fights since his rookie year with the Falcons in 2001.The dogs found on the property were treated in a horrific manner. Losing dogs were either killed in the arena during the fight or at times they were posterior hung, electrocuted, shot or drowned. As part of their training to get them ready for fights the dogs were sometimes starved to make them hungry for the fight. On August 24, 2007 Vick entered a confession deal where he pled guilty to conspiracy in a dog fighting ring and agreeing that the enterprise included killing pit bulls and gambling. He denied fashioning side bets on the fights, but admitted to bankrolling them. (ESPN) He in any case admitted to sharing the proceeds from the dog fights with his Peace, Phillips, and Taylor but states that he never placed any bets or sedate prize money for the fights. Vick was the last of his counterparts to enter into a plea deal with the prosecution. On December 10, 2007 Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months in prison and thr ee years probation at U. S. District Court in Richmond by Judge E. Henry Hudson for running a dog fighting operation. He will serve a longer sentence than two of his codefendants because he lied about his involvement upon ntering his plea agreement when he was supposed to be admitting to his wrong doing and accepting business for his actions. According to his codefendants, Vick was more involved in the dog fights than he admitted to being. On November 30, Peace and Phillips were sentenced by Judge Hudson to 18 and 21 months in federal prison. Their punishments also included three years of supervised probation following their release from prison. On December 14, 2007, Tony Taylor, who was the first of the four men to plead guilty, received a lesser sentence of 60 days in jail because he agreed to testify against Vick.Michael Vick was released from prison on July 20, 2009. After his release from prison, Michael Vick is to start his three year probation term. As part of his probation, Vick was equipped with an electronic monitor and had to perform $10-an-hour job as a laborer for a construction company. Michael Vick is currently still on probation but he is now able to play football again and no longer has to work the construction job. Works Cited http//sports. espn. go. com/nfl/news/story? id=2989824 http//articles. cnn. com/2007-07-17/us/vick_1_bad-newz-kennels-dogfighting-investigation-quanis-phillips? _s=PMUS

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The H Reflex Test Health And Social Care Essay

The H-reflex trial as Delwaide. , and Fisher. , explained bottom be utile for the nonsubjective step of take nerve cell hyperex-cit tycoon Although assorted proficiencys for this mass have been introduced, the ratio of the maximal bounteousness of H-reflex to maximum M-amplitude ( H/M ratio ) is most practical because of the easier technique. H/M ratios tend to be increase in patients with CNS lesions and upper motor nerve cell marks, and enlisting curves are altered in a mode consistent with increased anger of the cardinal motor nerve cell pool. Conversely, H reflexes during cataplexy are depressed. H-reflex surveies in patients with CNS disfunction have been helpful for understanding the pathophysiology of these upsets.Many Potential benefits could subtract from RSWT, compared with ESWT, because it is less painful significance and therefore can be administered without anaesthesia, thereby cut downing the hazards of intervention for patients. Furthermore, due to the radial e manation of RSWT, the calcification, one epoch located radiographically, is certainly included inside the sorrowful ridge extension field. Contrarily, when the daze moving ridge is focused, as occurs in the ESWT, refocusing of the applier is sporadically necessary to be certain that the moving ridges hit the calcification. 37 Furthermore, no ultrasound usher is needed to execute curative applications of RSWT. 13 A reign consequent of daze moving ridges on fibrosis and on the rheological belongingss of the chronic hypertonic musculuss in CP should be considered together with the documented curative consequence on bone and sinew diseases. 15-19, 38-39 Possible repressive effects of daze moving ridges on hypertonic musculuss and sinews might be attributed to the consequence of mechanical stimulations of daze moving ridges on the musculus fibres following to the sinew that can non be excluded as suggested by ( Leone and Kukulka. 40 Besides uninterrupted or intermittent tend on intensity per building block of measurement part produced by daze moving ridge could diminish the spinal irritability without durable clinical or neurophysiological effects. Another feasible mechanism was the mechanical vibratory stimulation, which reduces irritability of motor nerve cells and induces the alteration of F moving ridge. 40 Despite transitory and short enduring repressive continuance of mechanical vibratory stimulation on musculus, the clinical consequences of this survey continued for hebdomads and assisted in suppression of monosynaptic irritability of tendoachillis as revealed by expect downing of the H/M ratio in the survey group.This happening proposing a different mechanism of action need farther probe and account.Geldard 41 in his work found that Pressure technique has been therapeutically effectual to change motor response and when labour per unit area is continuously applied, there is a diminution in sensitiveness. Tuttle and Mc Clearly 42 adde d that mechanical force per unit area ( force ) , provided continuously is repressive, possibly because of force per unit area version. It is hypothesized that this deep force per unit area activates pacinian atoms, which are quickly altered receptor nevertheless, the version whitethorn change with the strength of stimulation and with the country of the organic structure being stimulated. This force per unit area seemed most effectual on sinewy interpolations. 42 Pacinian Corpuscles as Quillin 43 explained are located deep in The corium of the tegument in entrails, mesenteries, and ligaments and near blood vass. Interestingly. they are most plentiful in the colloidal suspensions of the pess, where they seem to exercise roughly influence on position, place, and ambulation. The pacinian atoms adapt rapidly and they are activated by deep force per unit area and speedy stretch of tissues. 43 Umphred et al. , 43 reported that Because of the rapid version, a kept up stimulation wi ll efficaciously do suppression by forestalling farther stimulations from come ining the system. The technique of deep force per unit area is applied to hypersensitive countries to normalise skin responses. Besides, they recommended that changeless force per unit area applied over the sinews of the articulatio radiocarpea flexors may stifle flexor hypertonicity every bit good as elongate the tight facia over the sinewy interpolation. The force per unit area is applied across the sinew with increasing force per unit area until musculuss relax. 43 Pierson 45 recommended that the kept up force per unit area is effectual in cut downing spasticity if it is applied to the sinew than the musculus belly. It is eyeshot to move as a counter thorn that overwhelms centripetal ability to intercede other types of stimulation. H-reflex testing has shown that the motor nerve cell is inhibited in the sinew being pressed. 45 In their work about the consequence of soleus musculus force per unit area on alpha motor neuron automatic irritability in topics with spinal cord accidental injury ( SCI ) Robichaud and Agostinucci 46 found that Circumferential force per unit area applied to the lower leg mitigated soleus musculus alpha motor neuron automatic irritability in topics with SCI. 46 The consequences of survey tested the effectivity of intermittent tendon force per unit area on the slump of alpha motor neuron irritability. Kukulkaet al. , showed that the application of intermittent force per unit area to a sinew produced a statistically important lessening in the amplitude of the H physiological reaction, bespeaking a depression in alpha motor neuron irritability. This depression was sustained over a 30-second period of intermittent force per unit area application. These findings support those reported earlier by KuKulka et al. , 47 in which sustained tendon force per unit area was found to work on forth a fugacious suppression of motor neuron irritability. Int ermittent tendon force per unit area, hence, may be utile for patients who require a sustained decrease in musculus activity, and sustained tendon force per unit area may turn out most utile for transeunt decreases in musculus tone. 47 Sing to the repressive consequence of outfox, Maisden 48 in their surveies showed that Because its ability to diminish allergic tactile receptors through supraspinal ordinance, local quiver is considered an repressive technique.. Vibration besides stimulates cuteaneous receptors, specifically the pacinian atoms, and therefore can besides be classified an extroceptive modes. Vibrators function with frequence below 75 Hz is thought to hold an repressive consequence on normal musculus. 48 Umphred et al. , 44 concluded that low-frequency quiver used alternately with force per unit area can be extremely effectual. It should be remembered that these combined inputs use different neurophysiological mechanisms. 44 Vibration is an effectual manner to s tamp down the H-reflex as express by Delwaide. , 49 and Braddom & A Johnson. 50 Somerville and Ashby 51 added that Using a vibrating stimulation to the Achilles sinew in the limb under probe consequences in depression of the H-reflex that may outlive the continuance of the quiver by several hundred msecs. The mechanism of H-reflex suppression as explained by Taylor et Al. , 52 is unknown but may affect presynaptic suppression through primary spindle sensory nerve fire or neurotransmitter depletion.The consequences of this survey agreed with the determination of the work done by Manganotti and Amelio 53 who used 1,500 shootings of daze moving ridge to handle flexor musculuss of the forearm and 800 shootings for each interosseus musculus of the manus with 0.030 mJ/mm2 strength. They reported that ESWT on the flexor hypertonic musculuss of the forearm and the interosseus musculuss of the manus was effectual for the betterment of upper limb spasticity in shot patients for mo re than12 hebdomads.Besides the determination of Yoo et Al. 29 proved important decrease of spasticity on the cubitus flexor and carpus pronator for 1 to 4 hebdomads after 1,000 shootings of ESWT with 0.069 mJ/mm2 strength.In their survey aimed for measuring the spasticity and electrophysiologic effects of using extracorporeal daze wave therapy ( ESWT ) to the gastrocnemius by analyzing F moving ridge and H-reflex. Sohn et al. , 30 concluded that after using ESWT on the gastrocnemius in shot patients, the spasticity of the mortise joint plantarflexor was importantly improved, with no alterations of F wave or H-reflex parametric quantities. They recommended that farther surveies are needed to measure the mechanisms of the antispastic consequence of ESWT.The important betterment in the development of locomote accomplishment in the participant kids in the survey group might be due to the application of traditional neurodevelopmental intercession technique in add-on to the long per manent decrease of spasticity produced by daze moving ridge therapy and its function in take downing calf musculus spasticity.This inhibitory consequence on tendoachillis hypertonus assist the kids in the survey group to develop their motor symbolize and walking abilities which was positively reflected on the gross motor map step mark in the walk-to portion following station intervention periodThe transition of Achilles tendon hypertonicity and its influence on bettering motor functional and walking abilities for hypertonic CP kids is attendant with the position of Natarajan and Ribbans 54 who strongly affirmed on that aaAAchilles tendon is involved in a variety show of padiatric conditionsaaA? .So its shortening or failing is a characteristic of many neurological conditions impacting the cardinal or peripheral nervous system such as intellectual paralysis. And Achilles tendon spasticity, failing or contractures in these conditions lead to detaining of walking and pace abnormalc ies.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

TMA from WOU

Corporate Finance (BBF304) TMA 1 (25%) Total Marks 100% 1. Given the following weighted food market value of inceptions in your portfolio and their expected rate of retrogress, E(Ri), answer the following questions. (30 marks) Stock Weighted Market Value (%) E(Ri) Gamuda 14 0. 05 Public Bank 37 0. 12 Petronas 24 0. 14 SapuraCrest 10 0. 08 Celcom 15 0. 06 (a) W hat is the expected rate of light for your common stock portfolio? (6 marks) (b) Critically discuss why nigh investors hold diversified portfolio. (4 marks) (c)What is correlation, and explain why it is important in portfolio theory? (5 marks) (d) The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) contends that some risks atomic number 18 diversifiable, but others are not. Critically discuss what is the relevant risk variable considered in the CAPM? In your discussion, provide ONE (1) example for the relevant risk. (10 marks) 2. What is the concept of Efficient Market surmise (EMH)? Compare and contrast between three forms of Effic ient Market Hypothesis (EMH) weak, semi-strong, and strong forms. (10 marks) . Critically discuss TWO (2) separate supporting and TWO (2) evidence against the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). (10 mark) 4. There are three probable economic outcomes in the evaluation of stock A and B for the second half(a) of 2012. Based on the following information, answer all the questions. (25 marks) State of Economy Boom Normal Recession Probability of State of Economy 20% 50% 30%Returns on stock A Returns on stock B 8% 5% 2% 20% 12% -10% (a) What is the expected rate of return for stock A and B, respectively? 9 marks) (b) W hat is the standard deviation for stock A and B, respectively? (9 marks) (c) Assuming that stock A and stock B have beta of 0. 8 and 1. 6, respectively. The expected return of the market is 8% and the risk-free rate is 5%. W hat is the required return for stock A and B using Capital Asset Pricing amaze (CAPM) method? (4 marks) (d) Based on your calculated answer in inte rrupt (a) and (c) above, which stock should you invest in? Justify your answer. (4 marks) e) Assume that you want to create a portfolio by investing in these two stocks 50 percent in stock A and 50 percent in stock B. What is your expected return on this portfolio? (4 marks) 5. Compare and contrast Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) and Fama and French Three Factor Model (TFM). (13 marks) 6. In Malaysia, Cagamas is currently the sole issuer of mortgage -backed securities. Critically discuss THREE (3) change roles of Cagamas in the financial sector associated with property market in Malaysia. (12 marks)

Friday, May 24, 2019

Canada’s Involvement in the Vietnam War Essay

The bloody Vietnam War of the 1950s was fought by the brave American array with the help of the Canadian citizens. Though, sources claim that Canada had a trammel get of contribution in the war, facts state otherwise. The Vietnam War took place during the Cold War era where a military conflict had occurred in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from November 1 1955 to April 30 1975.Canada became officially involved in the Vietnam conflict in 1954, as part of the International Commission for Supervision and Control in Vietnam. However, Canada did not post troops to Vietnam until 1973, in which Canadian troops remained under the linked Nations banner to enforce the Paris Peace Accords. The War had persisted for more than nineteen years, five months, four weeks and angiotensin-converting enzyme day.During the Cold War era, Canada remained associated with the main stream western powers. Many Canadians who truly wanted to fight in the War had served along the U. S Military. Canadians serving with the United States had occurred as far back as the Civil War. In addition, Canada was part of many organizations such as N. A. T. O (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which guaranteed Canada would not divvy up in the Vietnam War.Even though people around the world contemplate that Canada had no contribution in the Vietnam War, various facts state that Canadians did have excessive amount of involvement towards the Vietnam War that was never taken into consideration. Throughout this essay, the reader will be able to grasp a general understanding of the ways in which the Canadians had part in The Vietnam War, regardless of what bias sources claim. To start with, Canada sent more than thirty thousand troops into the Vietnam War with the Americans these troops volunteered and died there.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Today anyone that watches master copy clamshell knows that it is athletic competition mixed with entertainment. Over the years the sport has kick the bucket popular beingwide but nowhere more than North America, Europe, and Japan. All the way into the 1920s professional grappling iron was very much considered a sport that was substantive. It was after the 1920s that professional combat became associated with what we call fakery, which in other words is theatricals or admitting to fake outcomes. For a while it seemed that because of fakery, competition became low s foreveralise and its popularity took a deep fall.It was hard for promoters to stand up for a sport that was admittedly not real. There was actually a bigger fight in the back rooms of professional wrestling, where the hosts and promoters wouldnt admit the fakery while all the sponsors knew exactly what was going on. (Professional Wrestling) In todays professional wrestling no one denies the fact that wrestling has predetermined matches, but they also do a great job of keeping the outcome a secret. In the 1950s the boob tube opened a lot of doors for a lot of opportunities and professional wrestling was no exception .It was at this point that the face of professional wrestling was changed forever. Now it was being ferment to adapt to television and its growing viewers. Characters and story lines were being built bigger and better. Pro wrestling has been a form of entertainment for a very foresightful time, and has seen its share of ups and d consumes, but the storylines that have been used in the WWF have become leg nullifyary and something similar to the soap opera of the sporting world. Wrestling began in the early on days as a hot television product.Over time, they lost their spot on the air, and became highly regional in nature. Each area of the country had their own stable of wrestlers, and their own championships. Professional wrestling carried on for many years just gaining populari ty until 1980 when professional wrestling blew up like nobody would have ever thought. In the 1980s, a time known as the 1980s wrestling boom represented professional wrestlings greatest period of televised entertainment, reaching widespread popularity among American youth, as well as producing some of its most spectacular characters.In comparison to the declining support of media outlets during the 1960s and 1970s, professional wrestling, notably the emerging World Wrestling Federation, authoritative great exposure through its reappearance on network television. The WWF expanded nationally through the acquisition of talent from competing promotions and, because it was the only company to air televised wrestling nationally it became the same with the industry, monopolizing the industry and the fan base.The WWFs owner Vince McMahon revolutionized the sport by coining the term sports entertainment to describe his on-screen product, downplaying the still claimed athletic competition i n opt of entertaining viewers as well as enhancing its appeal to children. Most notable was the muscular Hulk Hogan, who marked the 1980s with his all-American persona. His sheer size, colorful character, and dissolution made his main events into excellent ratings draws. By 1984, Hulk Hogans legions of fans and his dominant role in the industry were termed Hulkamania. With Hulkamania running wild Vince McMahon decided to have a tiptop bowl of wrestling called WrestleMania in 1985. By WrestleMania 3 in 1987, over 93,000 fans showed up for the event. (The McMahons Vince and Family) On April 1, 1990 WrestleMania VI took place and is recognized as the end of the 1980s wrestling boom. The event saw the last wrestling appearance of the legendary Andre the Giant, who had become barely mobile in the ring due to his real life condition.One last time Nikolai Volkoff played his standard part as the evil Soviet Russian before turning face and embracing America, reflecting the end of the Cold War. The main event not only put the WWFs two greatest good guys against each other, but was intended as the passing of the flashlight from Hulk Hogan, the star of the 1980s, to The Ultimate Warrior who was extremely popular and considered Hogans successor. Hogans clean pin fall loss to the Ultimate Warrior signaled the end of an era.However, the Warrior did not live up to expectations and Hogan lingered on in the WWF for the next three years, winning the title three times more. The fans who were kids in the mid and late 1980s were teens by the 1990s, and many eventually grew bored with the merry book style of wrestling of the 1980s, turning their attention away from their childhood favorites such as Hulk Hogan, Junkyard Dog, and Superfly Jimmy Snuka in favor of newer and grittier wrestlers like The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Mr. Perfect, Bret Hart, The Rock, rock n roll Cold Steve capital of Texas, and Triple H.This started a new attitude era moving forward into the 90s and Vi nce McMahon took center stage. As the ratings unplowed soaring McMahon kept getting edgier. The 90s proved to be even bigger with professional wrestling setting all kinds of records when it came to viewership, and finances earned. It seemed that the WWF were the big boys on the block. Protesters claimed that the WWFs shows were filled with violence, obscenity, and imitation sex. McMahon claims that movies have more sex and violence, and that his shows simply reflect the world at large. The McMahons Vince and Family) McMahon said that it was his job to entertain, and it was the parents job to be responsible for what their children watch.The television ratings also opened many doors in many other ways for numerous professional wrestlers. Such stars as The Rock and lapidate Cold Steve Austin moved on from being the top guy in the business to building great movie careers. By 1998 some of the topnotch guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bill Goldberg from the WWFs predecessor WCW wer e making over five million dollars a year. Pro Wrestling) Twenty years prior to 1998 professional wrestling wasnt even worth five million dollars. Next, through wise business deals made by WWE owner Vince McMahon, pro wrestling became in the beginning run by the WWE. The World Wrestling Federation was easily the richest company, and began to completely dominate television. Their primary competition would be from the WCW, which evolved from Georgia, North Carolina, and the old NWA of the region. Billionaire Ted Turner purchased the WCW, and the Monday wickedness wars began. The WWE had the ever popular Monday Night Raw, and WCW countered with Monday Nitro.Turner began using his cable muscle and money to lure some of the biggest stars in WWF history such as Hulk Hogan, sexy Savage, Bret Hart, and many others. It looked as though the WCW would overtake the WWF as the powerhouse in pro wrestling. Eventually, however, WCW was completely destroyed by poor booking, finances, and leadersh ip. The upstart competitor was bury by the WWE, and they once again stood head and shoulders above the wrestling world. As the professional landscape of wrestling stands today, their are two major players.TNA wrestling has interpreted on the mantle of battling the giant WWE, though they are having less success than their WCW contemporaries. TNA may yet figure it out, but for now the WWE is the only major wrestling organization at the top. Although professional wrestling is a lot different today then it was forty years ago, greats like Gorgeous George and Lou Thesz during the mid 1900s paved the way for todays wrestlers to be on television. George and Lou wrestled, and they were glorified as being modern day gladiators who went to war with their enemy.They were seen as a superhero or a role model to kids. Todays wrestlers although still considered super heroes to kids, now play a different role in being a role model for children. Now being a professional wrestler is like being a roc k star. You travel all around the world, youre seen on television on a weekly basis, and now you even get paid like a rock star. WWE programming is now beamed to great hundred countries and translated into 11 languages. (Professional Wrestling) Wrestling today is so different from the traditional roots of professional wrestling, but maybe in a good way.The wrestling world has evolved in a way were the WWEs show Monday Night Raw is now the longest running show in television history. Vince McMahon, whether you love him or hate him, he must be doing something right to be known as the man who took professional wrestling into the twenty first century.Work Cited Gerdes, Louise I. Professional Wrestling. San Diego, CA Greenhaven, 2002. Print. Greenberg, Keith Elliot. Pro Wrestling from Carnivals to Cable TV. Minneapolis, MN LernerSports, 2000. Print. Kaelberer, Angie Peterson. The McMahons Vince McMahon and Family. Mankato, MN Capstone High-Interest, 2004. Print.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Minimizing weather disruption in aviation: regard of Heathrow, British Airways and UK aviation system

IntroductionMore than any other mode of transportation, air power is importantly affected by weather conditions including fog, thunderstorms, snowstorms, and wind as well as temperature and pressure extremes (Iyengar, 2002). Kulesa (2010) nones two major unbecoming effects of weather on aviation which are its impact on safety and efficiency of operation. The aviation effort must regularly deal with adverse types of weather to enhance safety go attempting to maintain integrity of flight schedules and to rein in on costs attendant to fluttering, a signifi houset budget item in aviation (Qualley, 2009). survive disruptions at Londons Heathrow Airport in recent years have highlighted vulnerability in the industry. Of note was the adverse snow condition on December 18, 2010an exceptional event with unprecedented volume and speed of snow fall (AOA, 2013 DoT, 2013). This condition was compounded by capacity constraints and consequent lack of usable contingency since Heathrow operate s at 99% capacity daily and the pre-Christmas period usually has high customer volumes (DoT, 2013 Seabury, 2012). The challenges of the day highlight prevalent problems and voltage damage of weather-related disruption. A serious problem exists in the parallel forecast models run in the US and EU which give variations in weather forecasts. Conflicts are go awayicularly a lot on parameters such(prenominal) as temperature of the day which defines whether precipitation will fall as rain or snow (DoT, 2013 Qualley, 2009). On this day, weather forecasts and predictions were accurate and harmonious and were fixd on time. Based on extensive experience on the part of British Airways (BA) and National Air Traffic Service (NATS), and in expectation of greater challenges of disruption, a decision to cancel all BA flights between 1000 and 1700 was arrived at (BA, 2014 UK Parliament, 2011). There was however misjudgement among stakeholders on the severity of prediction and tangible weathe r conditions. In the confusion, Heathrow claimed business as usual while BA (its largest carrier) cancelled its schedule. Media reports of continued operations even after eventual closure of airdrome to a fault undermined the decisive action taken by BA and thousands of passengers continued to turn up for cancelled flights creating chaos (UK Parliament, 2011). The command and control structure was not employed proactively or efficiently (Seabury, 2012). Overall, the drome failed to recover as quickly as it could have done and the impact of the day was extended unnecessarily. BAs extensive and refined contingency plans for recovery following disruption were not replicated by Heathrow airport and were thus not useful (UK Parliament, 2011 Kulesa, 2010). A lack of forrad planning and lack of shared available experience about the most utile approach for return to efficient regular operations was evident when the airport re-opened (DoT, 2013). Major emphasis was put on the opening o f the runway without regard to the taxiway, apron and stand infrastructure which are excessively essential for efficient airport operation (Deloitte, 2013 UK Parliament, 2011). The ineffective approach caused many of the problems faced on re-opening and impeded return to normal operations. Eventually, a decision by Heathrow airport to invoke the curious Capacity Protocol (SCP) designed to ensure fair and proportionate allocation of access to take-off and landing slots for airlines was reached. This protocol was however overly conservative and difficult to enforce, hindered by policing issues (AOA, 2013 UK Parliament, 2011). Various UK airports have similarly been affected by weather conditions to varying degrees though recovery has usually been swift. A number of these airports remain open to receive long-haul diversions in times of disruption (DoT, 2013 Seabury, 2012). Although weather forecast would add value to minimization of disruption, AOA, 2013 and Deloitte, 2013 disclose that none among UKs civilian airfields has a dedicated forecasting service based on site. Closure, delay, and/or cancellation have far reaching consequences beyond the inconvenience caused to customers which portends erosion of passenger goodwill and loss of future tax income (BA, 2014 Deloitte, 2013). Costs associated with weather disruption vary depending on contingency and elusive to pin down exactly. Direct costs derive from airline operations such as diversion, cancellation, delay or insurance and include listed costs such as fuel, crew, time, and aircraft operating costs, lost passenger and cargo revenue, hotel accommodation and meals, ground-based employee overtime pay, insurance, and so on (Deloitte, 2013 Seabury, 2012). Disruption, particularly for hub airport operations given their extensive connectivity may have widespread effects affecting myriad flight schedules and airport operations in far flung areas. Seabury, 2012 and Deloitte, 2013 estimate that one diverted fli ght can cause 2 to 50 flight delays, while a cancelled flight can result in 15 to 20 delays. British Airways has more recently in 2013 and early 2014 been impacted by adverse weather in its operations at home and internationally (particularly the US) and affecting its global network (BA, 2014). In 2012, the airline also suffered mishaps on its Airbus fleet due to the freezing of pilot tubes which black market vital air speed data to on-board computers facilitating the autopilot mode. This led to two emergency landings evidence of the risk weather portends to safe flight linked to the potential damage in loss of life, property as well as repute (BA, 2014 FoE, 2013). This scenario lays out a representation of problems and damages consequent to weather disruption at Heathrow affecting BA and the entire UK aviation strategy.Steps to minimise the effect of bad weather and the ramifications of decisions to stakeholders Accurate weather forecasts are a priority for safety and efficiency in aviation. This is a primary focus area in order to minimize effects of weather disruption (FoE, 2013 Seabury, 2012) Accurate breeding derived from congruent forecasts from numerous agencies enables an effective prediction of the extent of disruption and therefore appropriate response. The use of varied and possibly remaindering forecasts was the probable cause of conflict in the case above creating problems and compounding the issue (Qualley, 2009 Iyengar, 2002). Adverse effects of weather on the industry can be avoided if only airlines and the entire industry work together to interpret such natural phenomena better. Various agencies both state and private should participate in accumulating reports and materials on weather patterns useful in the creation of referential databases. These can then be updated and shared widely across the industry to minimize the impact of adverse events. Uniformity and congruence of instruction should be aspired to and costs associated with prov ision of weather information should be addressed (Kulesa, 2010 Qualley, 2009). Despite additional costs, the development of meteorological capacity on site in airports manned by employees or forecast vendors should be made mandatory. This strategy will negatively impact weather forecast contractors and vendors. Timely transmission of forecasts is also essential allowing sufficient lead time for appropriate preparation, and early response (FoE, 2013). Such include the efficient conduct of the intricacies of flight planning such as re-routing, rescheduling, load and fuel balancing, among others, as well as institution of mitigation measures. Open and extensive communication and consultation among various players is paramount for coordinated and effective response towards overall reduction of impact. This can be achieved through efficient and proactive use of command and control structures and involvement of external entities such as the broadcast media transmitting vital information t o customers. During response, focus should be on the entire airfield and mix of essential operations in an interdependent system (Kulesa, 2010). Development of comprehensive and extensive protocols and contingency planning should be undertaken to facilitate response to disruption (Deloitte, 2013 DoT, 2013). These should entail forward planning, strategies and methods to govern operations, as well as effective business continuity plans to mitigate risks to the extent possible. Despite prohibitive costs, use of intricate computer programs in planning and response should be encouraged. quick policies, protocols and measures should be realigned and restructured for better effectiveness and enforcement mechanisms should be instituted to ensure compliance (Seabury, 2012 UK Parliament, 2011). On-ground mitigation measures such as de-icing and ploughing of snow should be made mandatory and part of essential procedure. Such measures may not sit well with independent industry players but sho uld be enforced. At the operational level, measures to protect reputation and consequently the potential loss of business from inconvenienced customers should be instituted (Deloitte, 2013). Customer support programs and response centres undertaking such tasks as rebooking, refunds processing, and provision of information are thus essential. airline businesss should also create alliances and agreements activated in times of disruption to enable support for affected players and entities (Seabury, 2012). Though it comes at a cost, this will serve to benefit customers and to veer overall adverse impact of event. Safety measures such as enhanced flight briefings, appropriate pilot training, and continuous streaming of updated current information should be emphasized as weather is unpredictable and subject to change. Overall, comprehensive reviews of incidents and failures and generation of continuous applicable learning for particular locations and scenarios is beneficial. Regarding policy, the expansion of airport capacity at Heathrow and major airports, as well as creation of new airports is essential for better resilience (Deloitte, 2013 Seabury, 2012 DoT, 2013). With no spare capacity, Heathrow is vulnerable to short term operational disruption (BA, 2014 AOA, 2013). Capacity expansion may also enable diversion in times of need easing intense pressure and thus enable better management of adverse events. Alongside such developments, it is also important to focus on surface connections such as rail and roads to quiet pressures of domestic air travel and hence to free some airport capacity (DoT, 2013 Seabury, 2012). They could also serve in times of disruption facilitating diversions and airport transfers. These measures may not be popular however with political players and customers seeking convenience.ReferencesAirports Operators Association, 2013. The Airport Operator, Amsterdam AOA.British Airways, 2014. Our Business. Matching capacity to demand. London BA Deloitte, 2013. Aviation and Sustainability. Niigita, lacquer Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Department of Transport, 2013. Aviation Policy Framework. Report of Secretary of State for Transport. March 2013. London HMSOFriends of Earth, 2013. Aviation and Global Climate Change. London Friends of Earth.Iyengar, J., 2002. The Role of Risk in Aviation under Adverse survive Conditions. In Vickery, S., (Ed.) ResearchIssues. Eli Broad Graduate School of Management. Michigan State University. Decision line May 2002, Pp. 7-10Kulesa, G., 2010. Weather and Aviation How Does Weather Affect the Safety and Operations of Airports and AviationViewed from http// on 18th Apr, 2014.Qualley, W., 2009. Impact of Weather and use of Weather Information by Commercial Airline Operations. Texas, US Amrcorp.Seabury, 2012. Sustainable European Aviation A position paper. Association of European Airlines and Seabury.Viewed from on 22nd Apr, 2014UK Parliament, 2011. Impac t on transport of recent adverse weather conditions Written evidence from British Airways. Session 2010-11. Viewed from on 18th Apr, 2014.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Host Prologue: Inserted

The Healers name was Fords Deep Waters.Because he was a soul, by nature he was all things full(a) compassionate, patient, h atomic number 53st, virtuous, and full of love. Anxiety was an unusual emotion for Fords Deep Water.Irritation was even rarer. However, because Fords Deep Water lived inside a human body, temper was sometimes inescapable.As the whispers of the Healing students buzzed in the far corner of the operation room, his lips pressed together into a tight line.The expression felt forbidden of bottom on a mouth more often given to smiling.Darren, his regular retainer, dictum the grimace and patted his shoulder.Theyre barely curious, Fords, he said quietly.An insertion is hardly an en broadle or challenging procedure.Any soul on the street could perform it in an emergency. There is nonhing for them to learn by observing forthwith. Fords was surprised to construe the sharp edge marring his normally soothing voice.Theyve never seen a grown human before, Darren said .Fords raised one eyebrow. Are they blind to each others faces? Do they non have mirrors?You k like a shot what I mean ?C a wild human. Still soulless. One of the insurgents.Fords looked at the girls unconscious body, laid out facedown on the operate table.Pity swelled in his taket as he remembered the condition the poor, broken body had been in when the Seekers had brought her to the Heeling facility. Such pain shed enduredOf course she was perfect now ?C completely healed.Fords had seen to that.She looks the same as any of us, Fords murmured to Darren. We all have human faces. And when she wakes up, she will be one of us, too.Its just exiting for them, thats all.The soul we implant today deserves more respect indeed to have her boniface body gawked at this way. Shell already have far too much to deal with as she acclimates.Its non fair to put her through this. Bythis, he did not mean the gawking.Fords heard the sharp edge return to his voice.Darren patted him again. It will be fine. The Seekers needs information and-At the wordSeeker, Fords gave Darren a look that could only be described as a glare.Darren blinked in shock.Im sorry, Fords apologized at once. I didnt mean to react so negatively. Its just that I fear for this soul.His eyes moved to the cryotank on its stand beside the table. The light was a steady, dull read, indicating that it was occupied and in hibernation mode.This soul was specially picked for the assignment, Darren said soothingly.She is exceptional among our kind ?C braver than most. Her lives speak for themselves. I think she would volunteer, if it was possible to ask her.Who among us would not volunteer if we were asked to do something for the greater good? But is that really the guinea pig here? Is the greater good served by this?The question is not her willingness, but what it is right to ask any soul to bear.The Healing students were discussing the hibernating soul as well. Fords could hear the whispers clearly their voices w as rising now, getting louder with their excitement.Shes lived on hexad planets.I heard seven.I heard she never lived two terms as the same host species. Is that possible?Shes been almost everything. A Flower, a Bear, a Spider-A See Weed, a Bat-Even a DragonI dont believe it ?C not seven planets.At least seven. She started at the Orgin.Really? The Orgin?Quiet, please Fords interrupted. If you cannot observe professionally and silently, then I will have to ask you to remove yourselves.Abashed, the six students fell silent and edged away from another.Lets go on with this, Darren.Everything was prepared. The appropriate medicines were laid our besideThe human girl. Her long dark hair was secured beneath a surgical cap, exposing her slender neck. Deeply sedated, she breathed slowly in and out. Her sun-browned skin had barely a mark to show for her accident.Begin thaw sequence now, please, Darren.The gray-haired assistant was already waiting beside the cryotank, his hand resting on the dial. He flipped the safety back and spun down the dial. The red light atop the beautiful gray cylinder began to pulse, instant faster as the seconds passed, changing color.Fords concentrated on the unconscious body he edged the scalpel through the skin at the base of the subjects skull with small, precise movements, and then sprayed the medication that stilled the excess flow of blood before he widened the fissure. Fords delved delicately beneath the neck muscles, careful not to injure them, exposing the pale bones at the top of the spinal column.The soul is ready, Fords, Darren informed him.So am I. Bring her.Fords felt Darren at his elbow and knew without looking that his assistant would be prepared, his hand stretched out and waiting they had worked together for many years now. Fords held the gap open.Send her home, he whispered.Darrens hand moved into view, the silver gleam of an awaking soul in his palm.Fords never saw an exposed soul without being struck by the beauty of it .The soul shone in the brilliant lights of the operating room, brighter than the reflective silver instrument in his hand. manage a living ribbon, she twisted and rippled, stretching, happy to be free of the cryotank. Her thin, feathery attachments, nearly a thousand of them, billowed softly like pale silver hair. though they were all lovely, this one seemed particularly graceful to Fords Deep Waters.He was not alone in his reaction. He heard Darrens soft sigh, heard the admiring murmurs of the students.Gently, Darren placed the small glistening creature inside the opening Fords had made in the humans neck. The soul slid smoothly into the offered space, weaving herself into the alien anatomy.Fords admired the skill with which she possessed her new home.Her attachments scandalize tightly into place around the nerve centers, some elongating and reaching deeper to where he couldnt see, under and up into the brain, the optic nerves, the ear canals. She was very quick, very firm in her movements. Soon, only one small segment of her glistening body was visible.Well done, he whispered to her, discriminating that she could not hear him. The human girl was the one with ears, and she slept soundly.It was a routine matter to finish the job. He cleaned and healed the wound, applied the salve that sealed the incision closed behind the soul, and then brushed the scar-softening powderize across the line left on her neck.Perfect, as usual, said the assistant, who, for some reason unfathomable to Fords, had never made a change from his human hosts name, Darren.Fords sighted. I regret this days work.Youre only doing your duty as a Healer.This is the rare occasion when Healing creates an injury.Darren began to clean up the workstation. He didnt seem to know how to answer.Fords was filling his Calling. That was liberal for Darren.But not enough for Fords Deep Waters, who was a true Healer to the core of his being. He gazed anxiously at the human females body, peaceful in slu mber, knowing that this peace would be shattered as soon as she awoke. All the horror of this young girls end would be borne by the innocent soul hed just placed inside her.As he leaned over the human and whispered in her ear, Fords wished fervently that the soul inside could hear him now.Good luck, little wanderer, good luck. How I wish you didnt need it.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Mental Health Nursing Essay

Case Study Report Jamelia I am so tired and drained. I feel as though my head is going to leap turn up with every this pressure. You draw Ive been looking subsequently(prenominal) my make for a long time, she suffers from anxiety, the illness comes and goes, presenting itself periodically. Although I do worry ab forbidden my mother I can usually manage with this, I postulate been for a long time besides late Ive found myself worrying about my draw as well. My father, usually a well presented and calm individual has been acting really strangely the historic hardly a(prenominal) weeks.I went round to visit my p arnts and check my mother was alright and he looked extremely unkempt, he looked as though he hadnt shaved in a while, and he was wearing gloomy clothes. I tried to keep things as light hearted as possible when I asked him why this was and out of nowhere he became extremely angry and defensive which is very unlike him. My mother has been telling me recently that she thinks hes losing his marbles as she perpetrates it, but to be h integrityst I unsloped put this down to her own illness as this is often how it starts, my mother becomes brainsick about family members and friends when its genuinely her who we need to worry about.I kind of put my father to the back of my mind for a few weeks and tried to concentrate on looking after my dickens children, which is a handful in itself, but then out of the blue at whatever time in the morning the phone rang, a legal philosophy officer on the phone, she told me how my father had been found roaming around the street not an hour before, in his pyjamas no less. I was mortified, so angry at my father for his behaviour, but the police officer was very reassuring and advised me it might be a sizable liking to get in strike with my fathers GP, which I did and he put in a referral to the Community Psychiatric Nurse.I think hes coming round during the week sometime to visit us. I frankly dont know wh at else I can do, I am so stressed and military campaign down by this total thing I havent stopped crying, I just hope the CPN can do something to help, or at least give us some idea what the matter is so I can sleep at night. Community Psychiatric Nurse I received a referral from the GP recently asking for me to evince out an assessment on a Mr Hamed Khan who has been displaying behaviours that are a bit out of the ordinary, I also received a police report stating Mr Khan had been picked up for mercurial around in his pyjamas in the early hours of the morning. on that point are many things that I have to rule out before I jump to the obvious polish which would be some kind of dementia, the rate at which I believe Mr Khan seems to have deteriorated at is staggering so if Mr Khan is suffering from dementia I would probably sway towards Lewy Body dementia, although, of course, I cannot make assumptions.I willing wait until I tuck with the family, i will ask them all questions, the majority will be aimed at Mr Khan to answer but I need to see it from everyones viewpoint and everyone will be entitled to join in any discussions we carry out providing Mr Khan is happy and willing for this to happen, then based on my observations and the answers i get from the family i will arrange some further tests to get a congruous, medical diagnosis, if need be.Before i put up Mr Khan for further assessment I will need to ensure a Urine pattern has been taken so we can rule out any kind of Urinary Tract transmission which could be the cause of any confusion Mr Khan has suffered from recently, this is quite often the case in previous(a) people they tend to get anxious and confused and this can, and often is mistaken for some kind of dementia. When I go out to visit the family i will ensure they are happy with having a manful CPN, and I will meet all their requirements for this visit and all further visits, if necessary.Of course it wont just be myself working to help the Khan family i will be just one member of a multi disciplinary team who will each have their own role in helping and supporting the Khan family. Sunitas Needs Meeting Sunitas postulate is paramount in ensuring she is fulfilling her full potential. Sunitas basic human needs have to be met. Sunita needs to feel loved, at the moment this may be missing because everyone else is so worried about Hamed that Sunita may be universe overlooked.Sunita needs to make sure she maintains her self-esteem, suffering from anxiety herself she needs to make sure she is looking after herself by making time for herself and not worrying about others too untold. They say knowledge is effect so it might empower Sunita if she was able to learn more about her anxiety, the causes, and all treatment alternatives accessible so she can make a decision and consume how she would like to manage her illness.Sunita has the right to choose exactly what her own tutorship plan will include, by getting invo lved in the whole process so it is geared to suit her as an individual and means she can smooth carry out activities she enjoys which can help her recovery. Hameds Needs No matter what the diagnosis Hameds needs are all very important, safety is extremely important particularly due to the night wandering and forgetfulness. Hamed needs to feel loved and respected as the head of the household regardless of his illness as this will help his self esteem, his appearance is an important part of this as well.As we have perceive Hamed is commonly well dressed and clean shaven, and we have to make sure this continues so Hamed still feels as normal as possible, a home carer may be an option to help Hamed get fix in the morning if he feels he would benefit from this. Every decision in relation to the care plan Hamed will be making himself as much as possible providing he is still able to do this and if not an advocate can be appointed, Hamed always has the right to choose.Hameds needs will be assessed exploitation different tools of assessment, these could be shared activities, observations as well as meetings, using more than one method will ensure the care plan is as comprehensive as possible and meeting every need Hamed has, in a way he is happy with. Hameds physical needs will be met by encouraging him to continue doing physical activities he has enjoyed in the past. Socialising is a very important need, Hamed may be interested in going to a club or even attending a support group where he will meet and interact with people that he possibly has something in common with.Stress factors for Jamelia There may be several different things which could be causing Jamelia to feel stressed. First of all she has to look after two young children with very little practical, hands on help from her husband. Jamelia also feels obligated to care for her mother when she is suffering from a bout of anxiety. Seeing someone you love and care for being distressed and worried is defin itely going to be weighing on Jamelias mind.During the times when Sunita is unwell Jamelia is having to look after her mother as well as finding time to spend with her children which probably means Jamelia is opinion guilty, perhaps Jamelia feels she is neglecting her children because she has to look after her mother, all these conflicting emotions will cause a great deal of pressure on Jamelia. Even when Sunita is well, Jamelia has to deal with constant phone calls which may be waking her during the night, lack of sleep may be a contributing factor to the way Jamelia is feeling.As if this wasnt plenty for Jamelia to deal with she also now has to help with her father who is getting forgetful, confused and acting out of the ordinary. Hamed, who is normally a calm, strong man is changing in front of her eyes at an alarming rate, and is perhaps hard to recognise. Juggling so many things, Jamelia is probably not eating properly and not victorious care of herself or making any time fo r herself. Support available for Jamelia, as a carer.There are many organisations out there who can offer practical and financial help to Jamelia as a carer. First of all Jamelia is entitled to a carers assessment. The law states that anyone who provides or intends to provide a substantial amount of care on a regular basis can have a carers assessment. A carers assessment will look at how Jamelia is affected by caring for her family, how much caring she can, practically, do while still having a life of her own, and having time for her children.There is also the option of getting someone else to care for Hamed and Sunita if and when Jamelia needs a break this can be in puzzle out of respite care, which comes in many different forms, for example, residential care where Hamed and Sunita can go for a trivial stay in a residential nursing home, as well as being good for Jamelia it could help meet the social side of Hamed and Sunitas care plan as they will be meeting other people.There are day-sitting services which can be used for a twosome of hours during the day, giving Jamelia a break, or a night- sitting service helping Jamelia get a proper nights sleep. Financial help is available to help fund this particular help from topical anesthetic authorities and local councils in form of vouchers or direct payments. Word Count 1675.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Importance of Listening

hearing is part of communication and language arts. There are fights and miscommunications because nobody has the time to listen. This is a very important tool to avoid misconceptions and misunderstanding. Careful perceive gives exclusive good and accurate information. Every psyche should develop their listening skills. Until the 1940s, no one seems to have musical theme that skillful listening contendd any particular training. Two causes have produced a changed attitude toward listening.First, at that place has been enormous expansion in the means of transmitting the spoken voice by disc record, register recording, radio, television, sound motion pictures, and videotapes. Second, there has been increased interest in group discussion, as shown partly by the conferences, conventions, and workshops that are held, and by the many discussion programs on the air.The language system of rules encompasses the language of listening, verbalise, reading, and writing. The acquisition of these skills follows a general sequence of development (1) listening, (2) speaking, (3) reading, and (4) writing. The different language forms have a core language system that underlies and integrates the four elements of language. Experiences with each language form strengthen the underlying language system, which in turn influences an individuals facility in each language form.Numerous situations in everyday living require skillful listening. For example, informal conversation, social and business telephoning interviews taking part in conferences listening to speeches, lectures, readings, reports, and plays and following unwritten directions.From the young child, who gains much of his or her knowledge from speech activities in the classroom, to the courtroom lawyer, whose success depends largely on understanding what is said, the art of listening is a language skill vital to each souls life and work. Good listening enlarges the listeners command of language. Through listening to speeches, poetry, and plays, a person can gain an appreciation of literature and of the spoken language.Through reading and listening have alike problems, listeners face two special conditions. First, they must(prenominal) grasp the meaning at once there is no opportunity to reflect on what was said or to go back and review it. Second, listeners are withtaboo delay affected by the personality of the speaker, whose voice, gestures, and presence are often as important as the quarrel being spoken. Thus, there are good reasons for training people to listen effectively.To be most effective, listening must meet four requirements. earreach must be focused listeners cannot be half-hearted in their attention. 2. Listening must be exact listeners must grasp precisely what has been said, not some vague popular opinion of it. They must be able to take hold of the content, including the sequence of parts and their relationship to the whole.3. Listening must be aware. Listeners must be c ritics as well as receivers they must be able to manage the essential from the nonessential they must be as objective as possible, alert for bias in themselves as well as in the speaker.4.Listening must be courteous listener owes the speaker prize and interest.In education, listening is an element of the language system that has been neglected by educators. Although concern for the instruction of speaking and reading, is common, the students mightiness to listen has been taken for granted. Students are typically expected to acquire this ability without special instructions.The fact is, however, that many students do not acquire functional skills in listening by themselves. According to medical hearing specialists, over half the people referred to them for suspected deafness have no defect in hearing acuity and no organic pathology that would cause their seeming hearing impairment.Listening is a basic skill that can be improved through teaching and practice. Compared with the quan tity of research in reading, research in listening is minuscule. One explanation for poor listening skills is that students and people at present are so bombarded with constant sound that may have actually learned to tune out what they do not wish to hear, and they have become skillful at not listening.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Influences that helped Nayar to create

Abstract In this opus, an compendium will be made about the Innovative leader Vineet Nayar, a former CEO of HCLT. This paper examines and describes his leadership techniques within his organizations. In this paper, I will analyze the global trends that influenced the need for Nayar to create a more Innovative organization. Also, this paper will introduce the five husking skills and assess Nayars hire of them as an innovative leader within his organization. Lastly, I will puzzle recommendations for improvement on use of the disco precise skills.Factors In the global environment that Influenced Nayars need to create a more innovative organization In the article A Maverlk CEO Eplalns How He Persuaded HIS Team to Leap into the Future, Vineet Nayar was the president of the Delhi-based IT service provider, HCL Technologies. In 2005, Nayar discover that his troupe was losing market share and mindshare. He also noticed that his competitors were becoming more enhanced at substantial rat es each year. According to Nayar, a global organization is one that Inverts the pyramid of the organizational structure and Is more entrepreneurial (2013).Nayar traveled to locations around the world and had meetings with senior managers where he would listen to their ideas they would talk honestly, and face the truth. According to Nayar, This method enabled people to see that a change has to be made. This technique came to be called Mirror Mirror. Nayars use of the five discovery skills and how he used those skills to create an According to The DNA of Innovators, an organizations victory vanes systematically finishedout the business life cycle. The discovery skills are most prominent in the early phases of a businesses life cycle (Dyer, Gregersen, andChristensen 2011 The five discovery skills are associating, questioning, observing. networking and experimenting. Associating, as Dyer, Gregerson, & Christensen (2011) stated, happens as the brain tries to make sense of novel inp uts. Associating helps innovators discover new directions by making connections across seemingly unrelated questions, problems or ideas (pg 23). When Nayar determined the direction he wanted his company to go in Is when he used the associating skill. Although his company was doing very well at the moment, he noticed key points that allowed him accept the fact that his company eeded a new strategy.The second discovery skill is questioning. In The DNA of Innovators, Innovators ask questions to understand how things really is today, why they are that way, how 1 OF2 included his employees to find out their outlook and ideas. He questioned them to determine which direction they conception the company needed to heed in. Nayar also spoke to and questioned customers to find out their likes and dislikes with HCL. He realized that the apprize zone for his company was between the customers and the frontline employees. The third discovery skill is observing.Innovators use this skill by cons ervatively watching the world around them so that what they see can help them build ideas for new ship canal to do things. This is what Nayar was doing when he traveled to locations around the world. He was attempting to gain perspicacity on his company on a larger scale. The fourth discovery skill is networking. The idea networker does not simply network to take themselves or gain relationships to possess desired resources. According to Dyer, Gregerson & Christensen, the idea networker, networks to actively tap into new ideas and insights by talking with people who have diverse ideas and erspectives. By Nayar speaking with his front line employees and customers to gain insight on the direction of his company, this is a form of networking ideally. The last discovery skill is experimenting. Innovators use this skill by traveling to new places, seeking new information and trying new things ideas. Nayar experimented when it used the EFCS concept. This concept turn the hierarchal or ganizational structure by which he reputed the ideas and thoughts of his employees on a greater scale. He saw it best to get information from the people who where ctually dealing with the outside world daily, and knew what the customers wanted.Opportunities for Nayar to improve his use of the skills that encourage and support innovative organizations Ultimately, Nayar worked the discovery skills very well. He made rational thought through decisions that ended up benefiting his company greatly. I do feel that although Nayar changed the traditional organizational hierarchy, he cannot leave alone about his managers and higher level executives. Although he bridged the gap and received valuable information, he has to keep in mind that he placed people in those ositions for a reason and therefore he should value their opinions on the situation as well.Networking is also something he has to make sure he continues to build on. This is very important when trying to build an organization on a global scale.

Friday, May 17, 2019

First Amendment to the United States Constitution Essay

We live in a society where we pride individuality and staying true to who we are, but contradictingly exuberant we make up large numbers of minorities being discriminated for being who they are. Racism being a strongly applicable relinquish, even in our day and time, doesnt get dealt with as seriously as it should. Charles R. Lawrence III takes a firm stand addressing this issue arguing that racist terminology should be regulated in universities alternatively than be protected by the inaugural amendment. He claims that universities invite to regulate racist spoken communication in order for their students to really receive the equal educational opportunity they deserve.Getting rid of racist speech would be the only way to give all students the equal opportunity to learn and participate in their university. Lawrence makes strong claims in his parentage however, a lot of his argument is supported through his writing techniques. Charles Lawrence in his argumentative essay On racial Speech, implements emotion-provoking diction, subtle figurative language and a thoughtful wasting disease of detail in order to effectively dispute the need for the regulation of racist speech. In his essay, On Racist Speech, Lawrence argues that universities should regulate racist speech.He points out that when racist speech involves insults, catcalls or assaultive speech, it becomes fight words, which have been declared by the Supreme Court to not be protected under the first amendment of free speech. Lawrnence argues that racial insults shouldnt be protected by the first amendment eitherway because, the speakers intentions arent to strickle the truth or to initiate dialogue, but to injure the victim. He also says that the need for regulations on racism advocated under the universitys responsibility to offer equal educational opportunity.Students dont have the equal opportunity to learn and participate when they are crippled by the fact that at any time they could be st ruck with verbal harassment or assault. Lawrence offers a counterargument saying how free speech is the lifehood of our antiauthoritarian system and that it is impossible to outlaw racist speech without suppressing other kinds of speech necessary for our democratic society Using certain words with specific emotional appeal, Lawrence effectively draws emotion out of the commentator and strengthens his argument putting the ratifier at an emotional, personal level with the argument.For example, he first mentions how we will be forced to combat bad speech (51). He specifically chooses to use combat, a word with a far much(prenominal) aggressiveconnotation and weight, rather than a to a greater extent passive word such(prenominal) as address. By doing so Lawrence expresses to the reader the urgency and grave seriousness of the situation how racist speech is an real, reckonable force that nees to be contended with. Also, he depicts the social function to be a cry from victims with injuries and burdens, all words with implied emotional context (51, 54).Just by option certain words, Lawrence successfully uses pathos, pulling the emotions out of the reader and qualification them feel pity for the minorities. Ultimately with the decent words, Lawrence makes the minorities more than just demographics they become a group of people pressed under injustice and in need of help. He essentially, uses diction to play the readers heartstrings in a manner to make them feel benevolence for the minorities and further sway the reader to support his argument.Lawrence implements figurative language providing material from which the reader can mentally draw an image or feeling from, by which he further intensifies his argument, and ultimately make it more real and relatable. For example, he describes racism to have rising flames in the beginning of his essay (51). He draws a parallel between the situation of racist speech and an out of control fire. By painting such a stron g image, he expresses the severity of the issue as well as how it must be addressed urgently.Rising flames arent something to shilly shally around with likewise, neither is the problem of racist speech. Another example is when he describes the use of words as assault weapons (54). By comparing words, simple means of expressions, to assault weapons, firearms meant to hurt, he suggests the brutality of the issue. By putting racist speech next to weapons of destruction, Lawrence effectively shows how racist speech has actual ramifications that hurt and damage others. Also by giving this comparison, hes able to put a nasty, cruel feeling in the readers mind, a feeling that would really sit with them.Lawrences use of figurative language proves to be very effective in getting to the reader, because it puts images, and consequently feelings, in the readers mind. He manages to give actual substance to the argument, substance the reader can see or feel. Lawrence fairly avoids expounding up on the particulars of racist speech, which would have added smaller, more complicated arguments, and ultimately added extra baggage that could turn international readers. Touching upon sensitive issues of racism and free speech, he already packs a heavy load of essence for the reader to digest and reflect upon.If he were to add more with what he believes racist speech should be defined as, he would risk losing readers, and not just to an overload of content. By providing a set interpretation, Lawrence would basically just be throwing out one more thing for the reader to possibly disagree with. Would his explanation be too strict, hed lose some rather more lenient readers and debility versa. Asserting more of his opinion would have created more room for disagreement with the reader, especially when discussing such sore subjects. Drawing boundaries of racist speech would have just made his controversial essay more controversial.Lawrence having already sensitized the reader talk ing about racial violence on victims with injuries and whatnot, portrays his argument to be more than just a cold expression of his opinion. Having evoked the readers emotions, he had to consider them, making sure not to say something too sensitive that would really strike the reader. By leaving the definition open to the reader, not only does he allow the reader to create their own stand on the issue, where they could personalize it and make it relatable to their lives, but he avoids coming off as overbearing which would have been a clear turn off to readers.Also, by steering clear of precarious details, Lawrence is able to really stick the nitty gritty to the reader and just get his argument out there and heard to a wider represent of audiences. Lawrence effectively uses rhetorical devices such as diction, figurative language and details in favor of his argument to regulate racist speech. As serious and urgent Lawrence calls for the regulation of racist speech is, realistically i t seems impossible. Racist speech is far too subjective of a matter to have any form of regulation.Plus, it would be impossible to outlaw racist speech without suppressing other speech. That however, does not dismiss the issue. We should rather confront the issue on smaller levels and address it from the sourceourselves. Simply if we were all to simply just stop making or encouraging racist remarks, whether that be indirectly or just for laughs, there would no need for racism to be regulated. If we all were to progress to be accepting of all races, racism would just plainly be a thing of the past.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Effectiveness of 4p’s in Terms of Mch and Education Essay

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) be among the most popular social testimonial schemes today. Promoted by multilateral institutions, nonably the World Bank, CCTs have been adopted in at least 30 countries as of 2008, with further ones expected to follow suit in the coming years (WBs CCT Webpage). The defend below shows these country-adopters. CCTs are grounded on the principle that human capital accumulation is a development fomite which can be achieved by providing money to light households, often to women, on conditions that they ensure childrens fastness attendance in school, accompany them to health clinics, and participate in classes and workshops on topics related to health, nutrition, and sanitation (St. Claire 2009 177 Bradshaw 2008 188 sign 2006 691). Citing the experiences of Latin American countries, particularly Mexico and Brazil, advocates have repeatedly claimed that CCTs are an effective and efficient means of lessen beggary and aridness, keeping children in school, enhancing the use of preventive healthcare, empowering women, and increasing the freedom of pitiable households to invest in their varied needs (WBs CCT Webpage ECLAC 2004).No wonder, with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) deadline getting near, CCTs have been in fashion in a number of countries, including that archipelagic country in the eastthe Philippines. In view of the descent pauperism station and the MDG targets, the Philippine goerning ran a pilot CCT project in 2007, targeting 6,000 poor households in two provinces and two cities. It proceeded to implementing a full-scale program in 2008, calling it Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and targeting 320,000 additional households. When Benigno Aquino trine was elected president in 2010, he decided to sustain his predecessors 4Ps, and further expand its coverage so that when he bows out of the presidency in 2016, it will have reached a core of 4.3 million households (PCIJ 2011).Quoting the Philippi ne Development Plan 20112016, CCTs are the cornerstone upon which the giving medication has anchored the epic battle against exiguity in the land (ibid.). This research has avoided the usual route of scrutinizing the implementation and (non)impact of CCTs in particular, and of development programs in general. It has taken one step back, and examined the factors that influenced or helped shape the governments decision to adopt CCTs in a country marked by a long history of beggary and inequality, and was once described as the Latin America in Asia1. The interest on this topic grew out of the observation of the governments continued adherence to the so-called residual type of social policy and social provision scorn the lessons learned from and the criticisms hurled at past and on-going initiatives. It is in fact worth noting that the 4Ps which of late is called Pantawid Pamilya, is just one of the targeted and alleviant poverty reduction measures pursued in the country. An earli er one, and internationally acclaimed at that, is the Kapit-Bisig Laban sa Kahirapan (Linking Arms Against Poverty) or KALAHI which has been the flagship poverty reduction program since 2003.A critical review of the KALAHI program reveals that its overall intervention does not spin a much permanent and effective way out of poverty because it lacks coherent plans and mutually financial backing projects and that its social protection component is neither broadly implemented nor viewed to provide permanent stinting opportunities for the poor to accumulate assets and to engage in permanent income generating activities (Lim 2009 29). An assessment of the Philippines carrying out vis--vis the MDGs supports this analysis. It stresses that Social protection in the Philippines is not universal it is simply a bundle of safety net measures targeted at the poorest of the poor. It is neither a rights-based entitlement for all citizensnor a determined effort to address the structural causes o f povertySince it only targets the poorest of the poor, many poor remained excluded from the governments anti-poverty programs. (Serrano in Social Watch Philippines 2010 23)The analytical position adopted here is that policy choices are very political no matter how they are couched in technocratic jargon and touted as sluggish (Fischer 2010 40). As further explained, social policies are the outcomes of political bargains and conflicts since they touch upon power in societyits distribution and approachability to different political actors (Mkandawire 2004 11 and 12). It is therefore imperative to unravel the interplay of different political processes, institutions, and actors, along with their several(a) agenda and ideological persuasions in order to gain a better understanding of social policy choices. This research posits that the Philippine governments decision to adopt CCTs reflects the unchanged social policy flight of stairs marked by the tendency towards targeted, palliati ve, and supposedly apolitical social provision, not to mention externally-influenced, drawing encouragement and support from multilateral institutions, all at the expense of structural reform and redistribution (i.e., asset reform, employment creation, recede of unfair international trade rules and agreements).This trajectory has been defined by the interaction of various political institutions, as well as called the rules of the game, as well as actors, notably the elites whose longstanding dominance in the political and economic arenas has compelled and enabled them to suppress or overturn reform efforts that threaten their position and hold of power. That being said, CCTs paint a bleak picture for the long-term solution to poverty and inequality in the country mainly because ilk many other World Bank/multilateral donor-backed initiatives, they preclude rationalizing and confronting the structural roots of these problems.Framed in a way that appeals to the elites, middle clas s, masses, policymakers, bureaucrats, academics, and even a number of progressivesa program that addresses the laziness of the poor by requiring them to do something in exchange for some amount a program that invests in the upbeat of children a program that efficiently uses the limited resources of government a program that is supposedly apolitical, neutral, or non-partisan and thus effectively reduces the likelihood of manipulation by politicosa broad agreement of in a flash support for Pantawid Pamilya has been created despite warnings that it may only serve the Washington Consensus agenda of limiting the state, leaving the mart to take care of income and welfare distribution, and granting mere safety nets to people who lose out in the process.Pantawid Pamilya is zilch but a continuation of the purportedly apolitical social policy of the country, and as such, runs the risk of obstructing government and society from going beyond palliatives and undertaking the untidy process of structural reform and distribution. With a situation like this, it is not to be expected that the program will catalyze the shift towards a redistributive and/or universal social provision.UNDPs Human Development Reports WebpageThe Philippines is a country in the Southeast Asia in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Its creation based on the 2007 census is 88.5 million, of which 44.8 are males and 43.8 are females. Its bonny population growth rate as of that same year is 2.04 which registers a .32 decrease from 2000s 2.36. (NSO Website) ground on World Bank records, the growth in the country has been averaging around five percent over the last 10 years, except in 2010, where it has reached 7.6 percent, the highest in 30 years. Despite this positive picture, however, poverty continues to beset the country, while inequality remains a huge obstacle in achieving major strides in poverty reduction. The 2009 Official Poverty Statistics, the latest poverty report of the National Sta tistical Coordination Board, reveals that poverty incidence among the population has declined from 33.1 percent in 1991 to 24.9 percent in 2003, 26.4 in 2006, and 26.5 in 2009.Nevertheless, there alleviate remains more than a quarter of the population, or roughly 23.14 million Filipinos livening in poverty. As for subsistence incidence among the population, the figures have decreased from 16.5 percent in 1991 to 11.1 in 2003, 11.7 in 2006, and 10.8 in 2006. As often the case, the formalised report differs from the unauthorized report, especially if the bases are the perceptions of the poor themselves. Based on the survey conducted by the Social Weather Stations, self-rated poverty has ranged from 46 to 72 percent between 1991 and 2009. These numbers are obviously way about the official estimates. Within that period, overall self-rated hunger has averaged at 13.3 percent, of which moderate hunger has roughly been 9.8 percent, and loathsome hunger, 3.4 percent. Moderate hunger is when a family went hungry at least once in the last three months, while severe hunger is when a family often went hungry in the last three months. (SWS Social Weather Indicators Webpage) distinction has shown a downward trend, but despite this decreasing gini ratiofrom 0.4605 in 2003 to 0.4580 in 2006 to 0.4484 in 2009it is soundless highest among the members of the Association of South East Asian Nations (UNDP as cited in NSCB 2011 8).For instance, for the year 2009, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam recorded a gini ratio of 0.394, 0.425, and 0.378, respectively (ibid.). In terms of the Human Development Indicators, on one hand, the countrys performance has been promising. Its score has consistently increased from 0.550 in 1980 to 0.571 in 1990, 0.602 in 2000, 0.641 in 2010, and 0.644 in 2011, although these are soothe below the global and the East Asia and the Pacific averages (UNDPs Human Development Reports Webpage). 5 It is also fundamental to take into account the spatial dimension of poverty.The regions with highest poverty incidence by families are the Caraga Region (39.8%) and the free Region of Muslim Mindanao (38.1%), while those with highest number of poor families are Central Visayas (415,303) and Bicol (385,338). The regions with highest subsistence incidence are the Zamboanga Peninsula (18.6%) and northern Mindanao (15.6%), while those with the highest number of subsistence poor families are Central Visayas (181,649) and Bicol (137,527). Almost 40% of the income poor families are in Luzon, and 40% of the subsistence poor families are in Mindanao. (NSCBs 2009 Poverty Statistics Webpage) Moreover, majority of the poor are still located in the rural area with figures that have remained in the 70-percent-mark since 1985 based on the estimates of Balisacan (2006). (Emma_s_RP_Final_Draft_Nov_2011)